肿瘤康复网 > 耳垂瘢痕瘤 L keloma of ear lobe英语短句 例句大全

耳垂瘢痕瘤 L keloma of ear lobe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-10 01:05:21


耳垂瘢痕瘤,L keloma of ear lobe

1)L keloma of ear lobe耳垂瘢痕瘤

2)Hypertrophic scar of ear lobe耳垂增殖性瘢痕

3)Scar of earlobe耳垂瘢痕疙瘩

4)Scar of earlobe/drug ther耳垂瘢痕疙瘩/药物治疗

5)vertical scar垂直瘢痕

1.In 1986 Han Jianqun reported the inferior pedicle reduction mammaplasty withoutvertical scar.1986年韩建群报道了无垂直瘢痕的下蒂瓣乳房缩小成形术。


1.Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty Without Vertical Scar;无垂直瘢痕的下蒂瓣乳房缩小成形术

2.Vertical Expander Placement into Small Incision of Face and Neck Scar:Clinical Observation of 40 Cases面颈部瘢痕小切口垂直扩张器置入40例临床观察

3.Application of Skin Expander Implanted under Scars to Treating Scars on Body Surface瘢痕下直接扩张术治疗体表中小面积瘢痕

4.Scar: Mark left on the skin after a wound heals.瘢痕: 伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。

5.There are two commonly clinical types of excessive scaring, hypertrophic and keloid scar.增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩是临床上常见的病理性瘢痕。

6.Method: 79 cases with HTS of auricular lobule were analyzed on the methods of perforation and the varieties of ear-jewelry (earrings etc.) ,and were treated with surgery and radiation therapy.方法 :分析 79例耳垂瘢痕患者的穿孔方法与配戴的耳饰 ,用手术加放射治疗。

7.Removal of Vertical Scratches in Old Movie Film by Using Wavelet Decomposition;基于小波分解的电影胶片垂直划痕修复的研究

8.tracheobronchial cicatricial stricture气管支气管瘢痕狭窄

9.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Abnormal Scars with Asiaticoside Injection into Abnormal Scars;积雪甙瘢痕内注射治疗病理性瘢痕的临床研究

10.Expression of Tenascin-C in Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars;Tenascin-C在瘢痕疙瘩和增生性瘢痕中的表达

11.Clinical analysis of keloids with intralesional excision and immediate postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy瘢痕内切除后即时放疗治疗瘢痕疙瘩临床分析

12.A scar may overgrow into a ke1oid.伤痕可能变得过大而成为瘢痕疙瘩。

13.Expression of Apoptosis-related Antigens of HS in Relatively Resting Period and K and Effects of Related Factor;相对静息期增生性瘢痕、瘢痕疙瘩瘢痕凋亡相关抗原的表达及相关因素的影响

14.Something vertical, as a line, plane, or circle.垂直物垂直的东西,比如垂直线,垂直面或垂直圆

15.The Inhibited Effect of Compound Traditional Chinese Medicine Unguent on Hypertrophic Scar in Rabbit Ears;外用中药瘢痕膏抑制兔耳增生性瘢痕的实验研究

16.The Expression of HGF in Normal Skin,Hypertrophic Scar and Keloid;肝细胞生长因子在正常皮肤、增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩中的表达

17.Expression of iNOS, c-fos and 5-HT in Abnormal Scars and Their Relationship with Itching or Painful of Abnormal Scarring Scars;病理性瘢痕中iNOS、c-fos、5-HT的表达及其与瘢痕增生和痛痒的关系

18.The Experimental Study of Compound Salvia Unguent Inhibit Hypertrophic Scar in Rabbits Wound Healing;复方丹参瘢痕膏在兔唇创口中抑制瘢痕增生的实验研究


Hypertrophic scar of ear lobe耳垂增殖性瘢痕

3)Scar of earlobe耳垂瘢痕疙瘩

4)Scar of earlobe/drug ther耳垂瘢痕疙瘩/药物治疗

5)vertical scar垂直瘢痕

1.In 1986 Han Jianqun reported the inferior pedicle reduction mammaplasty withoutvertical scar.1986年韩建群报道了无垂直瘢痕的下蒂瓣乳房缩小成形术。




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