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耳闷胀感 sensation of ear fullness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-04 23:05:20


耳闷胀感,sensation of ear fullness

1)sensation of ear fullness耳闷胀感

1.Methods 46 cases of sensorineural hearing loss with thesensation of ear fullness as well as the tympanogram A were recruited,their audiometric patterns were analyzed retrospectively.目的探讨以耳闷胀感为主要症状的感音神经性聋患者的临床特征。

2)perceptual depression感性苦闷

3)a feeling of oppression郁闷之感

4)feel gloomy感到愁闷


1.I was sick at heart when the foreman wouldn"t let me have the afternoon off because I was looking forward to going to my son"s school sports day.领班不让我下午请假,我感到愁闷不安,因为我一直期待着去参加我儿子的校运动会的日子。

2.He moped to school gloomy and sad,汤姆满脸愁容,闷闷不乐地来到学校。

3.I like to go out for a long walk when I feel anxious, it helps me to work off steam.我感到忧虑时,喜欢出去长时间的散步,这样有助于我消除愁闷。

4.I go out for a long walk when I feel anxious; it helps me to work off steam.我感到忧虑时,就外出长时间的散步,这样有助于我消愁解闷。

5.He went out, dark and destroyed.他闷闷不乐地走了出去,感到被毁灭了。

6.I was oppressed with the intense heat.我因酷热而感到郁闷。

7.No distraction could come to his aid;他没有消闷解愁的方法。

8.her disconsolate face她闷闷不乐的脸 [她的愁容]

9.The condition of feeling sad or despondent.忧愁,沮丧感到伤心,失望的样子

10.I can feel the sadness of my people.我可以感受到我子民们的忧愁。”

11.I dare say you"re dull at home.我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。

12.The dead level of the grassland made us quite tedious.大草原上千篇一律,我们感到很沉闷。

13.Burns made no answer: I wondered at her silence.彭斯没有回答,我对她的沉默感到纳闷。

14.Modern architecture depresses me.现代的建 设计使我感到很憋闷.

15.He felt melancholy after he failed the exam.这次考试没通过, 他感到很郁闷。

16.Was she unhappy? Any unfortunate entanglements?她是否感到闷闷不乐?有没有那种倒霉的纠缠不清的事情?

17.A merely seeming swiftness of our vessel will keep him dumb.如果我们的航船稍微有点摇晃,他就会感到闷闷不乐。

18."I make so many beginnings", he said dolefully.“我有过那么多新开端,”他愁闷地说道。


perceptual depression感性苦闷

3)a feeling of oppression郁闷之感

4)feel gloomy感到愁闷


1.The Introduction of Experiance of Li Ying to TreatingErzhang-erbi;李莹教授治疗耳胀耳闭经验

6)I feel suffocated.我感到很闷。



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