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胞囊 Cyst英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-02 16:00:25




1.Dynamics of Fungal Colonization onCyst in Rotation and Continuous Cropping of Soybean轮作和连作田大豆胞囊线虫胞囊上真菌定殖动态

2.An immobile freshwater dinophyceaous algaCystodinium balaviense Klebs belonging to Phytodinales was found in a little humus pool from Hubei province,China.其营养细胞近新月形,腹部轻微隆起;每个细胞产生两个裸甲藻型的动孢子,动孢子再直接发育成一个新个体;环境不适时可形成静孢子或胞囊(Cyst);静孢子近球形,由营养细胞收缩形成;球形的胞囊由原生质发育而来,位于母细胞壁内,外壁具“环形山”状的附属物。

3.Cysts of soybean cyst nematode were used to screen parasitic germ.从黑龙江省安达市大豆胞囊线虫病已发生自然衰退的大豆田中采集土样,采用淘洗过筛法,滤纸片保湿培养法,从大豆胞囊线虫胞囊上共分离到生防菌株78株,其中真菌54株,细菌24株。


1.A benign cystic lesion resembling a tumor, occurring in a tendon sheath or joint capsule.腱鞘囊肿类似肿瘤的一种良性胞囊损伤,产生于腱鞘或联合囊内

2.A small bladderlike one-seeded indehiscent fruit, as in the amaranth.胞果,胞囊如(?属植物中的)小的囊状的只有一粒种子的不开裂的果实

3.Dynamics of Fungal Colonization on Cyst in Rotation and Continuous Cropping of Soybean轮作和连作田大豆胞囊线虫胞囊上真菌定殖动态

4.A small bladderlike cell or cavity.疱,囊一个类似疱状的小细胞或囊

5.Follicular cell implantation for induce hair follicle growth in nude mice毛囊细胞移植法诱导毛囊的初步研究

6.Hair Follicles Organ Culture、Cill Culture and Researches on Hair Follicle Stem Cells;毛囊器官培养、毛囊细胞培养和毛囊干细胞的相关研究

7.the process in which a gastrula develops from a blastula by the inward migration of cells.由于细胞向内移动囊胚形成胚囊或肠胚的过程。

8.Construct Tissue Engineering Skin with Hair Follicle by Hair Follicle Cells;毛囊细胞构建毛囊化组织工程皮肤的研究

9.Preliminary Studies on the Mechanism of Hepatocytes "Disappearance" on Hepatic Hydatid Disease;囊型肝包虫囊周肝细胞“消失”机制的初步研究

10.Study of gallbladder epithelial cell proliferative activity in contracted cholesystitis;萎缩性胆囊炎胆囊上皮细胞增殖活性的研究

11.A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.小囊,椭圆囊位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半规管相连

12.Gametangium (pl. gametangia) A cell or organ in which sexual cells (gametes) are produced.配子囊(配偶子囊):由性细胞(配子)产生的细胞或器官。

13.Production and Cryopreserved of Microencapsulation Cells and the Culture of Microencapsulation Embryonic Stem Cells;微囊化细胞的制备冻存及微囊化胚胎干细胞的培养

14.The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.囊性肾细胞癌的癌细胞内为透明的胞浆,细胞核小而深染。

15.bursa-dependent lymphocyte腔上囊依赖淋巴细胞 -鸟类的B淋巴细胞

16.In order to fuse, intracellular vesicles have to move within the cell.为了融合,细胞内的囊泡必须在细胞内运动。

17.Isolation of embryonic stem cells from inner cell mass of porcine blastocysts由猪囊胚内细胞团分离胚胎干细胞的研究

18.Study of Intracellular Transport and Exocytosis of Vesicles Using Fluorescence Microscopy;以荧光显微技术研究细胞内囊泡转运和胞吐






6)Vesicular exocytosis囊泡胞吐


胞饮作用和胞吞作用胞饮作用和胞吞作用pinocy tosis and endocytosis吸收膜外吸附的溶液或物质.例如大分子或分子的聚集体(moleeular aggregates),如图所示。一般胞饮作用是指以这种方式吸收液体徽滴的过程,胞吞作用是指吸收大分子或分子聚集体的过程,但有时也用胞饮作用或胞吞作用泛指通过质膜内陷吸收膜外所吸附的物质的过程。通常这种过程在矿质养分吸附中的作用不大,但胞饮作用或胞吞作用为大分子的吸收提供了一种可能的机理。(饶立华)胞饮作用和胞吞作用(pinocy‘0515 and“n-docytosis)细胞外的液体徽滴或物质吸附在质腆上,通过质膜内陷形成小囊泡而被消化吸收的过程。电镜观察的资料证明植物根可以通过质膜内陷的方式脆饮作用及胞吞作用示意图(a)质膜外吸附大分子及液滴,(b)质膜在吸附大分子及液滴的部位内陷.(c)质膜内陷部位形成的小t泡进入细胞质,(d)小续泡膜溶解。其内含物转移到细胞质中

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