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会厌囊肿 Epiglottic cyst英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-28 16:25:19


会厌囊肿,Epiglottic cyst

1)Epiglottic cyst会厌囊肿

1.Clinical study of radio-frequency and marsupialization in epiglottic cyst under self-retaining laryngoscope;支撑喉镜下射频加囊肿揭盖术治疗会厌囊肿的临床研究

2)epiglottis neoplasms会厌肿瘤

3)abscess of epiglottis会厌脓肿

4)edema of epiglottis会厌水肿

1.A gastroscopy showed markededema of epiglottis.胃镜提示会厌水肿明显。


1.The Application ofEpiglottis and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Periost Valves on Repairing laryngotracheal Stenosis;会厌及胸锁乳突肌肌骨膜瓣修复喉气管狭窄

2.To explore the surgical procedures of benign tumors of radix linguae and epiglottis through the approach of oral cavity, under direct or sustained laryngoscope, 3 patients with lymphangioma, 8 with hemangioma and 17 with epiglottis cyst were subjected to the treatment of microwave and the outcomes were analyzed.为探讨舌根 -会厌部良性肿瘤经口腔径路的手术治疗方法 ,对舌根淋巴管瘤 3例、血管瘤 8例、会厌囊肿 17例在直接喉镜或支撑喉镜下采用微波进行热凝、气化治疗。


1.God grows weary of great kingdoms, but never of little flowers.神对于那些大帝国会感到厌恶,却决不会厌恶那些小小的花朵。

2.Nah. I"d get bored with it.不。天天这样旅行我会厌烦的。

3.③the lamella of laryngolpharyngeal cavity(epiglottis cartilage was just appeared).③喉咽腔层面 (会厌软骨刚刚显示的层面 )。

4.You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻的气味。

5.That was a wearisome meeting.那是个令人生厌的会议。

6.Much wants more and loses all.贪得无厌就会失去一切。

7.My society would not be disagreeable.我同去不会惹人讨厌。

8.The long meeting wore on me.冗长的会议使我厌倦。

9.You hate yourself, and hate to be complicated or to be an ass-kisser.很快你就会讨厌自己,讨厌自己的复杂和世故。

10.Does baggy clothes irk your parents?穿松垮垮的衣服会不会让你父母讨厌?

11.The novelty will soon pall on them.那种新奇不久就会使他们感到厌倦。

12.I dread going to big parties.我讨厌去参加盛大的宴会。

13.Mrs. Wu suggested in a persuasive tone of voice now that her husband"s rage seemed to have died down. "In a few days she"ll have had enough and then she"ll come running back!"过几天她厌了,自然会回来的

14.It"s OK, but sometimes I get bored.还好,但有时也会感到厌烦。

15.I hate the crowd on the way home from concert.我很讨厌演奏会后回家的?上人群拥挤。

16.His greediness for material comforts will one day bring him to justice.他如此贪贿无厌, 终会受到法律制裁的。

17.we live in an accumulative society.我们生活在一个贪得无厌的社会里。

18.Her detestation and disgust must have found voice.她一定会发泄她的厌恶和憎恨的。


epiglottis neoplasms会厌肿瘤

3)abscess of epiglottis会厌脓肿

4)edema of epiglottis会厌水肿

1.A gastroscopy showed markededema of epiglottis.胃镜提示会厌水肿明显。


1.The Application ofEpiglottis and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Periost Valves on Repairing laryngotracheal Stenosis;会厌及胸锁乳突肌肌骨膜瓣修复喉气管狭窄

2.To explore the surgical procedures of benign tumors of radix linguae and epiglottis through the approach of oral cavity, under direct or sustained laryngoscope, 3 patients with lymphangioma, 8 with hemangioma and 17 with epiglottis cyst were subjected to the treatment of microwave and the outcomes were analyzed.为探讨舌根 -会厌部良性肿瘤经口腔径路的手术治疗方法 ,对舌根淋巴管瘤 3例、血管瘤 8例、会厌囊肿 17例在直接喉镜或支撑喉镜下采用微波进行热凝、气化治疗。


1.Abnormal expression of aquaporin-5 in salivary gland cyst patient;水通道蛋白AQP5在唾液腺囊肿中的异常表达

2.Analysis of curative effect of ultrasoundguided Interventional therapy of abdominal cysts;超声介入治疗腹腔囊肿的疗效分析

3.Bronchogenic cyst and thyroglossal duct cyst;支气管源性囊肿与甲状腺舌骨导管囊肿各1例



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