肿瘤康复网 > 内镜下手工缝合术(EHS)闭合黏膜缺损可降低胃内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)后出血风险


时间:2019-04-03 14:52:12


Mucosal Defect Closure by Endoscopic Hand-Suturing may Reduce Bleeding Risk after Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: A Multicenter Pilot Study


导读:胃内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)后出血是一个迫切需要解决的问题,尤其是现在因其他疾病需要服用抗血栓形成剂(ATA)的患者越来越多。来自日本医科大学(Nippon Medical School)的Osamu Goto教授等人进行了一项多中心前瞻性研究,评估了通过内镜下手工缝合术(EHS)闭合黏膜缺损对于预防胃ESD术后出血的可行性、安全性和有效性。研究发现,EHS在降低胃ESD术后出血风险方面是可行、安全且潜在有效的。但还需要进行进一步的前瞻性研究。


Compared with other endoscopic treatments, gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has a relatively high risk of adverse events. Postoperative bleeding is a particularly urgent issue to address, especially as the number of patients taking antithrombotic agents (ATAs) for other disorders is increasing. Endoscopic hand-suturing (EHS), which involves continuous linear suturing endoscopically by using a commercially available absorbable barbed suture and a prototype of a through-the-scope flexible needle holder, provides secure intraluminal mucosal closure and should decrease the risk of adverse events after gastric ESD.


Aims & Methods目的&方法

We prospectively investigated the feasibility, safety and efficacy of EHS following gastric ESD, particularly for preventing post-ESD bleeding. Patients scheduled for gastric ESD at three institutions were prospectively recruited. Just after ESD, the mucosal defect was closed by EHS (Figure 1, 2). Endoscopy was performed on postoperative day (POD) 3 to assess maintenance of the closure. During postoperative week 3 to 4, the patients were interviewed as outpatients about any occurrence of delayed bleeding. The primary outcome was endoscopic assessment of adequately sustained closure of the defect on POD 3. Completeness of suturing, time required for suturing (min), number of stitches, occurrence of adverse events, and postoperative bleeding were also analyzed. Furthermore, bleeding was compared between patients who were or were not taking ATAs.



Data from 30 patients (15 each who did or did not take ATAs) were analyzed. In all 15 patients with ATAs, these were continued periprocedurally. Mucosal closure by EHS was completed in 29 of 30 cases (97%) and was well maintained on POD 3 in 25 cases (84%). The mean time needed for suturing was 46.2 ±17.0 min, and a mean of 8.7±1.4 stitches were placed, indicating an average of 5.3 min/stitch. No severe adverse event related to EHS occurred. Emergency endoscopy was required for major postoperative bleeding in three cases (10%), including the one in which suturing had been incomplete. Excluding one patient with a remnant stomach, the other 24 with sustained closure had no bleeding, regardless of whether they did or did not take ATAs (0/11 and 0/13, respectively).



The findings in our multicenter study suggest that EHS is feasible, safe, and potentially effective in decreasing the risk of postoperative bleeding after gastric ESD. Complete and sustained closure of a post-ESD mucosal defect by EHS may prevent delayed bleeding, even in patients at high risk of bleeding because of antithrombotic treatment. Further prospective investigation is required to confirm the efficacy of EHS for this purpose. (Trial registration number: UMIN000033988)


Figure 1. Endoscopic hand-suturing (EHS) just after gastric ESD.


A. ESD术后胃大弯处的黏膜缺损,B.可吸收带刺缝线通过套管进入胃部,C.从缺损远端边缘开始缝合,用持针器持针,持钳辅助,D.线性连续缝合,E.黏膜缺损完全闭合,F.术后第3天的缝合部位,黏膜缺损闭合情况维持良好。

Figure 2. Endoscopic hand-suturing for a mucosal defect just after gastric ESD.


Figure 3. Complete closure of the mucosal defect.



Osamu Goto et al. Mucosal Defect Closure by Endoscopic Hand-Suturing may Reduce Bleeding Risk after Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: A Multicenter Pilot Study. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. Volume 91, No. 5S : .

