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涌泉穴灸法 moxibustion on yonnquan acupoint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-05 12:33:08


涌泉穴灸法,moxibustion on yonnquan acupoint

1)moxibustion on yonnquan acupoint涌泉穴灸法

2)Yongquan point涌泉穴

1.Objective: To study the effect of acupunctureYongquan point on gene expression in aging rat model induced by D galactose using cDNA microarrays.目的 :应用基因芯片研究针刺涌泉穴对D 半乳糖所致衰老大鼠基因表达的影响。

2.Purpors:To research the effect of pathologyconformation , NO and SOD by acupunctureYongquan point on acute cerebral hemorrhage(ACH).目的:探讨针刺涌泉穴对急性脑出血模型大鼠脑组织病理形态学、一氧化氮(NO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

3.Objective: To study the Differentially expressed genes of the effect of acupunctureYongquan point on aging rat model by gene microarrays.目的:应用基因芯片筛选出正常大鼠与D-半乳糖衰老造模大鼠及针刺涌泉穴后与D-半乳糖衰老造模大鼠的差异表达基因谱,研究针刺延缓衰老的差异表达基因谱,初步探讨针刺延缓衰老的基因机理。


1.The Experimental Study on Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Model Rats with Acupuncture Yongquan Point;针刺涌泉穴治疗急性脑出血模型大鼠的实验研究

2.Experimental Study on Influence of Focused Ultrasound Irradiation Yongquan Acupoint to Blood Fat Level of Hyperlipemia Rats;聚焦超声辐照涌泉穴对高血脂大鼠血脂水平影响的实验研究

3.Clinical Study of Application in Acupoint of Yongquan(KI1) with Wuzhuyu and Rougui to Treat Children"s Pharyngitis Herpetica吴茱萸肉桂涌泉穴贴敷配合治疗小儿疱疹性咽峡炎的临床研究

4.Effect on Blood Fat Levels of Hyperlipemia Rats after Irradiation with Focused Ultrasound to the Yong Quan Acupoint聚焦超声辐射高血脂大鼠涌泉穴对血脂水平的影响

5.Study on application of fistular onion stalk in combination with Yongquanacupoint massage for nursing care of patients with insomnia葱白双枣饮加涌泉穴按摩在失眠病人护理中的应用研究

6.Clear water gushed from the spring.清水从泉水中涌出。

7.Water wells from a spring beneath the rock.水从岩石下的泉内涌出。

8.Spring popped up everywhere in the valley.泉水在山谷中到处涌现。

9.“Hot spring fountainhead” means a natural site where the hot spring is discharged.四温泉露头:指温泉自然涌出之处。

10.To flow or cause to flow like a fountain.(像喷泉般)流动(使)泉水般地喷出或涌出

11.There is a spring well up cool water.这里有一个涌出清凉泉水的泉。

12.Scattered about on the hill are a number of mineral water springs such as the Nanyin Spring, the Beiyin Spring, the Fanhua Spring, the Xiyan Spring, etc. from all of which water keeps gushing out all the year round.它有南饮泉、北饮泉、翻花泉、洗眼泉等。 诸泉水涌如注,终年不竭。

13.Language is a Blowing-out Well--The Manifestation of Language and Subject Identification in A Blowing-out Well;语言是一派迸涌的流泉——语言与主体的认证在《迸涌的流泉》中的再现

14.Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain.血像泉水般地从他的背部涌出。

15.it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.青春是生命的深泉在涌流。

16.And shall my desires flow like a fountain that I may fill their cups?我的祈望应涌出如泉水,注满他们的杯?

17.Blood be pump out of his belly like a fountain血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出

18.You sent the springs into the valleys; they are flowing between the hills.耶和华使泉源涌在山谷,流在山间。


Yongquan point涌泉穴

1.Objective: To study the effect of acupunctureYongquan point on gene expression in aging rat model induced by D galactose using cDNA microarrays.目的 :应用基因芯片研究针刺涌泉穴对D 半乳糖所致衰老大鼠基因表达的影响。

2.Purpors:To research the effect of pathologyconformation , NO and SOD by acupunctureYongquan point on acute cerebral hemorrhage(ACH).目的:探讨针刺涌泉穴对急性脑出血模型大鼠脑组织病理形态学、一氧化氮(NO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

3.Objective: To study the Differentially expressed genes of the effect of acupunctureYongquan point on aging rat model by gene microarrays.目的:应用基因芯片筛选出正常大鼠与D-半乳糖衰老造模大鼠及针刺涌泉穴后与D-半乳糖衰老造模大鼠的差异表达基因谱,研究针刺延缓衰老的差异表达基因谱,初步探讨针刺延缓衰老的基因机理。

3)sticking on Yongquan acupoint涌泉穴位贴敷

4)Yong Quan acupoint regulate涌泉穴位调节

5)A cupunture and Moxibustion Treatment针灸取穴法

6)Point Yongquan涌泉

1.Observations on the Relieving Effect of Acupuncture PlusPoint Yongquan Blood-letting on Apoplectic Limb Spasm;针刺加涌泉放血缓解中风肢体痉挛的疗效观察



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