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《腧穴学》 Science on Acupoints英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-05 00:22:23


《腧穴学》,Science on Acupoints

1)Science on Acupoints《腧穴学》


1.A Thinking of How Raise Teaching Quality of the Points提高《腧穴学》教学质量的几点思考

2.Reform and Design of the Teaching Plan Concerning Acupuncture Techniques经络腧穴学实训教学方案的改革与设计

3.Research and Development of Multimedia Database Retrieval System of Acupuncture Point Theory;“中国针灸腧穴学多媒体数据库检索系统”的开发研制

4.Study of Acupuncture Action on Local and Central Modulating Mechanisms;针刺腧穴对局部及中枢作用机制的研究

5.Study on Acupint Compatibility of Primary Hypertension Treating by Acupuncture针刺治疗原发性高血压的腧穴配伍的探讨

6.Observation on the Penetration Acupuncture at the Head Acupoint of ShaoYang Meridian to Treat Migraine透刺少阳经头部腧穴治疗偏头痛疗效观察

7.Study on Body Surface Infrared Radiation Spectrum of Points of Patients with Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland乳腺增生患者腧穴体表红外辐射光谱探测

8.Editorial explanation on the state standard The Name and Location of Acupoints(,edition)版国家标准《腧穴名称与定位》编制说明

9.Prelection Design of "the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming and Commonly Used Acupoints"关于《足阳明胃经经络与腧穴》的说课设计

10.Thinking of discussion on chronologicaol order of acupuncture recorded in ancient medical literatures关于古医籍对腧穴干预次序论述的思考

11.The difference between taking middle finger as an identical unit and bone-length measurement in acupoint localization腧穴定位方法中指寸法与骨度分寸法的差异

12.The Curative Effect Comparison Appraises of Acupuncture Near and Far Acupoints on Acute Lumbar Muscle Sprain针刺远近端腧穴治疗急性腰扭伤疗效比较评价

13.Clinical Effect of Acupoint Specificity and Acupuncture Manipulation腧穴特异性与针刺手法对临床疗效的影响

14.Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Embedding Thread on Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain and the Studies of Specifities of Acupoints;穴位植线治疗腰肌劳损的疗效观察及腧穴特异性研究

15.The Clinical Pathology of Acupuncture Holographic Points and the Points Around Ear to Treat Sudden Hearing Loss Patients.;针刺全息穴及耳周腧穴治疗突发性聋的临床观察

16.Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Acne Vulgaris Treated with Injecting Acupoint with Self-blood and Acupuncture on Ahshi-point腧穴自血疗法加针刺阿是穴治疗痤疮的疗效观察

17.Clinical Effective Evaluation of the Combination of Scalp Acupuncture and Sam Yang Acupoint and for Paralysis after Ischemic Stroke头穴配合三阳经腧穴针刺法治疗脑梗死后偏瘫的临床疗效评价

18.Specific Research of Acupoints to Examine the Efficacy of Pressure that Electric Acupuncture was Induced to Hypotension Rat of Acupuncturing it"s Shuigou,Neiguan and ZuSanLi电针低血压大鼠水沟、足三里、内关三穴升压效应的腧穴特异性研究


Acupoint Science腧穴学

3)acupoint morphology腧穴形态学

4)Meridian and Acupuncture经络腧穴学

1.Courses Design of the New SubjectMeridian and Acupuncture;针灸专业新课程《经络腧穴学》的课程建设

5)Acupoint Science/educ腧穴学/教育

6)Exploration and analysis onto the teaching of acupuncture points腧穴学教学探析



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