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灸法 moxibustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-17 18:39:15




1.Moxibustion in Prescriptions for Universal Relief;《普济本事方》灸法探略

2.Study development in mechanisms and clinical application ofmoxibustion in recent years;近年来灸法作用机理的研究进展及临床应用


1.Remarks on content range and subject characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion;论刺法灸法学的内容范围和学科特点

2.Design of Laser Acupuncture Instrument Based on SCM and Study on Implementation of Moxibustion;基于单片机平台的激光针灸仪器设计与灸法实现研究

3.Training program design of acupuncture and moxibustion manipulation techniques刺法灸法操作技能实训教学方案的设计思路

4.Clinical Study on Depressive Disorder Treated by Combination of Aromatherapy and Moxibustion芳香疗法配合灸法治疗抑郁症临床研究

5.Thermodynamics model and experimen talvalidating on thermal field distribution of traditional moxibustion传统灸法热场分布的热力学模型及实验验证

6.These include acupuncture, herbology, moxibustion, food therapy, cupping, qigong exercises and others.这些方法有针灸、草药、艾灸、食疗、拔火罐、气功等等。

7.Strengthening innovation in clinical research methodology of acupuncture and moxibustion to promote internationalization process of acupuncture-moxibustion创新针灸临床研究方法学 促进针灸国际化进程

8.Professor HE Pu-ren:the founder of Santong method of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸三通法的创始人——记著名针灸学家贺普仁教授

9.The doctor has taken out plum blossom needle, and is going to give an acupuncture treatment.医生拿出梅花针, 准备进行针灸疗法。

10.She is reading a new work on acupuncture.她正在看一本关于针灸疗法的新书。

11.Earth acupuncture is the process used to neutralize these fields.地球针灸就是用于压制这些场的方法。

12.Clinical Study on "Sheng Qingyang Therapy" by Acupuncture for the Treatment of Chloasma;针灸升清阳法治疗黄褐斑的临床研究

13.Clinical Observation of Different Acupuncture Methods of Treatments of Herpes Zoster不同针灸方法治疗带状疱疹临床观察

14.Statistical analysis on different methods of acupuncture-moxibustion in treating primary dysmenorrhea in recent 20 years近原发性痛经针灸方法统计分析

15.Discussion on the Application of Acapuncture Treatment in Six-meridian Diseases of ShangHan Lun试论《伤寒论》六经病中针灸疗法的运用

16.The Features and Analysis of the Acupuncture Therapy of Herpes Zoster针灸治疗带状疱疹的疗法特点及分析

17.Today, the Chinese doctors are trying go learn more about acupuncture.现在,中国医生试着学习更多的针灸疗法。

18.The Clinic Study on Acupuncture during Medicine Abortion.针灸疗法对药物流产结局影响的临床观察


Moxibustion therapy灸法

1.Conclusion:Moxibustion therapy and relaxing therapy can influence the 5-HT concentration in serum of Major Depressive Disorder patients significantly,that is,they can increase 5-HT concentration in serum.结果:灸法和松弛疗法可明显改善抑郁症患者HAMD的评分,其改善情况与单纯的西药组相当;生化指标5-HT含量治疗前、后用x-±s表示,组内均数比较有显著性差异,P(0。

3)moxibustion with instrument温灸器灸法


5)Moxibustion/Indirect moxibustion灸疗法/隔物灸


1.Contrast observation on treatment of 86 cases apoplexy involving both collateral and meridian withacupuncture therapy;针灸疗法治疗中风中经络86例的对照观察

2.The rehabilitation programs to all patients are the same,except the somnipathy,(1) patients of Group E were adopted the method ofacupuncture and moxibustion coupled with taping and pressing their earacupuncture points to improve their quality of sleep,(2) patients .0 5,说明针灸疗法的远期安眠作用优于安定 ,提示针灸疗法是治疗脑卒中后遗症及合并症的重要手段之一。



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