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艾灸治疗 Moxibustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-07 09:54:12




1.Method and study-design:Using ChineseMoxibustion in addition with medicinal treatment and pure medicinal treatment, the study observes changes in symptoms, joint-pain immunological responses, further comparing and analysing the two groups clinical results.方法:本研究应用艾灸加药物与单纯药物治疗RA,观察症状体征、关节疼痛、免疫功能的变化,进行比较分析,观察艾灸治疗RA的临床疗效及探讨作用机理。


1.The Clinical Study on Post-strokede Pression by Acupuncture Therapy or Moxibustion Therapy;针刺、艾灸治疗中风后郁病的临床研究

2.Treatment of 32 cases of primary dysmenorrhea with moxibustion;艾灸治疗原发性痛经34例的临床分析

3.Clinical Research of Moxibustion in Treating Knee Joint Osteoarthritis艾灸治疗膝关节骨关节炎的临床研究

4.Clinical Research on Treating Raynaud s Disease with Point Injection Combined with Moxibustion;穴位注射配合艾灸治疗雷诺氏病的临床研究

5.Clinical Study on Abdominal-acupuncture Binding Moxibustion in the Treatment of Parkingson s Disease;腹针结合艾灸治疗帕金森病的临床研究

6.Study on Mechanism of Moxibustion to Treat Tumor and Medical Basis of the Compound Light Tumor Auxiliary Theatment;艾灸治疗肿瘤机理与复合光肿瘤辅助治疗医学基础研究

7.Evaluation of Treating Depression Associated with Gastrointestinal Disorders by Acupuncture and Moxibustion针刺结合艾灸治疗抑郁症伴胃肠功能紊乱的疗效评价

8.Clinical Research of Direct Moxibustion Treatment of Gouty Arthritis针刺结合艾灸治疗痛风性关节炎疗效的临床研究

9.Controlled clinical trials of initial observation on therapeutic effects of moxibustion for osteoarthritis of the knee:multi-center clinical effect艾灸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎临床疗效的病例对照试验

10.Evaluation of the clinical effect of knee osteoarthritis treated with moxibustion according to WHOQOL-BREFWHOQOL-BREF量表评价艾灸治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床疗效研究

11.Observation of Effects of Moxa Cone Isolated by Fresh Ginger Slice for Chemotherapeutic Phlebitis艾灸加鲜姜片治疗化疗性静脉炎的疗效观察

12.Observation on therapeutic effect of moxibustion combined with manipulation-therapy on knee osteoarthritis艾灸联合手法治疗膝骨性关节炎临床疗效观察

13.Observation of effect of centro-square needling and moderate cauterizing with moxa stick on treating ganglion cyst扬刺加艾条温和灸治疗腱鞘囊肿疗效观察

14.A Clinical Observation on Chinese Moxibustion as an Additional Treatment to Combined Medicinal Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis艾灸加药物治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床观察

15.Recent Development on Allergic Rhinitis with Moxibustion艾灸为主治疗过敏性鼻炎的临床研究进展

16.Clinic research of treating vascular dementia by moxibustion at head points艾灸头部组穴治疗血管性痴呆的临床研究

17.Objective To observe clinical therapeutic effect of moxibustion on abnormal blood lipids.目的:观察艾灸疗法治疗血脂异常患者的临床疗效。

18.Study on the Comparison between Effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion for the Neck Pain of Cervical Spondylosis;针刺法与艾灸法治疗颈椎病颈痛疗效对比的临床研究


Moxibustion therapy艾灸疗法

1.However,moxibustion therapy is paid less attention in clinic.通过论述艾灸疗法的理论与临床应用,阐释灸法温煦阳气,温通气血,温经散寒,回阳固脱在治疗中的优势。


1.Conclusion: Moxibustion has therapeutical effect to HIV/AIDS patients.目的:观察艾灸疗法对CD4+<200个/mm3的艾滋病患者的临床疗效。

2.Moxibustion treatment is the important part of acupuncture andmoxibustion in TCM.艾灸疗法是传统医学中针灸学的重要组成部分,不仅对常见病、慢性病有较好的疗效,而且对影响人类健康水平的重大疾病(如肿瘤)发挥良好的辅助治疗作用。


1.objective: To explore the effect of Liver-discharging and Spleen-nourishing methods through combination ofacupuncture and herbs on the sub health.方法:选用35例亚健康患者,选取气海、足三里、阴陵泉、三阴交、太冲穴位进行针灸治疗,配合拔罐法,每日1次,12次为1疗程;并配合逍遥丸、归脾丸,每日2次,每次10丸。

2.Objective:To assess the current situation and quality of the clinical randomized controlled trials(RCTs)relevant to stroke inacupuncture and moxibustion published in Chineses medical journals to provide scientific basis of systematic review(SR)ofacupuncture and moxibustion for the sequela of stroke.目的 :评价国内针灸治疗中风的临床试验状况 ,为针灸治疗中风后遗症的系统评价奠定基础。

3.Objective To summarize the therapeutic effectiveness Variability created byacupuncture different time.目的综述不同时辰针灸治疗的效应差异性。

5)Acupuncture therapy针灸治疗

1.Methods The patients with acute cerebral infarction were divided into the point injection group(23 cases) and the point acupuncture group(23 cases),and the point injection of naloxone was for the former while acupuncture therapy was for the latter at the same points.方法将急性脑梗死患者分为穴位注射组 (2 3例 )和穴位针灸组 (2 3例 ) ,前者采用穴位注射纳洛酮 ;后者采用相同穴位进行针灸治疗。

2.[Method] 60 cases of retrograde gonarthritis were divided into 2 groups, acupuncture therapy group (group A) and control group (group B).目的:本研究从临床观察的角度,客观评价针灸治疗膝关节骨关节炎的临床疗效。

3.Objective:To analys the features and effects of acupuncture therapy of herpes zoster.目的:分析针灸治疗带状疱疹疗法特点及作用。

6)acupuncture treatment针灸治疗

1.The general situation ofacupuncture treatment for sample obesity in recent years;单纯性肥胖症的针灸治疗概况

2.Methods: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparingacupuncture treatment with conventional therapies for semiplegia after stroke were identified from Chinese Biomedical register (CBM) by electronic and hand search.目的评价针灸治疗中风偏瘫的疗效与安全性。

3.This article is based on the study of theacupuncture treatment to the peripheral facial paralysis (PFP).本文从文献整理、理论探讨、临床研究和统计分析等方面对针灸治疗周围性面瘫进行了初步的探讨、总结和归纳。



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