肿瘤康复网 > 喉乳头状瘤 Laryngeal papilloma英语短句 例句大全

喉乳头状瘤 Laryngeal papilloma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-27 15:49:52


喉乳头状瘤,Laryngeal papilloma

1)Laryngeal papilloma喉乳头状瘤

1.Balanced anesthesia during operation of laryngeal papilloma in children;静脉复合麻醉用于儿童喉乳头状瘤手术

2.Powered shaver under suspension laryngoscope for the excision of laryngeal papilloma of children;支撑喉镜下电动吸割器行小儿喉乳头状瘤切除术

3.Study on the correlation between EGFR-STAT3 signal pathway and laryngeal papilloma上皮生长因子受体-信号转导与转录激活因子3信号转导通路与喉乳头状瘤的相关性研究


1.Obsevation of Curative Effect of Laryngomicrosurgery with CO2 Laser in Therapy of Laryngeal Papillomatosis;喉显微激光手术治疗喉乳头状瘤的疗效观察

2.Children under the self-retaining laryngoscope laryngeal papilloma surgery to deal with anesthesia支撑喉镜下小儿喉乳头状瘤切除术麻醉处理

3.The Expression and Significance of Pin1 and CyclinD1 in Adult Papilloma of Laryngx;成人喉乳头状瘤Pin1和CyclinD1的表达及意义

4.Clinical study on the treatment of juvenile recurrent laryngeal papilloma儿童复发性喉乳头状瘤临床治疗探讨

5.Objective Laryngeal papilloma is a common laryngeal benign tumor,which recurs easily.目的喉乳头状瘤是常见的喉部良性肿瘤 ,本文探讨喉乳头状瘤的外科治疗方式。

6.Study on the Correlation between EGFR-STAT3 Signal Pathway and Laryngeal PapillomaEGFR-STAT3信号转导通路与喉乳头状瘤的相关性研究

7.Nursing Care for Patients with Adult Laryngeal Papilloma Treated by Microwave Therapy Combined with Brucea Oil微波配合鸦胆子油治疗成人喉乳头状瘤的护理

8.Conclusion The infection of HPV16 may be related to the development of laryngopharyngeal papilloma.结论HPV16感染可能与喉乳头状瘤的发生发展密切相关。

9.Expression and Significance of HSP70 in Larynegeal Papilloma;喉乳头状瘤组织中热休克蛋白70的表达及临床意义

10.Clinical Analysis of Juvenile Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Associated with Human Papilloma Viral Types 6 and 11 in a Large Pediatric Population in XINJIANG;新疆地区儿童复发性喉乳头状瘤HPV病毒类型及临床分析

11.Expression of P-STAT3 and VEGF Protein and Determination of Microvessel Density in Juvenile Laryngeal Papilloma小儿喉乳头状瘤组织中P-STAT3和VEGF的表达及微血管密度测定

12.Perioperative management for pediatric recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis with severe airway obstruction小儿喉乳头状瘤重度气道梗阻手术的围术期管理

13.Correlation of the expression of survivin and caspase-3 proteins in juvenile laryngeal papilloma儿童喉乳头状瘤组织中Survivin及Caspase-3蛋白表达及相关性研究

parison of different general anesthesia induction methods in children laryngeal papilloma ectomy小儿喉乳头状瘤切除术不同全麻诱导方式的对照研究

15.Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor and vascular endothelial growth factor in laryngeal papilloma表皮生长因子受体及血管内皮生长因子在喉乳头状瘤中的表达

16.The Relationship between the Expression of Ki-67 and Microvessel Dentisy in Laryngeal Papilloma in Adults;成人喉乳头状瘤组织中的HPV16/E7、ki-67表达和微血管密度的相关性研究

17.The Transfection and Expression of Humanpapillovirus 16E7 Gene in Human Laryngeal Carcinoma HEp-2 Cell Line;人乳头状瘤病毒16E7在人喉癌细胞系中的转染及表达

18.papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum淋巴瘤性乳头状囊腺瘤


laryngeal papillomas喉乳头状瘤

1.[Purpose] To explore the correlation of human papillomavirus infection andlaryngeal papillomas.[目的]研究人类乳头状瘤病毒感染与喉乳头状瘤发生的关系。

2.Objective:To explore an effective treatment forlaryngeal papillomas in children.目的 :探讨小儿喉乳头状瘤的疗效。

3)juvenile laryngeal papilloma喉乳头状瘤

1.Correlation of the expression of survivin and caspase-3 proteins injuvenile laryngeal papilloma儿童喉乳头状瘤组织中Survivin及Caspase-3蛋白表达及相关性研究

2.Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of P-STAT3, VEGF and CD34 in thejuvenile laryngeal papilloma and the relationship among them .目的:研究小儿喉乳头状瘤组织中P-STAT3和V EGF的表达情况及其相关性,并用CD34标记血管内皮细胞行微血管密度的测定,拟探讨P-STAT3、VEGF和CD34-MVD的表达在小儿喉乳头状瘤发生、发展中的作用。

4)papilloma of larynx喉乳头状瘤;喉头乳头瘤

5)laryngeal papilloma (LP)喉乳头状瘤(LP)

6)papillomatosis of larynx喉乳头状瘤病


叉喉瘤叉喉瘤 叉喉瘤 病名。《喉科指掌》卷六:“叉喉瘤,亦有生于关外。”治宜疏风解毒,方用普济消毒饮加减。

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