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门诊综合楼 ambulatorium building complex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-07 00:59:34


门诊综合楼,ambulatorium building complex

1)ambulatorium building complex门诊综合楼

1.On the scheme design of hospital of traditional Chinese medicineambulatorium building complex in Langfang city浅析廊坊市中医医院门诊综合楼方案设计


1.The Out-patient Building Design of Shijiazhuang Cenral Hospital石家庄市中心医院门诊综合楼方案设计

2.On the scheme design of hospital of traditional Chinese medicine ambulatorium building complex in Langfang city浅析廊坊市中医医院门诊综合楼方案设计

3.On clinic design of large synthetically hospital in central area of city城市中心区大型综合医院门诊楼设计

4.HVAC System Design for Xiamen Matermal and Child Health Hospital Building厦门市妇幼保健院门诊综合大楼暖通设计总结

5.Design Schemes of Out-patient Ward Complex for No. 1 Hospital of Harbin哈尔滨市第一医院门诊病房综合楼设计方案

6.The Research on Public Space of Compositive Hospital s Clinic in Modern Medicinal Pattern;现代医学模式下的综合医院门诊楼公共空间设计研究

7.Reengineering the Service Process in Specialized Clinic of General Hospital;综合性医院专科化门诊服务流程再造

8.A Study of Design of Out-patient Department of General Hospital in China;我国综合性医院门诊部建筑设计研究

9.Development of Outpatient Satisfaction Questionnaire Ingeneral Hospital;综合医院门诊病人满意度量表的研制

10.The countermeasure and effectiveness in improving the comprehensive quality of outpatient pharmacy提高门诊药房综合质量的对策与成效

11.Supervision Control of the Project for Jiangmen Mobile Communication Complex Building江门移动通信综合楼工程监理控制实践

12.Analysis on clients of adolescence of psychological counseling in general hospital综合医院心理咨询门诊青春期咨客分析

13.Mallory Weiss syndrome : endoscopic diagnosis and therapy胃贲门粘膜撕裂综合征内镜诊治的临床研究

14.An Investigation on the Use of TOPSIS Method in Outpatient s Satisfaction Degree Evaluation;应用TOPSIS法对门诊病人满意度进行综合评价

15.The General Study on Diagnosis and Interventional Therapy of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma;肝门部胆管癌诊断与介入治疗的综合研究

16.Clinical Investigation in Outpatients with Geriatric Depression in the Department of Neurology of General Hospital;综合医院神经科门诊老年期抑郁症的临床研究

17.Systematized Research on Route and Space Design of Out-patient Department in Large-scale General Hospitals;大型综合医院门诊部流线与空间系统化研究

18.The Research on the Sustainable Design of Out-Patient Department Space in General Hospital综合医院门诊部建筑空间可持续设计研究


clinic-teaching complex building门诊教学综合楼

1.Constraints and development--Discussion on design ofclinic-teaching complex building of No.2 hospital attached to Hunan college of traditional Chinese medicine;制约与发展——湖南省中医附二院门诊教学综合楼设计



5)outpatient building门诊楼

1.Design of a newoutpatient building in a children hospital in Anhui安徽省立儿童医院新建门诊楼方案设计

2.Expounds the basic condition of the generic cabling system for the newoutpatient building,the content we entrust the third party to carry out authentication test and the main links needing attention.本文阐述我院新门诊楼网络综合布线系统的基本情况,及委托第三方进行认证测试的内容和要把握的几个主要环节。

6)out-patient/emergency buliding门急诊楼



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