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髓内肿瘤 Intramedullary tumor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-24 16:21:44


髓内肿瘤,Intramedullary tumor

1)Intramedullary tumor髓内肿瘤

1.Methods: The database of 166 patients with intramedullary tumors treated in Hua shan Hospital between January 1993 and February 2002 was reviewed, which included preoperative function of spinal cord, pathological diagnosis, methods of microsurgery ,outcome of the surgery.目的:探讨脊髓髓内肿瘤的治疗方法。


1.Clinical research of methylprednisolone pulse therapy in intramedullary spinal cord tumor surgery脊髓髓内肿瘤手术后应用甲基强的松龙冲击治疗的临床研究

2.we believe that radical resection for conus intramedullary tumors might be optimal treatment.认为对于圆锥髓内肿瘤根治性手术切除是最适宜的治疗方法。

3.The study on vertebral canal reconstruction with micro titanium plate after multi-cervical segments intramedullary tumor resection多颈段髓内肿瘤术后微型钛板重建椎管体会(附36例报告)

4.The Correlation of Bone Marrow-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Angiogenesis of Tumor;骨髓来源内皮前体细胞与肿瘤新生血管的关系

5.Low-field MRI Diagnosis of Primary Spinal Subdural Tumors椎管内髓外硬膜下原发肿瘤的低场MRI诊断

6.The Study on Bone Marrow-derived Endothelial Cell Contributing to Lymphangiogenesis in Tumor;骨髓来源的内皮细胞参与肿瘤新生淋巴管形成的研究

7.A Clinical and Experimental Study on the Value of MRI in Determining Bone Marrow Extension of Malignant Bone Tumor;MRI评价肢体恶性骨肿瘤髓内浸润范围的实验及临床研究

8.Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Multiple Intradural Extramedullary Tumors椎管内髓外硬膜下多发性肿瘤的诊断与手术治疗

9.Analysis of factors affecting the outcomes after operation on multi-segments intramedullary spinal cord benign tumors影响多节段髓内良性肿瘤手术效果的相关因素分析

10.aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor颅内囊肿性肿瘤吸引术

11.Cancer stem cells of multiple myeloma:recent progress多发性骨髓瘤肿瘤干细胞的研究进展

12.A malignant tumor formed by the cells of the bone marrow.骨髓瘤由骨髓细胞形成的一种恶性肿瘤

13.MRI Diagnosis of Intradural Extramedullary Tumors髓外硬膜下肿瘤磁共振成像诊断(英)

14.Multiple Tumor Types Could Originate from Bone Marrow-derived Cells;多种类型的肿瘤可以起源于骨髓细胞

15.neoplastic endocrine-like syndrome肿瘤内分泌样综合征

16.This tumor has gelatinous material within it.肿瘤内含胶冻样物质。

17.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术

18.Any of various neoplasms derived from endothelium.内皮瘤由内皮质产生的肿瘤


Intramedullary spinal cord髓内肿瘤

1.BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE:Intramedullary spinal cord tumors are common neurosurgical diseases.背景与目的:脊髓髓内肿瘤作为神经外科的一种常见疾病被广大神经外科医生所重视,其治疗效果随着显微外科技术的发展在近几年得到了较大的提高。

3)Intramedullary spinal cord tumors髓内肿瘤

1.Long term follow-up of microsurgical treatment of 36 intramedullary spinal cord tumors;脊髓髓内肿瘤36例显微外科术后随访与观察

4)intramedullary tumors髓内肿瘤

1.Objective To summarize the pathology,clinical presentations,microsurgical treatments and to investigate the rules of pediatricintramedullary tumors.目的总结儿童脊髓内肿瘤的病理特点、临床表现和手术治疗效果,探讨其特点和规律。

5)Intramedullary spinal cord tumors脊髓髓内肿瘤

6)Intradural extramedullary tumor髓外硬膜内肿瘤



神经元形态中枢神经系统内轴突髓鞘的形成示意图 李瑞端绘[图]

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