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听神经瘤 acoustic neuroma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-22 17:55:33


听神经瘤,acoustic neuroma

1)acoustic neuroma听神经瘤

1.Clinial follow-up and analysis of effect of postradiosurgicalacoustic neuromas on peritumor cranial nerves;射线立体定向伽玛刀治疗听神经瘤后对颅神经功能影响的随诊分析

2.Facial nerve preservation in microsurgery ofacoustic neuroma;听神经瘤显微外科手术中面神经的保留

3.The postoperative ICU monitoring and nursing of 46 casesacoustic neuroma;46例听神经瘤术后的ICU监护


1.acoustic neuromas 3/11(27.3%);听神经瘤3/11(27.3%);

2.Clinical Significance of Facial Nerve Monitoring in Acoustic Neuroma Operation;听神经瘤术中面神经监测的临床意义

3.Facial nerve protection and its function evaluation during operation for acoustic tumor听神经瘤术中面神经保护及功能评估

4.Auditory tests in 14 patients(16 ears)with acoustic neuroma听神经瘤致聋机理——14例(16耳)听神经瘤病人听力测试结果分析

5.Facial Nerve Function and Hearing Preservation after Resections of Large Acoustic Neuromas Using Facial Nerve Monitoring;面听神经监测下切除大型听神经瘤与面、听神经功能的保留

6.Microsurgical Treatment for Acoustic Neuroma and Protection of Facial and Acoustic Nerves听神经瘤的显微手术治疗及面听神经保护

7.The clinical study of cranial nerve neuropathology after gamma knife treatment of acoustic neurinoma听神经瘤伽玛刀术后邻近颅神经病损的研究

8.Prognostic Value of Blink Reflex for Postoperative Facial Nerve Function in Cases of Acoustic Neuroma瞬目反射对听神经瘤术后面神经功能的预测

9.Microsurgical anatomy study on acoustic neurinoma operation preserving facial nerve听神经瘤手术保留面神经的显微外科解剖

10.Facial nerve preservation in microsurgery for large acoustic neuroma: report of 38 cases大型听神经瘤的术中面神经保护(附38例分析)

11.Rotating Gamma Knife for Acoustic Neurianomas (55 Cases)旋转式伽玛刀治疗55例听神经瘤分析

12.Skill for microsurgical removal and preservation of facial nerve and hearing for large acoustic neuromas大型听神经瘤显微手术切除及面听神经保留技巧


14.The Role of Intraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring in Acoustic Neuroma Resection术中神经监测在听神经瘤切除术中对面神经的保护作用

15.Microsurgical Removal of the Large Acoustic Neuromas by the Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Keyhole Approach;枕下乙状窦后锁孔入路切除显微大型听神经瘤

16.145 Patients Acoustic Neuroma Compress Brain Stem of Gradeing and Microsurgery;145例听神经瘤脑干压迫分级与显微外科治疗

17.A Clinical Type and Its Clinical Signi Ficance of Recurrent Acoustic Neurilemoma after Surgery;复发性听神经瘤的临床分型及其临床意义

18.Research on Combined Therapy of Micro Neurosurgery and Gamma Knife on Large Acoustic Neuroma;显微手术配合伽玛刀治疗大型听神经瘤的研究


acoustic neuromas听神经瘤

1.Application of facial nerve electrophysiologic monitoring in microsurgery ofacoustic neuromas;面神经电生理监测在听神经瘤显微手术中的应用

2.Facial nerve preservation inacoustic neuromas microsurgery;听神经瘤显微手术中面神经功能保护的经验

3)Acoustic neurinoma听神经瘤

1.Removal of acoustic neurinoma by retrosigmoid approach with keyhole craniotomy;枕下乙状窦后锁孔入路切除听神经瘤的临床应用

2.A Clinical study of acoustic neurinoma treated by Gamma Knife;伽玛刀治疗听神经瘤的临床研究

3.Purpose: To explore the histological origin and biological characteristics of acoustic neurinoma on ultrastructural basis.目的 :从电子显微镜水平探讨听神经瘤的超微病理、组织学来源及其生物学特性。

4)Acoustic neurinomas听神经瘤

1.Microsurgical treatment of large acoustic neurinomas and preservation of facial never;大型听神经瘤显微手术治疗和面神经保留

2.Microanatomy study on acoustic neurinomas hearing preservation;听神经瘤听力保留的显微解剖学研究

3.Results The acoustic neurinomas (n = 31) had capsule,cysts and with thickening acoustic nerve.结果68例桥小脑角肿瘤中听神经瘤31例,MRI表现除有包膜、易囊变外,多有病侧听神经的增粗;表皮样囊肿12例沿脑沟池生长,占位效应小,增强后无强化;脑膜瘤7例,瘤体信号均匀,强化明显且有脑膜尾征,同侧听神经正常显示;三叉神经瘤6例,瘤体呈哑铃形生长,病侧三叉神经增粗或被瘤体代替;血管母细胞瘤6例,为典型的大囊小结节形状;脊索瘤5例,发生于斜坡并使斜坡破坏,瘤体信号混杂,对周围骨质有溶骨性破坏,增强后强化不均匀。

5)acoustic tumor听神经瘤

1.Facial nerve protection and its function evaluation during operation foracoustic tumor听神经瘤术中面神经保护及功能评估

2.Objective: To explore theacoustic tumor\" s diagnosis and the strategy and technique of it\"s operation.目的:探讨听神经瘤的诊断、手术策略选择及手术操作技巧。

3.Objective This paper summarize our experience of 382 patients with large and extra largeacoustic tumors underwent surgery in the department of nuerosurgery, 301 hospital since 1984.目的总结自1984年以来采用显微外科技术对大型、巨大型听神经瘤382例手术切除的体会,以提高此类肿瘤的手术治疗效果。

6)Acoustic neuroma听神经鞘瘤

1.Endoscope assisted surgery on acoustic neuroma in internal auditory cannel;内镜引导下手术切除内耳道内听神经鞘瘤

2.MethodsAcoustic neuromas were microsurgically removed in 47 patients through suboccipital retrosigmoid approach under acoustic monitoring.目的分析听神经鞘瘤显微术后影响有效听力的因素。

3.Objective: To probe into the utility and treatment effect of the neuroendoscope-assisted microsurgery for acoustic neuroma by retrosigmoid approach.目的探索神经内窥镜辅助显微神经手术经乙状窦后入路治疗听神经鞘瘤的实用性及效果。


听神经瘤听神经瘤auditory neuroma一种多发生于内听道段的听神经肿瘤。肿瘤逐渐长大,可突入内耳道和桥小脑角,引起一侧的渐进感觉神经性聋。伴有头晕或不稳感。大的肿瘤可影响其他多个颅神经和引起颅内压增高,发生头痛、恶心、呕吐等症状。

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