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听 Acoustic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-12 06:51:02




1.Microsurgical treatment of large acoustic neuromas;大型听神经瘤显微外科治疗24例分析

2.Protective effect of facial muscle evoked potentials on facial nerve function in large acoustic neuroma surgery and prognostic analysis;面肌诱发电位在巨大听神经瘤术中面神经保护的研究及预后分析

3.Preliminary study of intraoperative auditory monitoring techniques in acoustic neuroma surgery;听神经瘤术中连续听力监测的初步探讨


1.When someone is Beating a gong,listen to its overtones; when someone is talking,listen to his voice.锣鼓听声,听话听音。

2.Listen for A, B, C and D听一听a,b,C和D

3.Listening and Speaking Libra听听、说说“天秤座”

4.intercept a message窃听 [侦听] 通讯

5.Section B Listen to the phone conversation between John and Justin. Choose the correct answers.听john和Justin

6.Hear the wind blow, Dear, hear the wind blow.听听风吹。亲爱的,听听风吹。

7.I. Listen, draw and write.听一听,画图,并写单词。

8.resonance theory of hearing听觉共鸣说听觉共鸣说

9.Just listen to her sass!你听听她那些无礼的话!

10.Listen to each job description.听一听每份工作的描述。

11.Listen for S, T, U and V听一听S, T, u和V

12.I"d like to listen to your chest.我要听听你的胸部。

13.Have a listen and see if you can hear anything -- I can not .你听有声音吗——我听不见。

14.Hark ! I can hear their voices.听!我听得到他们的声音。

15.telephone theory of hearing听觉电话说听觉电话说

16.frequency theory of hearing听觉频率论听觉频率论

17.I "ll get my stethoscope and listen to your lung .我要用听诊器听你肺部。

18.He listened but could not hear.他留心听着,但没有听见。



1.Several useful ways for traininglistening and speaking skill;听说能力训练的几种有效途径(英文)

2.College English Intensive Reading is a course which consists oflistening,speaking,reading,writing and translating teaching in limited time,but differs from these five kinds of teaching.大学英语精读课是一门在有限的时间内综合了听力,口语,阅读,写作和翻译教学的课程,然而它又不等同于这几部分教学的简单相加,这几部分教学相辅相成。


1."Sheng"(圣) comes from "listen",and are closely related tolistening of the speech activities."圣"字来源于"听",与言语活动中的聆听密切相关。

2.Speaking,listening and looking in the classroom teaching ref le ct the students existence state, way of thinking and spiritual experience as we ll as the real ideas of education and influence of education on students.课堂教学中的说、听、看反映出学生的生存状态、思维方式、精神体验,同时也反映出教育的真正理念、教育对学生的影响。



6)intensive and comprehensive listening精听、泛听

1.This article suggests that listening should be improved from these following aspects : situation, pronunciation, vocabulary, training skills, enriching the social culture,intensive and comprehensive listening, etc.应从语言环境、语音词汇、技巧训练、拓展社会文化背景、“精听、泛听”等方面入手提高学生听力。


【双调】驻马听 吹【诗文】:裂石穿云,玉管宜横清更洁。霜天沙漠,鹧鸪风里欲偏斜。凤凰台上暮云遮,梅花惊作黄昏雪。人静也,一声吹落江楼月。【注释】:【出处】:

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