肿瘤康复网 > 大型和巨大型听神经瘤 large and giant acoustic neuroma英语短句 例句大全

大型和巨大型听神经瘤 large and giant acoustic neuroma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-24 06:06:36


大型和巨大型听神经瘤,large and giant acoustic neuroma

1)large and giant acoustic neuroma大型和巨大型听神经瘤

2)Large acoustic neuroma大型听神经瘤

1.OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to summarize the experience of five years,to evaluate the effect of combined therapy of micro neurosurgery and gamma knife on large acoustic neuroma.目的总结5年显微手术联合伽玛刀治疗大型听神经瘤的体会,探讨大型听神经瘤的综合治疗方法、技巧,以降低面听神经的损伤率,预防并发症。


1.Facial Nerve Function and Hearing Preservation after Resections of Large Acoustic Neuromas Using Facial Nerve Monitoring;面听神经监测下切除大型听神经瘤与面、听神经功能的保留

2.Facial nerve preservation in microsurgery for large acoustic neuroma: report of 38 cases大型听神经瘤的术中面神经保护(附38例分析)

3.Skill for microsurgical removal and preservation of facial nerve and hearing for large acoustic neuromas大型听神经瘤显微手术切除及面听神经保留技巧

4.Microsurgical Removal of the Large Acoustic Neuromas by the Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Keyhole Approach;枕下乙状窦后锁孔入路切除显微大型听神经瘤

5.Research on Combined Therapy of Micro Neurosurgery and Gamma Knife on Large Acoustic Neuroma;显微手术配合伽玛刀治疗大型听神经瘤的研究

6.The application of electrophysiologic detection in the microsurgical treatment for large acoustic neuromas电生理监测下切除大型听神经瘤临床研究

7.A Study on the Microsurgical Treatment and Techniques of Facial Nerve Preservation for Large Acoustic Neuromas;大型听神经瘤的显微手术治疗及术中面神经保留技术研究

8.The Study of Intraoperative Monitoring of Cranial Nerve During Large Acoustic Neuroma Surgery;术中颅神经监测应用于大型听神经瘤手术的效果观察

9.Facial Nerve Function Preservation and Hearing Preservation after Microsurgery in Large and Giant Vestibular Schwannomas via Retrosigmoid Approach and Analysis of Prognostic Factors乙状窦后入路显微手术切除大型、巨大型听神经瘤后面、听神经功能保留与影响因素

mon Complications of Microsurgery through Subocipito-retrosigmoid Approach for Large Acoustic Neuromas and Analysis of Factors Related to Them大型听神经瘤常见手术并发症及其相关因素分析

11.Microsurgical excision of large acoustic neurinomas via retrosigmoid keyhole approach乙状窦后锁孔入路切除大型听神经鞘瘤

12.acoustic neuromas 3/11(27.3%);听神经瘤3/11(27.3%);

13.A Clinical Type and Its Clinical Signi Ficance of Recurrent Acoustic Neurilemoma after Surgery;复发性听神经瘤的临床分型及其临床意义

14.Long-term outcomes of vestibular schwannomas following Leksell-C Gamma Knife radiosurgery treatmentLeksell-C型伽玛刀治疗听神经瘤的长期疗效分析

15.Clinical Significance of Facial Nerve Monitoring in Acoustic Neuroma Operation;听神经瘤术中面神经监测的临床意义

16.Facial nerve protection and its function evaluation during operation for acoustic tumor听神经瘤术中面神经保护及功能评估

17.Auditory tests in 14 patients(16 ears)with acoustic neuroma听神经瘤致聋机理——14例(16耳)听神经瘤病人听力测试结果分析

18.Microsurgical Treatment for Acoustic Neuroma and Protection of Facial and Acoustic Nerves听神经瘤的显微手术治疗及面听神经保护


Large acoustic neuroma大型听神经瘤

1.OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to summarize the experience of five years,to evaluate the effect of combined therapy of micro neurosurgery and gamma knife on large acoustic neuroma.目的总结5年显微手术联合伽玛刀治疗大型听神经瘤的体会,探讨大型听神经瘤的综合治疗方法、技巧,以降低面听神经的损伤率,预防并发症。

3)large acoustic neurilemoma大型听神经鞘瘤

1.To summarize the experience from of operation oflarge acoustic neurilemoma and its periorperative protection of functional structure during operative.目的 :对比分析肉眼直视手术和显微外科手术切除大型听神经鞘瘤 ,总结大型听神经鞘瘤手术切除、术中功能结构保护。

4)giant schwannoma巨大神经鞘膜瘤

5)Large and Giant大型和巨大型

6)Recurrent macro-neurofibroma巨大复发性神经纤维瘤



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