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小脑蚓部 cerebellar vermis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 09:02:52


小脑蚓部,cerebellar vermis

1)cerebellar vermis小脑蚓部

1.The nursing care of children undergoing operation on tumor atcerebellar vermis and fourth ventricle;小脑蚓部及第四脑室肿瘤患儿术后的护理

2.Pathological Study of Common Tumors in Cerebellar Vermis;小脑蚓部常见肿瘤的临床病理分析


1.The other tumors from 9 cases occurred in the cauda cerebelli (4 cases), in apophysis cerebri(3 cases),in cerebral ganglion(1 case) and in saddle area(1case).另外,小脑蚓部4例、松果体区3例、丘脑1例、鞍区1例。

2.Conclusion Transient mutism may OCCtur in pediatfic patient following removal of a giant tumor in region of the cerebellar vermis.结论儿童后颅凹小脑蚓部巨大型肿瘤全切术后易出现缄默症。

3.Studies on the Development of Fetal Cerebellar Vermis by Three-dimensional Sonography Extended Imaging;三维超声扩展成像检测胎儿小脑蚓部发育的研究

4.inferior vermis【解】(小脑)下蚓

5.type genus of the Branchiobdellidae: a small worm that lives on the gills or surface of a crayfish attached by a sucker.蛭形蚓科的模式属;一种小的蠕虫,靠吸管吸附于小龙虾腮部或表面。

6.A common reddish-brown earthworm(Eisenia foetida) often used as fish bait.红纹蚯蚓一种常见的(红纹小蚯蚓)红褐色小蚯蚓,常用作鱼饵

7.The oral opening in an earthworm is small.蚯蚓的口是很小的。

8.The worm wriggled itself out at a small hole.蚯蚓蠕动着钻出小洞外。

9.Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum.小脑绒球小脑后部边缘下方的两块小叶之一

10.Results: 13 cases of cerebral hemerrhage were in putamens, 12 thalamuses, 4 lobars, 1 pons and 1 cerebellum.结果:脑出血部位,亮核13例、丘脑12例、脑叶4例、桥脑1例、小脑1例。

11.The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the cerebellum and pons.后脑胚胎后脑的前面部分,后发育成小脑和桥

12.Lumbricidae have the clitellum on the anterior part of the body.正蚓科的生殖带位于身体的前部。

13.A supplementary or accessory part of a bodily organ or structure.阑尾,蚓突身体器官或组织的附属部分

14.Effect of Lumbrokinase on JAK-STAT Pathway in Rat Brain during Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion蚓激酶对缺血再灌注大鼠脑内JAK-STAT通路的作用

15.This part of the vertebrate brain has two divisions, the medulla and the cerebellum.脊椎动物脑子的这一部分可分为两部分:脑髓和小脑。

16.cortico-ponto-cerebellar tract大脑-桥脑-小脑径

17.cerebello-thalamo-cerebral tract小脑-丘脑-大脑径

18.The brain stem is the oldest and smallest region in the evolving human brain.脑干在进化中的脑是最古老和最小的部位。


vermis of cerebellum小脑蚓;小脑蚓部

3)Vermis superior tumors小脑上蚓部肿瘤

4)Goll"s fibers戈尔纤维(从薄束核延伸到小脑蚓部)

5)vermis of cerebellum小脑引部

6)whole-cell patch clamping in slice小脑瓣膜部



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