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灭菌注射用水 sterile water for injection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 06:45:43


灭菌注射用水,sterile water for injection

1)sterile water for injection灭菌注射用水

1.OBJECTIVE The reason for the rising pH value ofsterile water for injection was investigated and the capable solving method was found.目的查找造成灭菌注射用水pH升高的原因,寻求可能的解决方法。

2.Objective To investigate the stability of Pirarubicin Hydrochloride for injection withsterile water for injection or 5% glucose injection.目的考察注射用盐酸吡柔比星在灭菌注射用水和5%葡萄糖注射液中的稳定性。

2)sterilized powder for injection注射用灭菌粉末

3)Augmentin intravenous注射用安灭菌

4)Sterilized powder for injection of rifampicin注射用利福平灭菌粉末

1.Objective To evaluate the curative effects of chemotherapy using sterilized powder for injection of rifampicin (weifuxin) in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.目的评价注射用利福平灭菌粉末(维夫欣)在肺结核治疗中的疗效。

5)Nanoparticles in sterilized injection powder纳米粒注射用灭菌粉末

6)water for injection注射用水

parison on effect of intracutaneous injecting ofwater for injection and lidocaine for labor analgesia;注射用水与利多卡因皮内注射用于分娩镇痛的效果比较

2.Objective To find out the factors influencing the quality of water by multi-effect still and to assure that high qualitywater for injection can be attained.目的为制备高质量的注射用水提供技术保障。

3.Methods According to the ChP 2000 and USP X XⅢ,the quality of purified water was examined ,and was compared withwater for injection.方法采用《中国药典》(2 0 0 0年版 )及USPⅩⅩⅢ版等规定的方法 ,检测所制备的纯化水的各项指标 ,并与注射用水进行比较。


1.Control of the chemical purity of WFI presents few major problems.注射用水化学纯度的控制是主要问题。

2.Study on Process Control Chart and Process Capability of Water for Injection;注射用水过程控制图及工序能力研究

3.A Discussion on the Standard of Bacterial Endotoxins in Water-soluble Vitamin Injection对注射用水溶性维生素细菌内毒素检查法的商榷

4.New nozzles can inject water and gas and can also act as an outlet for water ejection from the part.新的喷头可以注射水和气体,同时起到从注射件内排水的出口作用。

5.irrigate or spray with or as if with a syringe.用注射器灌溉或注射。

6.The Bioactivity Assay of Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate for Injection注射用脑蛋白水解物的生物活性测定

7.New Injection Molding Technology--Water-Assisted Injection Molding新型注射成型技术——水辅助注射成型

8.The wastewater samples is transmitted by an air-operated aspirator to the liquid injection valve.用气动吸引器将废水试样送入液体注射阀。

9.The construction method and application of high-pressure jet grouting for waterproof;高压喷射注浆止水帷幕的施工方法与应用

10.Study of BactericaL Endotoxins Test of CefazoLin Sodium Pentahydrate for Injection注射用五水头孢唑林钠细菌内毒素检查法研究

11.After an injection, the child may want a bandage placed over the puncture site.注射后,有些小儿想用绷带包住注射处。

12.Injectivity profile is commonly determined with radioisotope tracer test in water-flood oilfield.对于注水开发油田,通常使用放射性同位素测井测量注水井的吸水剖面。

13.Methods: The fifteen rabbit ovaries were injected by the aqueous solution of the inknitric acid silver or Evans blue.方法用墨汁硝酸银水溶液或伊文氏蓝水溶液对 15只家兔的卵巢进行了灌注或注射。

14.Want to wash cut with brine instantly commonly, go to a hospital injecting inside the shortest time wild dog is vaccinal.一般要立即用盐水清洗伤口,并在最短时间内去医院注射狂犬疫苗。


16.While commercial applications are multiplying, WIT is advancing rapidly.随着商业应用的成倍增加,水辅注射技术正在快速发展。

17.Engineering potion injectors no longer require engineering skill to use.工程学制造的药水注射器现在不需要工程学技能就可以使用啦!

18.Synthesis, Physical Gelling Behaviors of Injectable Hydrogels and Their Underlying Application as a Sustained Drug Release Carrier;可注射性水凝胶的合成、物理凝胶化及其用于药物缓释载体的研究


sterilized powder for injection注射用灭菌粉末

3)Augmentin intravenous注射用安灭菌

4)Sterilized powder for injection of rifampicin注射用利福平灭菌粉末

1.Objective To evaluate the curative effects of chemotherapy using sterilized powder for injection of rifampicin (weifuxin) in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.目的评价注射用利福平灭菌粉末(维夫欣)在肺结核治疗中的疗效。

5)Nanoparticles in sterilized injection powder纳米粒注射用灭菌粉末

6)water for injection注射用水

parison on effect of intracutaneous injecting ofwater for injection and lidocaine for labor analgesia;注射用水与利多卡因皮内注射用于分娩镇痛的效果比较

2.Objective To find out the factors influencing the quality of water by multi-effect still and to assure that high qualitywater for injection can be attained.目的为制备高质量的注射用水提供技术保障。

3.Methods According to the ChP 2000 and USP X XⅢ,the quality of purified water was examined ,and was compared withwater for injection.方法采用《中国药典》(2 0 0 0年版 )及USPⅩⅩⅢ版等规定的方法 ,检测所制备的纯化水的各项指标 ,并与注射用水进行比较。


灭菌注射用水【通用名称】灭菌注射用水【其他名称】灭菌注射用水 灭菌注射用水 拼音名:Miejun Zhusheyong Shui 英文名:Sterile Water for Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-428 本品为注射用水照注射剂生产工艺制备所得。 【性状】 本品为无色的澄明液体;无臭,无味。 【检查】 pH值 应为5.0~7.0 (附录Ⅵ H)。 氯化物、硫酸盐与钙盐、硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐、氨、二氧化碳、易氧化物、不挥发物、 重金属与细菌内毒素照注射用水项下的方法检查,应符合规定。 其他 应符合注射剂项下有关的各项规定(附录ⅠB)。 【类别】 注射用灭菌粉末的溶剂或注射液的稀释剂或泌尿外科内腔镜手术冲洗剂。 【规格】 (1) 2ml (2) 5ml (3) 10ml (4) 20ml (5)50ml (6)500ml (7)1000ml (8)3000ml(冲洗用) 【贮藏】 密闭保存。

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