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病证 syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-12 08:53:35




1.Syndromes of Heart Failure in Huang Di Nei Jing《内经》关于心力衰竭病证探讨

2.The theory of seven emotions is an essential component of Chinese Medicine(CM), anger is part of them, which is based on the holistic concept of mind and body in ancient China, followed along with the understanding overall process of CM, from theories to practices, from etiology,syndromes to emotion therapy, covering a wide range.作为病因,怒是客观而实际的,所导致的病证也是现实的,运用方药对怒病证的治疗,临床疗效也是肯定的。


1.The Suitability of Cerabral Synrome of Nao-Xue Differentiation for Apoplexy;脑血辨证脑病证候对中风病的适用性研究

2.Study on model combining disease with syndrome of type 2 diabetes mellitus with qi and yin deficiency2型糖尿病气阴两虚证病证结合模型的研究

3.Discussion on thoughts of syndrome standardization from integration of disease and syndrome证候规范化病证结合研究的思路探讨

4.Investigation on the Syndrome and Treatment of Liuyin Disease on the Basis of Guilin Guben <Shanghan Zabing Lun>;桂林古本《伤寒杂病论》六淫病证治研究

5.certificated sick leave有医生证明书证明的病假;有医生证明书的病假

6.Preliminary Study about Zhang Zhongjing"s Jaundice of Etiology and Pathogenesis and Syndromes and Treatment仲景黄疸病病因病机及证治规律初探

7.His high fever attested to his illness; The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication.他发高烧证明他病了。

8.certificate of anti-rabies inoculation预防狂犬病注射证明书

9.He" s certifiable, ie mad.可证明他是精神病患者.

10.I am sure to cure you of your disease .我保证能把你的病医好。

11.A Study on Xu-Shi Pathogenesis and Calculated Diagnostics for Qixu Syndrome of Stroke Disease;中风病虚实病机及其气虚证辨证量化研究

12.Judging Relationship of Syndrome Differentiation and Disease Diagnosis from Concept of Symptom,Syndrome and Disease;从中医症、证、病的概念谈辨证与辨病的关系

13.the evidence by which something is attested.某物经检验证明无病的证据。

14.Thres cases were proven by surgery or autopsy.其中3例经手术证实或病理解剖证实。

15.No definite evidence exists to support that the patient suffers from angina.没有明确的证据证明病人患心绞痛。

16.Study on the Micro Syndrome Differentiation of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin Syndrome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy;IgA肾病气阴两虚证的微观辨证研究

17.To Authenticate the Scale of the Deficiency of Spleen an Kidney in Urinary of Internal Medicine泌尿内科疾病脾肾气虚证量表的验证

18.Characteristics of TCM Syndrome in Kidney-YIN Deficiency of IgA NephropathyIgA肾病肾阴虚证患者的证候特征分析


swelling of arms疑难病证

3)kidney collateral syndrome肾络病证

1.The key characteristic of thekidney collateral syndrome and the clinic principles in selection of drugs;肾络病证的核心特征与临床药物筛选原则

4)Tai Yang disease syndrome太阳病证

5)the same syndromes exist in the different diseases同证异病

1.Some examples of prescription features of "the same syndromes exist in the different diseases" in gynae of Taiping royal prescriptions;《太平圣惠方》妇科同证异病的组方特色

6)Liver Meridian Diseases肝经病证



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