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证型 syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-11 05:25:06




1.The Analysis of the Principle of TCM Diagnosis on the Primary Nephrotic Syndrome;珠三角地区成人原发性肾病综合征中医症候及证型分布特点的研究

2.Objective To provide evidence for cycle therapy,syndrome differentiation rules of hyperplastic disease of breast(HDB) patients before and after menstruation has been studied.目的观察乳腺增生病患者月经期前后单一证型的分布变化,为乳腺增生病周期治疗提供依据。

3.Objective To investigate the fix quantity method of pathological colour of the tongue and the analysis on relationship between colour of the tongue with disease andsyndrome.方法用尼康5000数码相机拍摄舌象,输入计算机,建立舌色、高血压病舌象、证型数据库,作定量分析。


1.An Exploration on Criteria of Syndrome Differentiation for Severe Hepatitis in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Ⅲ重型肝炎中医证型辨证标准探析之三

2.Investigation of TCM symptoms and syndrome in 180 patients with T2DM180例2型糖尿病患者中医证候调查及证型研究

3.Study on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Types of Syndrome of Chronic Hepatitis B;慢性病毒性乙型肝炎中医证型的研究

4.Studying the Relationship Between Damp-heat Syndrome and its Related Indexes with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus;Ⅱ型糖尿病湿热证型的相关指标研究

5.The Discuss on the Warrant Models and the Demonstration Research on the Pricing about Warrant of China;权证定价模型探讨及我国权证定价实证研究

6.There are many types of visas: Bi--short visit for business;签证有多种类型:BI——短期商务旅行签证;

7."Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate"根据证书类型,自动选择证书存储区

8.A Demonstrational Analysis on Warrant Pricing by Using Black-Scholes Model;用Black-Scholes模型对权证定价的实证分析

9.An Empirical Analysis of the Shenzhen Stock Market by ARCH Models;ARCH族模型对深证指数的实证分析

10.Securities Portfolio Selection Multi-model Decision Making Empirical Analysis;证券组合投资多模型决策的实证分析


12.The Analysis on Collaboration between Banks and Securities Companies Based on the Securities for Substitute Saving;基于储蓄替代型证券的银证合作分析

13.Empirical Study on Stock Return of Shanghai Through ARCH with PSO Algroithm;利用PSO对上证指数ARCH模型的实证研究

14.Empirical Study on Stock Through Arch Based on PSO Algorithm;基于PSO的证券市场ARCH模型实证研究

15.Empirical Study on Stock Through ARCH Based on QPSO Algroithm;基于QPSO的证券市场ARCH模型实证研究

16.Sample Analysis of CAPM Model in Shenzhen Stock-market深圳证券市场的CAPM模型实证分析

17.Study on model combining disease with syndrome of type 2 diabetes mellitus with qi and yin deficiency2型糖尿病气阴两虚证病证结合模型的研究

18.A Mean deviation Portfolio Optimal Selection Model均值—离差型组合证券投资优化模型


syndrome type证型

1.Clinical epidemiological study on coronary heart disease ofsyndrome type in TCM;长沙地区冠心病中医证型的临床流行病学研究

2.Correlation between detective indexes of diabetic lower extremity arterial disease andsyndrome type of traditional Chinese medicine糖尿病下肢动脉病变检测指标与中医证型的关系

3.Objective:To study the mainsyndrome types of the small intestine disease and the characteristic of each type and their distribution law.目的:研究中医小肠病临床常见主要证型、各证型的证候特点以及证型的分布规律。

3)syndrome types证型

1.Analysis on TCMsyndrome types of infertility induced by oviduct blockage;输卵管阻塞性不孕症的中医证型初步分析

2.Objective To discuss the survival quality of patient with cerebral infarction in sub-acute seizure phase,who were in different TCMsyndrome types.目的探讨不同证型脑梗死患者亚急性期的生存质量。

3.To study the relationship between related indexes of abdominal obesity,IR, dyslipidaemia,abnormal APN,inflammation response and TCMsyndrome types of patients with CAS accompanied by NAFLD,trying to find some peculiar indexes to provide reliable basis for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of patients with CAS accompanied by NAFLD.探讨上述五个方面相关指标与颈动脉粥样硬化伴非酒精性脂肪肝患病者各中医证型的关系,并为其辨证论治提供参考。

4)type of syndrome证型

1.Objective: to approach thetype of syndrome and syndrome disposition feature on the basis of clinical symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome.目的:根据多囊卵巢综合征患者的临床症状,探讨其证型、证候分布特点。

2.Objective: to approach the dependability of Chinese medicinetype of syndrome and pituitary-thyroid axis in hepatitis cirrhosis.结果:脾虚湿盛、湿热内蕴、脾肾阳虚组T3、FT3降低及rT3升高较肝肾阴虚组、肝气郁结组、对照组具有显著性差异;脾肾阳虚组T4、FT4较肝肾阴虚组、肝气郁结组、对照组明显降低;5个证型的TSH之间的变化无显著性差异。

5)TCM syndrome证型

1.Investigation of TCM Syndrome in HIV/AIDS Patients of Guangdong;广东地区HIV/AIDS患者中医证型分布规律的初步研究

2.Studying of Relationship between Essential Hypertension TCM Syndromes and Classification of Cardiovascular Danger Factors;高血压病危险分层因素与中医证型相关性研究

3.Objective To study theTCM syndromes and regular pattern of symptoms of sub-health state of university teachers.目的研究高校教师亚健康状态的中医证型、症状规律。

6)types of deficient patterns虚证证型



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