肿瘤康复网 > 壹周星闻|高以翔录制综艺节目猝死;蒋劲夫外籍女友控诉家暴;阿黛尔《21》登顶公告牌


时间:2022-04-30 19:22:53



高以翔录制综艺节目猝死Tsao dies at 3511月27日,演员高以翔在浙江录制综艺节目时心源性猝死离世。事发时高以翔正在录制夜间综艺《追我吧》,在节目中参与者需要完成相关的体育运动类任务。有网友表示,高以翔录制节目时间为周三凌晨2时左右,当时现场还有陈伟霆和辰亦儒等演员。35岁的高以翔此前因模特事业进入公众视野。,因出演《遇见王沥川》而被大众熟识。高以翔的经纪公司杰星传播有限公司于当天中午发布声明,确认死讯。声明中还表示,经过近三小时的急救,依然没有挽回高以翔的生命。“我们震惊且悲痛万分,”声明中表示, “经纪人以及工作团队一直陪伴在侧,家人已紧急赶往当地。”(回顾戳)Chinese-Canadian model and actor Godfrey Tsao died after he collapsed while filming a Chinese variety series in Zhejiang province. The 35-year-old Tsao first caught the public"s eye as a fashion model. He became popular in when he starred in Remembering Lichuan, a television adaptation of a romance novel.According to reports, he had been filming Chase Me — a night-time variety series by Zhejiang Television which focuses on physical tasks for its contestants. He reportedly collapsed at around 2am on Wednesday morning (Nov 27), midway through filming. Other celebrities on the set included actor William Chan and boy band Fahrenheit member Calvin Chen.His agency, JetStar Entertainment, confirmed this on Weibo. He was reportedly rushed to a hospital, where he died after nearly three hours, according to JetStar"s statement."We are shocked and saddened," JetStar said, adding that representatives were "always directly by his side," as his family rushed to join him.马上学:Collapse意指(因病重或工作劳累而)倒下,昏倒。蒋劲夫外籍女友控诉家暴New abuse allegations for Jiang Jinfu

蒋劲夫近日再次被控诉家暴,并陷入一片指责声中。26日,蒋劲夫的乌拉圭女友Julieta在个人社交网站上发长文控诉其家暴恶行,称蒋劲夫是个控制狂、暴力狂和嫉妒心很强的人,两人同住的日子就像在监狱。她还表示,两人在一起不到两个月的时间,身心已经遭受严重影响,奉劝和自己有一样遭遇的女生,一定要勇敢离开。27日下午,蒋劲夫就此事通过律师发表律师函,否认家暴行为,称不实信息已严重侵犯蒋劲夫合法权益,要求女方删除不实信息并向蒋劲夫赔礼道歉。而当天晚上,Julieta则晒出手臂淤青照片,并表示“如果我想拍照片保留证据,他会打我打得更凶”。A Chinese actor accused of abusing his foreign girlfriend has drawn harsh criticism online. This follow a similar outcry over a Chinese beauty blogger who endured domestic violence at the hands of an ex-boyfriend.Jiang Jinfu, a well-known actor with a prior abuse record, was exposed for allegedly abusing his Uruguayan girlfriend, Julieta, who shared her experiences on her Instagram account on Nov. 26.."He is a control freak, very violent and extremely jealous," said Julieta, noting that Jiang had physically abused her and twice threatened to kill her.She described her relationship with Jiang as dark, and compared the experience to living in a prison."We have been together for less than 2 months, but the pressure has seriously affected my health. If there is any woman who has the same experience as me, please bravely leave," she said.Jiang"s lawyer issued a statement where he refuted the abuse allegations and urged Julieta to delete her posts and apologize.Julieta then posted a photo on her Instagram page of a bruise on her arm, explaining it was one of several on her body that was a result of Jiang squeezing and beating her.马上学:Abuse一般是“打骂、伤害身体的虐待”,verbal abuse通常指“谩骂、言语上的虐待”。阿黛尔《21》登顶公告牌专辑榜Billboard"s decade of Adele

近日,公告牌Billboard 代十年榜各榜单揭晓。歌手阿黛尔的《21》获专辑榜榜首。这不仅仅是因为该专辑曾登顶榜首24周,专辑还囊括了3首上榜热单:《Rolling in the Deep》(第10位),《Someone Like You》(第38位),《Hello》(第52位)。曾与阿黛尔合作过《21》的美国唱片制作人里克鲁宾表示,阿黛尔不仅有百年不遇的好嗓子,还很有歌曲创作天赋。下一个十年粉丝们更加期待她继续创作好的作品。The decade is quickly coming to a close. To celebrate the music and musicians of this period, Billboard 200 recently released the top songs, albums and artists of the s. Adele’s album, 21, was ranked the top album for the Decade-End Charts. Not only did it top the chart for 24 weeks, but it also included three Hot 100 No 1 singles of the decade. These hit songs were Rolling in the Deep at No 10, Someone Like You at No 38 and Hello at No 52. Rick Rubin, the US record producer who worked with Adele on 21, said, “Besides her once-in-a-lifetime voice, Adele has a pure songwriting gift.” If Adele keeps writing music, we have a lot to look forward to in the coming decade.马上学:Come to a close意为“临近结束,临近尾声”。综合来源:straitstimes、Global Times、《21世纪学生英文报》高一772期

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Laura Michelle Dutton朗读


