肿瘤康复网 > 英国首相卡梅伦在英国保守党年会英语演讲稿


时间:2024-04-05 11:05:23


This week in Manchester we’veshown this Party is on the side of hardworking people.

Helping young people buy theirown home.

Getting the long-term unemployedback to work.

Freezing fuel duty.

Backing marriage.

Cutting the deficit.

Creating jobs.

Creating wealth.

Make no mistake: it is this Partywith the verve, energy and ideas to take our countryforward…

…and I want to thank everyonehere for the great week we’ve had.

When we came to office, we faceda clear and daunting task: to turn our country around.

In May , the needle on thegauge was at crisis point.

People were talking about ourcountry in a way they had not done for decades.

But three and a half years later,we are beginning to turn the corner.

The deficit is falling.

Our economy is growing.

The numbers of our fellowcountrymen and women in work are rising.

We are not there yet, not by along way.

But, my friends, we are on ourway.

I want to thank the people whohave done the most to get us this far.

You. The British people.

Never giving up. Working thoseextra hours. Coping with those necessary cuts.

You. British business. You keptpeople on in the hard times. Invested before you knew forcertain that thingswere getting better.

Together – we are clearing up themess that Labour left.

But I have a simple question, tothe people in this hall and beyond it.

Is that enough?

Is it enough that we just clearup Labour’s mess and think ‘job done’?

Is it enough to just fix whatwent wrong?

I say – no. Not for me.

This isn’t job done; it is jobbegun.

I didn’t come into politics justto fix what went wrong, but to build something right.

We in this party – we don’t dreamof deficits and decimal points and dry fiscal plans

…our dreams are about helpingpeople get on in life…

…aspiration, opportunity…

…these are our words, our dreams.

