肿瘤康复网 > 英国首相卡梅伦在英国保守党秋季年会英语演讲稿


时间:2018-12-14 18:33:00


I am so proud to stand here today as Prime Minister of four nations in one United Kingdom. I was always clear about why we called that referendum. Duck the fight – and our union could have been taken apart bit by bit. Take it on – and we had the chance to settle the question. This Party has always confronted the big issues for the sake of our country. And now…England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland…we are one people in one union and everyone here can be proud of that. And we can all agree, during that campaign a new star – a new Conservative star – was born…someone who’s going to take our message to every corner of Scotland: our very own Ruth Davidson.

The lead-up to that referendum was the most nerve-wracking week of my life. But I can tell youthe best moment of my year. It was June 6th, the 70th anniversary of D Day. Sam and I werein Bayeux, in France, with my constituent, Patrick Churchill…no relation to the great man – buta great man himself. Patrick is 91 years old – and 70 years ago, he was there fighting fascism,helping to liberate that town. I’ll never forget the tears in his eyes as he talked about thecomrades he left behind…or the pride they all felt in the job they had done. As we walked alongthe streets he pointed out where he had driven his tank…and all along the roadside there wereFrench children waving flags – Union Jacks – the grandchildren of the people he had liberated.Patrick’s here today with his wife Karin – and I know, like me, you’ll want to give them thewarmest welcome.

When people have seen our flag – in some of the most desperate times in history – they haveknown what it stands for. Freedom. Justice. Standing up for what is right. They have known thisisn’t any old country. This is a special country. June 6th this summer. Normandy. I was soproud of Great Britain that day. And here, today, I want to set out how in this generation, wecan build a country whose future we can all be proud of. How we can secure a better future forall. How we can build a Britain that everyone is proud to call home.

The heirs to those who fought on the beaches of Northern France are those fighting inAfghanistan today. For thirteen years, young men and women have been serving our countrythere. This year, the last of our combat troops come home – and I know everyone here willwant to show how grateful and how proud we are of everyone who served. But the end of theAfghan mission does not mean the end of the threat. The threat is Islamist extremistterrorism – and it has found a new, hellish crucible – with ISIL, in Iraq and Syria. These peopleare evil, pure and simple. They kill children; rape women; threaten non-believers withgenocide; behead journalists and aid workers. Some people seem to think we can opt out ofthis. We can’t. As I speak, British servicemen and women are flying in the skies over Iraq. Theysaw action yesterday. And there will be troops on the frontline – but they will be Iraqis, Kurds,and Syrians…fighting for the safe and democratic future they deserve.

We are acting in partnership with a range of countries – including those from the region.Because let’s be clear: There is no “walk on by” option. Unless we deal with ISIL, they will dealwith us, bringing terror and murder to our streets. As always with this Party, we will dowhatever it takes to keep our country safe. And to those who have had all the advantages ofbeing brought up in Britain, but who want to go and fight for ISIL – let me say this. If you tryto travel to Syria or Iraq, we will use everything at our disposal to stop you: Taking away yourpassport; prosecuting, convicting, imprisoning you…and if you’re there already – evenpreventing you from coming back. You have declared your allegiance. You are an enemy of theUK – and you should expect to be treated as such.

