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脂肪缺失 Fatty deletion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-21 16:12:00


脂肪缺失,Fatty deletion

1)Fatty deletion脂肪缺失


1.Real time contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis of liver localized fatty deletion and fatty infiltration实时超声造影诊断肝脏局限性脂肪缺失和脂肪浸润

2.Research of Lipoxyenase Nulls Tested Method in Soybean大豆脂肪氧化酶缺失体鉴定方法研究

3.Detection of RAPD Markers Linked to Lipoxygenases-null Genes in Rice Embryo (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻脂肪氧化酶同工酶缺失基因的RAPD标记

4.Effect on the Durable Storage Character of Rice Grain with the Loss of Lipoxygenase Isoenzymes脂肪氧化酶同功酶缺失对水稻耐储藏特性的影响

5.Study on the Characteristics of Lipoxygenase-null Soybean and Soymilk Process Technics;脂肪氧合酶缺失型大豆加工特性及其豆奶加工工艺研究

6.Using Markers Assisted Selection to Accelerate Development of Near-isogenic Lines with Lacking Lipoxygenases in Soybean;利用分子标记辅助选择加速培育大豆种子脂肪氧化酶缺失近等基因系的研究

7.The intermediate fat pad was found absent in two of our patients.在2例患者中发现颞中脂肪垫缺如。

8.Polyunsaturated fatty acid and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder多不饱和脂肪酸与注意缺陷多动障碍

9.Progress in Study of Deactivation of Cu/Zn Catalyst for Hydrogenation of Fatty Methyl Esters to Fatty Alcohols脂肪酸甲酯加氢制脂肪醇Cu/Zn催化剂失活研究进展

10.Oil is absolutely necssary matter for growth of human body and also supplies him with high heat quantity, what is more it is his main origin of aliphatic acid.油脂是人类赖以生存必不可缺的组成部分,其所含必须脂肪酸和非必须脂肪酸的比例应适当。

11."Fat and sugar were scarce hundreds of thousands of years ago," she writes."几十万年以前,脂肪和糖是很缺乏的,"她这样写道。

12.The CT findings of steatohepatitis are closely related to anoxia in high altitude area.结论:脂肪肝CT表现分型与高海拔缺氧明显关系。

13.Fatty Acids, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;脂肪酸、镁、锌、硒与注意缺陷多动障碍的相关研究

14.Application of Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Myocardial Ischemia Disease脂肪间质干细胞在心肌缺血性疾病中的应用

15.Repair of finger pulp defect with volar adipofascial flap from the same finger同指掌侧脂肪筋膜瓣修复指腹软组织缺损

16.Study Development of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in Ischemic Heart Disease脂肪源性干细胞在缺血性心脏病中的研究进展

17.without fat or fat solids.没有脂肪或者脂肪物质。

18.In meat loses moisture, fat, and other substances during cooking.牛肉在烹调时,会损失水分,脂肪和其它物质。


lacking lipoxygenase脂肪氧化酶缺失

1.Five new rice varietieslacking lipoxygenase and one normal rice were stored for 6 month under warm temperature(38℃); Their processing properties, storage indexes, texture characters, and thermal properties were periodically examined during the storage time.采用5个脂肪氧化酶缺失稻谷新品种和1个正常稻谷品种进行6个月的高温(38℃)储藏实验,实验期间对6个稻谷品种的加工品质、储藏品质、质构特性及热分析特性进行了检测,结果表明:脂肪氧化酶缺失稻谷品种在储藏期间的品质变化比正常稻谷缓慢,稻谷中脂肪氧化酶的缺失可在一定程度上提高稻谷储藏品质的稳定性。

3)Liver focal fatty sparing肝局部脂肪缺失

4)null lipoxygenase isozymes脂肪氧化酶同工酶缺失

5)Lipoxygenase null mutant脂肪氧合酶缺失体

6)Lipoxygenase null mutants脂肪氧化酶缺失基因



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