肿瘤康复网 > 双氯酚酸钠 diclofenac sodium英语短句 例句大全

双氯酚酸钠 diclofenac sodium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-01 20:32:46


双氯酚酸钠,diclofenac sodium

1)diclofenac sodium双氯酚酸钠

1.Preparation ofdiclofenac sodium liposomes and its ocular pharmacokinetics;双氯酚酸钠脂质体的制备及其眼部药代动力学

2.Application ofdiclofenac sodium in vitrectomy and its effects on retinal structure;双氯酚酸钠在玻璃体切割术中的应用及其对视网膜结构的影响


1.Diclofenac Sodium Suppositories in Orthopedics Postoperative Analgesia;双氯酚酸钠栓在骨科术后镇痛的效果观察

2.Group Ⅳ was treated with 0.1% diclofenac+1% celluvisc topically and long acting tablets tramadol and valium.Ⅳ组双氯酚酸钠+ 潇莱威点眼,口服长效曲马多片和安定片。

3.Inflammation Influence and Antinflammation Therapeutic Effect of Sodium Diclofenac on Experimental Acute Myocardial Ischemia of Rabbits;炎症对急性缺血性心脏病的影响及其双氯酚酸钠抗炎治疗的实验研究

4.double bleaching with sodium chlorite and hydrogen peroxide亚氯酸钠双氧水双漂法

5.double bleaching with sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide次氯酸钠双氧水双漂法

6.disodium clodronate氯屈磷酸二钠(骨磷,氯甲双磷酸钠)

7.Diclofenac[Sodium, Potassium,Diethylammonium]双氯芬酸[钠盐、钾盐、二乙胺盐]

8.Pharmacokinetics of the preparation of diclofenac sodium chitosan eye drops in aqueous humor of rabbits双氯芬酸钠壳聚糖滴眼液兔眼药动学

9.Preparation and Characterization of Diclofenac Sodium Microcapsules双氯芬酸钠缓释微胶囊的制备与表征

10.Determination on the Contents of Vitamin C in Vegetables by 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol Sodium Method2,6-二氯靛酚钠测定蔬菜中抗坏血酸的含量

11.sodium pentachlow phenolate (na-pcp)五氯苯酚钠(工业用)

12.Studies on Diclofenac Sodium Chitosan/alginate Sustained-release Microspheres and Evaluation of in Vivo-in Vitro Correlation;双氯芬酸钠壳聚糖—海藻酸钠缓释微球的研究及体内外相关性评价

13.gargle of potassium chlorate and pheno氯酸钾酚(含)漱液

14.chlorine bleach liquor氯漂[白]液,次氯酸钠溶液

15.OBJECTIVE : To prepare the dispersible tablet of diclofenac sodium ( DFS)-β-cyclodextrin( β-CD) complex .目的:制备双氯芬酸钠-β-环糊精包合物分散片。

16.Study on Diclofenac Sodium Hydrogel Prepared by Irradiation as Transdermal Drug Delivery System;辐射制双氯芬酸钠水凝胶经皮给药制剂的研究

17.Studies of Diclofenac Sodium Drug-resin Liquid Sustained-release System;双氯芬酸钠药物树脂液体缓释制剂的研究

18.Study on Oral Pulased Release Pellet Drug Delivery System of Diclofenac Sodium;双氯芬酸钠脉冲释药微丸口服给药系统的研究


Diclophenac Sodium双氯酚酸钠栓

1.These cases were stochastical minuted into 2 groups: observe group (Diclophenac Sodium) and control group (Atropine, Meperidine), each group had 108 cases, After Medication, record the patients easement of pain at 30, 60, 120 min, Generl numerical data distributed equilibrium.结论双氯酚酸钠栓治疗肾绞痛较阿托品、哌替啶有显效快,缓解率高,用药方便、剂量少、副作用小等特点。

3)Diclofenac sodium powder双氯酚酸钠粉末药品


1.Inhabition to orthodontic tooth movement in rats betweendiclofenac and rofecoxib.;双氯酚酸和罗非考昔抑制鼠牙移动的效果比较

2.Aim To establish an HPLC method for the evaluation of cytochrome P450 2C9 activity usingdiclofenac as the probe compound in vitro.目的建立一种快速、高效的以双氯酚酸作为探针药物评价细胞色素P4502C9(CYP2C9)酶活性的高效液相色谱-紫外检测方法。

5)sodium bitionolate硫双二氯酚钠

6)Diclofenac potassium双氯酚酸钾

1.OBJECTIVE:To investigate the characteristics of drug release and the factors affecting the in vitro dissolubility of diclofenac potassium double-layer tablets(DPD).目的 :考察双氯酚酸钾双层片的体外释放特征及其影响因素。

2.Plasma diclofenac potassium concentration of 8 male healthy young volunteers after a self alternative single oral dose (50 mg) of diclofenac potassium capsules and tablets were detected by the HPLC method.8名健康男性志愿者自身交叉单剂量口服双氯酚酸钾 5 0mg胶囊剂和片剂 ,采用反相高效液相色谱法测定经时过程血药浓度 。



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