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当归 Angelica sinensis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-17 14:52:47


当归,Angelica sinensis

1)Angelica sinensis当归

1.The Preparation,Purification and Structure Analysis of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides fromAngelica sinensis;当归水溶性多糖的分离、纯化及结构初步分析

2.Microwave-assisted extraction of ferulic acid from angelica sinensis;密闭微波辅助萃取当归粉中的阿魏酸

3.Analysis of Constituents of Essential Oil fromAngelica sinensis with GC-MS method;气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用法分析当归挥发油中化学成分


1.The edible stem, leaf, or root of Angelica archangelica.圆当归圆当归的可食的、叶或根

2.Relative adscription of components between complex and single herb in Danggui Buxue Decoction当归补血汤中组分的变化及归属分析

3.angeloylzygadenic acid lactone当归酰棋盘花酸内酯

4.aromatic stems or leaves or roots of Angelica_Archangelica.当归的芬芳的茎、叶或根。

5.Danggui (angelica) vanishing cream has won a reputation at home and aBroad.当归美容霜,名扬海内外。

6.Objective: To determine ferulic acid content before and after Radix Angelicae Sinensis being processed by oil.目的:测定当归及油炒当归中阿魏酸的含量。

7.Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar"s; and unto God the things that are God"s.凯撒的物当归还给凯撒,上帝的物当归还给上帝。

8.Of right, the property should have gone to him rather than to his sister.按道理,这笔财产应当归他而不应归他的姐姐。

9.Then Jesus said to them," Give to Caesar what is Caesar"s and to God what is God"s." And they were amazed at him.耶稣说,该撒的物当归给该撒,神的物当归给神。他们就很希奇他。

10.And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar"s, and unto God the things which be God"s.路20:25耶稣说、这样、该撒的物当归给该撒、神的物当归给神。

11.Danggui (angelica) vanishing cream is a superB product which can eliminate your freckles and Beautify your face.当归美容霜,祛斑美容有特效。

12.Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar"s.凯撒的东西应当归还凯撒。

13.Study on Mechanisms of Preventing and Treating Vessel Restenosis by Astragalus Membranaceus and Angelica Sinensis;黄芪、当归防治血管再狭窄的作用机制

14...Girls who had once washed silk beside her were kept at a distance from her chariot.当时浣纱伴, 莫得同车归。

15.To ascribe on behalf of another in an unwarranted manner.不正当地…归于以无根据的方式把某事归于某人

16.When you return the equipment, we tear up the deposit slip.当你归还设备时,我们会撕掉押金联。

17.What do you think when you see a homeless person?当你看到无家可归的人你怎么想的?

18.Yes, sir. That"ll be the Lost Property Department.当然可以,先生。这事归失物招领处管。



1.Optimization of volatile oils extraction and β-cyclodextrin inclusion fromangelica and safflower of Zhepujiuweirunzao Tang;赭朴九味润燥汤中当归、红花挥发油的提取和β-环糊精包合工艺研究

2.Effect of Angelica on Proliferation of Neural Stem Cells from Newborn Rats with Intrauterin Hypoxia;当归对宫内缺氧新生大鼠神经干细胞增殖的影响

3.Determination of Trace Lead in Angelica with Microwave Digestion GF AAS;中药当归中微量铅的微波消解—原子吸收分光光度测定法

3)Radix Angelicae Sinensis当归

1.Study on the determination and extraction of ligustilide in Radix Angelicae sinensis and Rhizoma chuanxiong;当归、川芎中藁本内酯含量测定及醇提工艺研究

2.Determination of Sucrose inRadix Angelicae Sinensis by HPLC-ELSD;HPLC-ELSD测定当归中蔗糖的含量

3.Effects of essential oil fromRadix Angelicae Sinensis in mice with sepsis;当归精油对脓毒症小鼠的治疗作用

4)Chinese angelica当归

1.The Quantitative Determination of Paeoniflorin in Paeonia Lactiflora Pall and Chinese Angelica Granule by HPLC;反相HPLC法测定当归芍药冲剂中芍药甙含量

2.Effect ofChinese angelica parenteral solution(当归注射液) on mesenteric lymph microcirculation in blood stasis(血瘀证) rats;当归注射液对血瘀证大鼠肠系膜淋巴微循环的影响


1.Effects of Treatment ofDangGui and HuangQi Combined with Psychology Invention for Female Menopause Angst;当归黄芪结合心理干预治疗女性更年期焦虑患者临床研究

2.Protective effect of Danggui on rats with immune liver injury;当归对大鼠免疫性肝损伤的保护作用

3.The Effect of Danggui Precondition on VEGF and Cyclin D1 Expression after Global Cerebral Ischemia;当归预处理对脑缺血后VEGF和cyclin D1表达的影响

6)Chinese angelica root当归

1.Effects of Chinese Angelica Root, Astragalus Root, Bupleurum Root and Their Combination on Expression of LN, PCⅢ, α-SMA and TGF-β1 on Experimental Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats;当归、黄芪、柴胡及其组方对大鼠实验性肝纤维化LN、PCⅢ、α-SMA、TGF-β1的影响

2.The Detoxification Action of Chinese Angelica Root to Dioscorea bulbifera L;当归对黄药子的减毒作用

3.Analyzed the metal speciation and effective chemical composition of three Chinese traditional medicine: Chinese Angelica root, Astragalus root,Scutellaria root.本文以正辛醇-水体系模拟中药水煎液在人体内的分配情况,运用原子吸收光谱法、高效液相色谱法及紫可见分光光度法分别对三种常用中药当归、黄芪、黄芩中金属元素存在形态及可能的有效成分进行了分析。



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