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当归育苗 angelica seedlings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-13 14:30:39


当归育苗,angelica seedlings

1)angelica seedlings当归育苗

1.In this study, in order to select adapted residue seedbed forangelica seedlings, different residues (potato, angelica and Radix Astragali) were used to culture angelica seedling compared with wild soil.本研究以生荒地为对照,系统研究了不同茬口(当归、马铃薯和黄芪)土壤条件下当归成苗大小、生理特性及其酶促抗氧化系统功能,旨在为筛选可替代生荒地进行当归育苗的农茬口土壤提供理论依据。

2)medium formulation当年育苗效应

1.The experimental results showed that compared with the control(red soil as medium),testedmedium formulation had different effects on the performance of seedling on height,basal diameter and crown diameter.在昆明树木园所进行的连香树、多果槭、榉树、枫杨和川滇桤木等5个乡土绿化阔叶树种不同育苗基质的当年育苗效应试验的结果表明:在其当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅3个性状上,与对照红壤育苗基质相比,不同育苗基质对此5个乡土绿化阔叶树种当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅生长的作用不一,红壤4+福贝菌2育苗基质(处理A)和(复合肥2 kg+钙镁磷肥2 kg)/100 kg红壤育苗基质(处理C)对5个乡土绿化阔叶树种当年生苗木的生长均具有促进作用,对连香树、多果槭、榉树和川滇桤木等4个阔叶树种的当年生苗木生长具较佳促进作用的育苗基质是处理A,其连香树当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅分别比对照高34。


1.Seedling Medium Experiment for Five Broad-leaved Tree Species5个乡土绿化阔叶树种不同育苗基质的当年育苗效应试验

2.Inhibition of matrix seedling raising in winter on premature bolting of Angelica sinensis冬季基质育苗抑制当归早期抽薹的效应研究

3.Effects of PBO on Tomato SeedlingsPBO对培育番茄壮苗应用效果的研究

4.Preliminary Study on the Effect of Effective Microorganisms on Seedling Cultivation in Nursery;有效微生物群在苗圃育苗中应用效果的初步研究

5.The Study of Plug Seedling Substrate and Coupling Effect of Water and Fertilizer on Onion;洋葱穴盘育苗基质及水肥耦合效应的研究

6.The utilization of concentrated micro-algae in hatchery production in yesso scallop Patinopecten yessoensis浓缩单胞藻在虾夷扇贝育苗中的应用效果

7.Application Results of Compound Organic Substrate on Culture of Cabbage Seedlings复合有机基质在甘蓝育苗上的应用效果试验

8.Investigation on the fungal infection and its beneficial effects of Arbuscular mycorrhizal tobacco seedlings after transplanting菌根烟苗移栽后菌根的发育及其效应研究

9.Application Effect of Organic Compound Substrate in Watermelon Seedlings Raising有机复合基质在西瓜育苗上的应用效果

10.Analysis of Effects of Intermediate Felling on Artificially Induced Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest and Studies on Seedlings of Pinus Koraiensis with Different Shading Treatments;人工诱导阔叶红松林抚育间伐效果分析和红松苗遮荫效应的研究

11.Effect of Seed Soaking with Uniconazole on the Growth of Maize and the Cold Resistance of Maize Seedling;烯效唑浸种对玉米生长发育及幼苗抗冷性的调控效应

12.【Objective】To evaluate the effect of the desensitization therapy of the dust acarid-allergic rhinitis patients.【目的】观察尘螨变应原疫苗治疗常年性变应性鼻炎的效果。

13.Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Plug-Seedling of Calliopsis(Coreopsis tinctoria)in Medium包膜控释肥在波斯菊穴盘育苗上的应用及效应研究

14.Ecology Efficacy of Bio-fertilizer Researching in Application of the Forestry Seedling Breeding;生物有机肥料在林业育苗应用上的生态效应研究

15.Application of Straw Biological Reaction Technique in Floating Culture of Flue-cured Tobacco Seedlings秸秆生物反应技术在烤烟漂浮育苗上的应用效果

16.Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified.废除应于发出通知当年年底起三年后生效。

17.The Study of Plug Seedling Substrate and the Effect on Eggplant Seedling;茄子穴盘育苗基质及其育苗效果的研究

18.The Screening of Compound Substrate and Its Effect on Growth and Quality of Watermelon Seedlings西瓜育苗复合基质的筛选及育苗效果研究


medium formulation当年育苗效应

1.The experimental results showed that compared with the control(red soil as medium),testedmedium formulation had different effects on the performance of seedling on height,basal diameter and crown diameter.在昆明树木园所进行的连香树、多果槭、榉树、枫杨和川滇桤木等5个乡土绿化阔叶树种不同育苗基质的当年育苗效应试验的结果表明:在其当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅3个性状上,与对照红壤育苗基质相比,不同育苗基质对此5个乡土绿化阔叶树种当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅生长的作用不一,红壤4+福贝菌2育苗基质(处理A)和(复合肥2 kg+钙镁磷肥2 kg)/100 kg红壤育苗基质(处理C)对5个乡土绿化阔叶树种当年生苗木的生长均具有促进作用,对连香树、多果槭、榉树和川滇桤木等4个阔叶树种的当年生苗木生长具较佳促进作用的育苗基质是处理A,其连香树当年生苗木的苗高、地径和冠幅分别比对照高34。

3)Radix Angelicae Sinensis当归

1.Study on the determination and extraction of ligustilide in Radix Angelicae sinensis and Rhizoma chuanxiong;当归、川芎中藁本内酯含量测定及醇提工艺研究

2.Determination of Sucrose inRadix Angelicae Sinensis by HPLC-ELSD;HPLC-ELSD测定当归中蔗糖的含量

3.Effects of essential oil fromRadix Angelicae Sinensis in mice with sepsis;当归精油对脓毒症小鼠的治疗作用

4)Angelica sinensis当归

1.The Preparation,Purification and Structure Analysis of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides fromAngelica sinensis;当归水溶性多糖的分离、纯化及结构初步分析

2.Microwave-assisted extraction of ferulic acid from angelica sinensis;密闭微波辅助萃取当归粉中的阿魏酸

3.Analysis of Constituents of Essential Oil fromAngelica sinensis with GC-MS method;气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用法分析当归挥发油中化学成分


1.Optimization of volatile oils extraction and β-cyclodextrin inclusion fromangelica and safflower of Zhepujiuweirunzao Tang;赭朴九味润燥汤中当归、红花挥发油的提取和β-环糊精包合工艺研究

2.Effect of Angelica on Proliferation of Neural Stem Cells from Newborn Rats with Intrauterin Hypoxia;当归对宫内缺氧新生大鼠神经干细胞增殖的影响

3.Determination of Trace Lead in Angelica with Microwave Digestion GF AAS;中药当归中微量铅的微波消解—原子吸收分光光度测定法

6)Chinese angelica当归

1.The Quantitative Determination of Paeoniflorin in Paeonia Lactiflora Pall and Chinese Angelica Granule by HPLC;反相HPLC法测定当归芍药冲剂中芍药甙含量

2.Effect ofChinese angelica parenteral solution(当归注射液) on mesenteric lymph microcirculation in blood stasis(血瘀证) rats;当归注射液对血瘀证大鼠肠系膜淋巴微循环的影响



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