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小组互动 group interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-28 13:28:18


小组互动,group interaction

1)group interaction小组互动

1.Thus, students’group interaction emerges as a popular mode of language learning.所以,学生之间的小组互动就是在这样的背景下产生并倍受欢迎的一种学习方式。


1.On Senior English Classroom Group Interaction;高中英语课堂教学中的小组互动研究

2.Group Work in English Classroom is an Effective Way for Communicative Language Teaching;小组互动是英语交际法教学的有效方法

3.The Application of Group Interactive Teaching in College English Class;小组互动教学在大学英语课堂中的应用

4.A Study of Group Interaction among English Majors from the Perspective of Turn-taking话轮转换视角下英语专业学习者之间小组互动的研究

5.Group Work: An Effective Interactive Activity;小组活动——英语课堂上的一种有效的互动活动

6.An Empirical Study of a Cross-group,Interactive-compensatory Classroom Activity in International Theory Context;交互理论指导下的组间小组活动模式研究

7.Great emphasis in this course, is put on group work and interactive projects.课程的授课方式侧重小组活动和互动项目。

8.On Practical Activities of Team Cooperation Out of School Jointly Organized by Family and School;家校互动式校外小组合作实践活动初探

9.Interactive Approach to Language Teaching--Application of the Collaborative Group Work in English Class;论小组活动在交互式语言教学中的应用

municate with and within a group.在一个小组内互相交流。

11.The Experiment of Senior Mathematical Classroom Instruction-"Five-Student Group Cooperation";高中数学课堂教学“五人小组点面互动合作交流”实验研究

12.The Study of Influence of Ability Group Composition on Cognitive Interaction and Cognitive Outcomes in Cooperative Learning;合作学习小组能力构成因素对互动过程与学习效果的影响研究

13.An Investigation into Interaction Ability Approach in EFL Classroom: Viewed from Angle of Group Work;从小组活动角度调查交互方法在外语课堂中的使用

parison on Peer Coaching in US and the Activities of Teaching and Research Group in China;美国中小学教师的同伴互助及对我国教研组活动的启示

15.Coaching--Face-to face Teaching--Group-homework Discussion;导学——面授辅导——小组作业讨论——《经济数学基础》课程的三轮互动式教学

16.Then study each other in pairs or groups.继而出现小小组研讨、资料、帮互学情景。

17.The Folk Organization Classification:Perspective of the Interation between Organizations and Environment;民间组织分类:组织与环境互动的视角

18.Study of Dynamic Network Simulation on Coordination between Information System and Organization组织—信息系统互动动态网络模拟研究


interactive learning groups互动学习小组

3)Group Evaluation小组互评

1.The Research of the Problem of theGroup Evaluation Excursion in CL Action;对CL中小组互评成绩偏差问题的思考

4)Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo互助小组

5)organizational interaction组织互动

1.Evolution of the alliance based onorganizational interaction and individual relationships;基于组织互动和个人关系的联盟演化模型

6)interactive integration互动组合

1.Building a team characterized byinteractive integration of industry and academy is a new approach towards the goal of faculty with industrial experiences.建立“工学互动组合教学团队”,是从根本上解决目前“双师型”教师队伍建设困境的一种新思路。



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