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Basal-like乳腺癌 basal-like breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-23 16:20:23


Basal-like乳腺癌,basal-like breast cancer

1)basal-like breast cancerBasal-like乳腺癌

2)adenocarcinoma of breast乳腺腺癌

3)Gastric cancer/Breast cancer胃癌/乳腺癌

4)Breast cancer乳腺癌

1.Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer;浅析乳腺癌的早期诊断研究

2.Assessment of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in 40 patients;40例乳腺癌新辅助化疗的疗效观察

3.A study on social support and coping style of breast cancer patients and its relationship with their personality;乳腺癌病人社会支持和应对方式及其与人格关系的研究


1.in breast cancer, 27 percent.对乳腺癌为27%。

2.Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α,Survivin and Breast CancerHIF-1α、Survivin与乳腺癌

3.The using of Xihuang Pill in mammary hyperplasia and breast cancer西黄丸在乳腺增生和乳腺癌中的应用

4.Study of the Relationship of Breast Micro-calcifications and Breast Carcinoma乳腺微小钙化与乳腺癌的相关性研究

5.Expression and signiticance of SVV protein in breast adenosis,adenoma,and carcinomaSurvivin在乳腺腺病、乳腺管状腺瘤、乳腺癌组织中的表达差异及其意义

6.Breast-Conserving Surgery Assisted by Mastoscopy for Early Breast Cancer乳腔镜辅助下早期乳腺癌的保乳治疗

7.International Society Against Breast Cancer国际乳腺癌防治协会

8.Results The BBC was 3.67%(119/3239) of the operable breast cancer patients at the same period.结果双侧乳腺癌占同期可手术乳腺癌的3.67%(119/3239)。

9.Expression of TRAF2 and Its Relationship with Invasion in Breast Cancer;TRAF2在乳腺癌中的表达及与乳腺癌侵袭性的关系

10.Needs for population on health education from breast cancer screening从乳腺癌筛查看群众的乳腺癌健康教育需求

11.Research on correlation factors of breast cancer stem cell and breast cancer metastasis乳腺癌干细胞与乳腺癌转移相关因素的研究

parison of SP Cells between Breast Cancer Tissues and MCF-T Cells乳腺癌与MCF-7乳腺癌细胞株中SP含量的比较

13.Clinical Significance of Internal Mammary Nodes in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer乳腺内乳淋巴结在乳腺癌诊治中的临床意义

14.The view of the effect after short-time treatment in 58 cases treated with breast conservation treatment (BCT)乳腺癌保乳手术65例近期疗效观察

15.The Breast- conserving Surgery in Forty- two Patients of Primary Breast Cancer;保乳简化根治术治疗乳腺癌42例报告

16.Modified Breast-conserving Surgery:a New Pattern of modern treatment to breast cancer改良保乳术——现代乳腺癌治疗的新模式

17.Breast-conserving Surgery for Early Breast Cancer:Clinical Curative Effect早期乳腺癌保乳手术的临床疗效分析

18.Analysis of Therapeutic Effect of Breast-Conserving Surgery on Early Breast Cancer in 22 Cases22例早期乳腺癌保乳手术的疗效分析


adenocarcinoma of breast乳腺腺癌

3)Gastric cancer/Breast cancer胃癌/乳腺癌

4)Breast cancer乳腺癌

1.Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer;浅析乳腺癌的早期诊断研究

2.Assessment of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in 40 patients;40例乳腺癌新辅助化疗的疗效观察

3.A study on social support and coping style of breast cancer patients and its relationship with their personality;乳腺癌病人社会支持和应对方式及其与人格关系的研究

5)Breast neoplasm乳腺癌

1.Expression of caspase-7,caspase-3,survivin in breast neoplasm and their relationship with clinicopathologic factors;乳腺癌caspase-7、caspase-3、survivin的表达及与临床病理因素关系的探讨

2.Expression of caspase-7,survivin in breast neoplasm and their relationship with other biomarkers.;caspase-7、survivin在乳腺癌中的表达及相关性研究

3.In control group,tissue was obtained from a series of 50 patients(52 breasts) who had malignant breast neoplasm resected.目的探讨雌、孕激素受体在女性乳腺癌与各种增生性病变组织中的表达及临床意义。

6)small breast cancer小乳腺癌

1.Objective:To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages in diagnosis ofsmall breast cancer with Mo-targeted X-ray.目的:探讨X线钼靶对小乳腺癌的诊断优缺点及价值。


BAS1.英文缩写: BAS (Basic Assembler Program) 中文译名: 宽带接入服务器 分类: 电信设备 解释: 随着宽带城域网和宽带业务的发展,对于用户已不能简单地采用包月制、无认证的管理办法。宽带接入服务器(BAS)是一种设置在网络汇聚层的用户接入服务设备,可以智能化地实现用户的汇聚、认证、计费等服务,还可以根据用户的需要,方便地提供多种IP增值业务。2.制动力辅助系统(BAS):BAS英文全称为Brake Assist System(制动力辅助系统)。据统计,在紧急情况下有90%的汽车驾驶员踩刹车时缺乏果断,制动辅助系统正是针对这一情况而设计。它可以从驾驶员踩制动踏板的速度中探测到车辆行驶中遇到的情况,当驾驶员在紧急情况下迅速踩制动踏板,但踩踏力又不足时,此系统便会在不到1秒的时间内把制动力增至最大,缩短紧急制动情况下的刹车距离。

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