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情志内伤 internal injuries caused by seven emotions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-10 11:42:24


情志内伤,internal injuries caused by seven emotions

1)internal injuries caused by seven emotions情志内伤

2)sentiment and aspiration情志内容

3)internal injury caused by excess of seven emotions七情内伤

4)Vascular endothelium injure markers内皮损伤标志物

5)Endothelium injury markers内皮细胞损伤标志物


1.Brief discussion on the relationship betweenemotion and viscera of woman and the therapeutic character in Traditional Chinese Medicine;浅论妇女情志致病与脏腑关系及中医治疗特点


1.Discuss and Analysis the Emotion Regulation Thinkings in Sentimental Theories in Internal Classics;《内经》情志学说的情绪调节思想探析

2.On the world of emotion in the book "The New Account of Tales of the World" and the doctrine of aspiration;《世说新语》的情理世界与“情志”说

3.Evolution of the Saying of "Poems Express Ideal"--On the Saying of "Feeling and Ideal" of Chinese Traditional Poetry Theory;言志"说的演进与变异——中国传统诗论中的"情志"论

4.Constructing an Academic Frame of Chinese Emotion Medicine and Building a Clinical Preventive and Therapeutic Frame of Emotion Diseases and Syndromes;中医情志学科建设及情志病证临床防治框架构建探讨

5.Emotional Factors" Effect on the Patients with Infertilitas and Explanation of the Conception of Emotional Infertilitas情志因素对不育症患者的影响及情志性不育症概念诠释

6.Study on application of Yin and Yang emotion nursing method for female college students after earthquake阴阳情志调护论在震后女大学生情志调护中的应用研究

7.pornographic films and magazines.色情电影和色情杂志。

8.boyish ambitions, hopes, enthusiasm男孩子的志向、 愿望、 热情

9.spirit of friendly familiarity and goodwill between comrades.同志间的友情和善意。

10.The sentiment can be understood in both feeling and interest.而情趣美可理解为感情与志趣两方面。

11.Simple Analysis the Aesthetic Spice of "Love Maniac"s Image in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;浅析《聊斋志异》中“情痴”形象的审美情趣

12.On the Theme of Love Stories in The Fantastic Story Chatting from the Studio;论《聊斋志异》爱情篇章的恩情主题

13.The Complex of Bosom Friends in the LoveStories in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;《聊斋志异》情爱故事中的知己情结

14.Love Is in Other Places--Revealing Xu Zhimo s Opinion on Love through His Lyric;爱情在别处——从徐志摩的抒情诗看他的爱情观

15.It isn"t passion at all, it is your will. It"s yjH&y?Oumy_D6YraC那根本不是激情,那是你的意志,是你专横的意志。

16.Elaborate The History of the Three Kingdoms,Perform Love--About the Storytelling Imperial Jade Seal Biography of the History of the Three Kingdoms演绎《三国志》,弹唱儿女情——弹词《三国志玉玺传》试论

17.Poems Express Will, Songs Intone Emotion--On the lyrical art of China s classical poetry;诗言志 歌咏情——谈中国古典诗词的抒情艺术

18.A Love Fruit on the Chinaberry--A Review of Love Poems by Xu Guozhi;一棵苦楝树上的爱情果——评诗人徐国志的爱情诗


sentiment and aspiration情志内容

3)internal injury caused by excess of seven emotions七情内伤

4)Vascular endothelium injure markers内皮损伤标志物

5)Endothelium injury markers内皮细胞损伤标志物


1.Brief discussion on the relationship betweenemotion and viscera of woman and the therapeutic character in Traditional Chinese Medicine;浅论妇女情志致病与脏腑关系及中医治疗特点


内伤嗽血内伤嗽血 内伤嗽血 病证名。内伤肺络的咳嗽吐血。见《症因脉治》卷二。多因肺胃积热,痰火上冲;或房劳精竭,肾火刑金;或思虑伤脾,脾火消阴;或郁怒伤肝,肝火拂郁;或用心太过,心火妄动所致。其证身无表邪,咳嗽吐血。肺胃积热,胃火上冲者,治宜清金降火,用泻白散、清胃汤、化痰丸等方。房劳精竭。肾火刑金者,先用犀角地黄汤,血止后选用归芍天地煎、三才丹等。脾阳不足,土不生金者,加味归脾汤。怒动肝火,木火刑金者,柴胡饮子。肝血不足者,加味补肝散。心火妄动者,导赤各半汤。心血不足者,天王补心丹。肾火不足,阳虚不能摄血者,八味肾气丸等方。

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