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流激振动响应 Flow-induced vibration response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-22 11:34:37


流激振动响应,Flow-induced vibration response

1)Flow-induced vibration response流激振动响应

2)wave induced vibration response波激振动响应

1.Taking account of the coupling of the fluid and solid, the paper provides a theoretical method of wave loads, mode analysis andwave induced vibration response of ship hull with thin walled beam.用本文方法和相应计算程序计算了一条6m 长钢质船模的固有频率、振型及弯扭耦合波激振动响应。

3)vibration response振动响应

1.Randomvibration response of an aeronautical thin-shell to acoustic excitation;噪声载荷作用下航空薄壁壳体的随机振动响应

2.Prediction control of structuralvibration response basedon neural network;基于神经网络的结构振动响应预测控制

3.Analysis ofvibration response of containment foundation in nuclear power station after munitions bombing炸药触地爆炸后核电站安全壳基底振动响应分析


1.Analysis for Forces Exciting Structural Vibration of Multi-cylinder Engine Block多缸内燃机机体结构振动响应的激振力分析

2.Influence of static stress fields on vibration responses of a tunnel subjected to train loading静应力场对隧道列车振动响应的影响分析

3.Research on Vibration Response of Mechanical Characteristics of ERF;电流变流体机械特性振动响应的研究

4.Analysis and Assessment of the Vibration Responds Traffic-Induced of Xi"an Bell Tower西安钟楼的交通振动响应分析及评估

5.The Response of Buffeting and Flutter Vibration Analysis of Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge大跨度斜拉桥风致振动响应分析研究

6.Stochastic Vibration of PCB Assembly with Interval Parameters具有区间参数的PCB组件随机振动响应

7.Damage Detection in Coupled String System by Measured Dynamic Responses基于振动响应的耦合弦系统损伤检测

8.Beam-Excited Nonlinear Vibration Response of Stay Cables受梁端激励斜拉索的非线性振动响应

9.Inverse Analysis Identification of Traffic Loading From Pavement Vibration Response由路面振动响应反分析识别交通荷载

10.Study on dynamic responses of submarine fluid conveying pipeline under eddy stimulation水下悬跨输流管道流致振动响应研究

11.Analyses of vibration responses and its statistical characteristics for random mass plate随机质量板的振动响应及其统计分析

12.Analysis of Simply Supposed Girder Bridge Vibration Responses Influenced by Truck Overload Driving汽车超载行驶对简支梁桥振动响应的影响分析

13.The effect of functional loads on free spanning pipeline"s VIV response悬跨管道功能载荷对涡激振动响应的影响(英文)

14.Study on Coupled Vibration Response and Anti-impact Property of Gear Transmissions System;齿轮传动系统耦合振动响应及抗冲击性能研究

15.Resonances of Coupled Vibration of Dry-friction Damper Turbine Blades;干摩擦叶片耦合振动的共振响应研究

16.Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration Behaviors and Wind-Excited Responses for Suspension Cables;悬索非线性振动特性及风振响应分析

17.The Research of Vibration Mechanism and Analysis of Dynamic Response for Tubing String;油管柱振动机理研究与动力响应分析

18.Dominant modes of fluctuating wind-induced response for large-span roof大跨度屋盖结构脉动风振响应的参与振型


wave induced vibration response波激振动响应

1.Taking account of the coupling of the fluid and solid, the paper provides a theoretical method of wave loads, mode analysis andwave induced vibration response of ship hull with thin walled beam.用本文方法和相应计算程序计算了一条6m 长钢质船模的固有频率、振型及弯扭耦合波激振动响应。

3)vibration response振动响应

1.Randomvibration response of an aeronautical thin-shell to acoustic excitation;噪声载荷作用下航空薄壁壳体的随机振动响应

2.Prediction control of structuralvibration response basedon neural network;基于神经网络的结构振动响应预测控制

3.Analysis ofvibration response of containment foundation in nuclear power station after munitions bombing炸药触地爆炸后核电站安全壳基底振动响应分析

4)dynamic response振动响应

1.This paper discusses the behavior ofdynamic response in the variable speed cutting.研究了变速切削系统的振动响应特征,理论分析和实验结果均表明,在发生再生型颤振时,变速切削系统的振动响应和动态切削力的频率随时间的变化规律和机床主轴转速随时间的变化规律相同;动态切削力为一宽频的激励信号,振动响应为一窄带的响应信号;动态切削力和振动响应的包络变动周期与机床主轴的变动周期相

2.Study on Dynamic Response of Pile-Soil Interaction Offshore Platforms;无论是在正常海况还是在极限海况,即使强度足够,在风、浪、流等环境载荷的作用下,平台都有可能产生过大的振动响应。

5)vibrating response振动响应

1.In accordance with random vibration energy theory1, and by taking artificial hunting curves of the train frame as excitation source,vibrating responses with 99% probability of the train and bridge system are calculated when a quasi-high-speed train runs through the reinforced concrete multi-span box girder bridge respectively at a speed of 160 km/h and 200 km/h.本文将准高速列车──桥梁系统视为一个整体,根据随机振动能量理论1以列车构架人工蛇行波为激振源计算了列车分别以160km/h、200km/h速度通过钢筋混凝土连续梁桥时具有99%概率水平的车桥系统振动响应。

6)vibrational response振动响应

1.Differential equations of motion are derived for a vibrational system with absorbers first,and then thevibrational response and damping efficiency of this system are computed by means of matrix operation.首先导出其上含有减振器的振动系统的运动微分方程组,通过矩阵运算导出减振系统的振动响应和减振效率,然后按照惩罚函数优化方法计算减振器的力学特征参数。

2.Axialvibrational response of a liquid-filled piping system is simulated by using the Method of Characteristics(MOC).对充液直管管系中固 -液耦合 (包括连接、泊松、摩擦耦合 )对管系轴向振动响应的影响进行了研究。

3.A method which analyses thevibrational response of the random mass plate is presented based on the Rayleigh-Ritz energy method and Lagrange dynamic equation,the response analysis method is described and the statistical characters are pointed out.以Rayleigh-Ritz能量法和Lagrange动力学方程为基础,提出了一种分析随机质量板的振动响应方法,并对其统计特性进行了分析。



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