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振动 vibration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-08 21:44:00




1.Test and study of overhead guardvibration of a type of internal-combustion forklift truck;某型号内燃叉车护顶架振动实验研究

2.Vibrational derusting process of small-caliber pipe inwall;小口径钢管内壁振动除锈工艺

3.Thevibration analysis of WXX-200 rotating cyclone centrifuge;WXX-200型旋转旋流离心机振动分析


1.forced oscillation [ vibration ]【物】受迫振动[振荡]

2.Vibrating or capable of vibration.振动性的或能振动的

3.fundamental natural mode of vibration振动的基本固有振动模

4.A pulsation produced by beating.振动敲击产生的振动

5.vibration sensitive receptor振动感受器振动感受器

6.Of, characterized by, or consisting of vibration.振动的振动的,以振动为特征的,由振动组成的

7.damped oscillation阻尼摆动;阻尼振荡;衰减振荡;衰减振动;减幅振动

8.Torsional vibration absorbersGB/T16305-1996扭转振动减振器

9.FOTO(Forced Oscillation of a Tightening Oscillator)张紧振子的强制振动

10.undamped oscillation无阻尼振荡;连续振荡;持续振荡;不衰减振动

11.Vibration of waterpower set is complex,which includes me chanical vibration,hydaulic vibration,electric vibration and so on.水力机组的振动复杂 ,有机械振动、水力振动、电气振动等。

12.Study on Structural Vibration Control of Liquid Column Vibration Absorber;液柱式振动吸振器(LCVA)在结构振动控制中的研究

13.Study on Parameter Vibration, Rain-Wind-Induced Vibration and Resistance Measures;斜拉索参数振动、风雨振动及制振措施的研究

14.Study on the Impact in the Course of the Starting and the Influence of Vibrating Parameters振动平板夯起振冲击机理及振动参数影响分析

15.vibration exposure limits振动耐受限度振动耐受限度

16.Ortlinghaus plate clutch摩擦片式离合器oscillate摆动振动振荡

17.One of the features of a forced oscillation is the energy in the oscillation.受迫振动的特点之一是振动的能量。

18.Active Vibration Control Technique for Two-stage Isolation Mounting双层隔振系统振动主动控制技术研究



1.Effect ofOscillation Field on Polymer Melt Flow in Extrusion Die of Profile;振动场对聚合物熔体在异型材挤出口模内的流动影响

2.Research of mold electro-hydraulic servo oscillation system on Baosteel Continuous Casting Testing Platform;宝钢连铸试验平台结晶器电液伺服振动系统研究

3.Analysis on the oscillation unit of thin slab Conti-casting machine;包钢薄板坯连铸机结晶器振动台机构分析


1.Analysis ofvibrations at the single-double support switch time in a humanoid robot;仿人机器人支撑转换期振动分析

2.An Analysis of the Vibrations of the shaft System with Elastic Coupling;装有弹性联轴器(压缩型)的轴系统振动分析

3.Experimental study of groundvibrations induced by moving train;列车运行对周围地面振动影响的试验研究


1.Experiment analysis of largevibrating screen"s dynamics emulation and its mode;大型振动筛动态仿真和模态分析实验综述

2.Study on Hybrid Parameter-variable Vibrating Drilling Process for Fiber-enhanced Composite Material;混合变参数振动钻削纤维增强复合材料的研究

3.Effects of parameters ofvibrating wavelike sloping plate process on microstructures of Al-6Si-2Mg alloy;波浪型倾斜板振动对Al-6Si-2Mg合金凝固组织的影响


1.By making use of the integral method and some results of the functional differential equations,oscillatory properties of solutions of a class of lagging-type hyperbolic equations with variable time-lag were studied and a series of criterions on theoscillatory properties of the equations were established.本文研究一类变时滞的滞后型双曲型方程解的振动性质,利用积分法和泛函微分方程某些结果,建立了若干振动性的判别准则。

2.An attempt has been made to apply a gradient method for optimizing motor carsoscillatory parameter using microcomputers.本文利用微机通过梯度法初步实现对汽车振动参数的优化设计。

3.Some conditions are precented under which every solution of the equation isoscillatory, either tending to zero or tending to infinity as t tends to infinity.本文研究一类高阶非线性时滞中立型微分方程的解的渐近性态,给出了该方程的解是振动的,或者趋于零,或者趋于无穷的条件。


1.Linearized Oscillations for First Order Delay Differential Equations in a Critical State;临界状态下一阶时滞微分方程的线性化振动性

2.Solar-likeoscillations have also been observed in some low-mass stars.在许多小质量恒星中还观测到了类太阳振动。

3.This paper presents the necessary and sufficient conditions of theoscillations of the solutions to the first order differential equation(1) with positive and negative coefficients.建立具正负系数的一阶时滞微分方程(1)的一切解振动的充要条件,有了该条件,依据方程的系数与时滞,经过有限步计算,就能确定方程(1)的解的振动。



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