肿瘤康复网 > 颞下窝A型入路 type A-infratemporal fossa英语短句 例句大全

颞下窝A型入路 type A-infratemporal fossa英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-14 07:18:14


颞下窝A型入路,type A-infratemporal fossa

1)type A-infratemporal fossa颞下窝A型入路

1.Objective:Thetype A-infratemporal fossa approach involves many anatomic structures among which have complex relationships and the report about the Chinese anatomic study related to this approach is rarely.目的:颞下窝A型入路涉及的解剖结构复杂,而与此入路相关的国人解剖学研究报道少见。


1.Microsurgical Anatomical Study and Clinic Application of Type A-Infratemporal Fossa Approach颞下窝A型入路的显微解剖学及临床应用研究

2.Microanatomical Studies of the Keyhole Approaches in the Subtemporal Region and the Infratemporal Region;颞下区和颞下窝区锁孔入路的显微解剖学研究

3.Microanatomic Study on Preauricular Subtemporal-Infratemporal Fossa Approach;耳前颞下—颞下窝入路的显微解剖学研究

4.Subtemporal and preauricular approach for infrotemporal fossa tumors颞下-耳前入路手术切除颅底颞下窝肿瘤四例报告

5.Microdissection Study of Subtemporal Approach for Middle Cranial Fossa;颅中窝经颞下手术入路的显微解剖研究

6.Glenoid Fossa Position in Subjects with Different Facial Types: a Cephalometric Study;不同骨面型患者颞下颌关节窝位置的测量研究

7.Microsurgical Anatomic Comparison between Subtemporal Keyhole Approach and Traditional Subtemporal Approach;颞下锁孔入路与传统颞下入路的解剖学对比研究

8.Microanatomic Study of Petrous Part of Temporal Bone and Internal Auditory Canal by Middle Fossa Approach;颅中窝硬膜外入路颞骨岩部及内听道的显微解剖研究

9.Microanatomical Study of the Facial Nerve in the Temporal Bone Via Mastoid-middle Cranial Fossa Approach;经乳突中颅窝联合入路颞骨内面神经的显微解剖

10.Microsurgery Anatomy Study of Subtemperal Anterior Transpetrosal Approach;颞下—经岩前入路的显微外科解剖研究

11.Observations on Anatomic of the Area of Tentorium of Cerebellum and Labbe Vein Through Subtemporal Approach and Subtemporal Keyhole Approach颞下和颞下锁孔入路小脑幕切迹区及Labbe静脉解剖观察

12.Subtemporal selective amygdalohippocampectomy via the fusiform gyrus approach for the treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy经颞下梭状回入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗颞叶内侧癫痫

13.Selective amygdalohippocampectomy via the inferior temporal gyrus approach for the treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy经颞下回-侧脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫

14.Microsurgery Through Modified Pterional-Approach for Fronto-temporal Severe Contrecoup Injury扩大翼点入路治疗对冲性额颞部重型颅脑损伤

15.Study on Microsurgery Anatomy of the Combination Approach in Subtemporal-occipital and Posterior Sinus Sigmoideus;颞枕下乙状窦后联合入路的显微外科解剖研究

16.Subtemporal Keyhole Approach: Microanatomic Considerations and Clinical Application;颞下锁孔入路的显微解剖与临床应用研究

17.Microsurgical Anatomy of the Subtemporal Transtentorial Approach颞下经小脑幕入路相关显微解剖学研究

18.Study of Applied Anatomy Related to Neurosurgery through Subtemporal Transtentorial Approach to Superior Petroclival Region颞下经小脑幕入路至上岩斜区应用解剖研究


infratemporal fossa approach颞下窝入路

1.Microanatomic study of access to the pterygopalatine fossa via a combined frontotemporalandinfratemporal fossa approach;额颞-颞下窝入路翼腭窝的显微解剖学研究

2.Objective To compare the application of transmaxillary approach and parotid glandinfratemporal fossa approach to full and safe resection of skull base tumor.方法对4例颅底肿瘤根据侵及区域不同,采用不同的手术径路,其中3例采用经一侧上颌骨翻转入路,1例采用经一侧腮腺颞下窝入路。

3)Subtemporal-preauricular infratemporal fossa approach颞下耳前颞下窝入路

4)type A Infratemporal Fossa ApproachA型颞下窝径路

5)Subtemporal approach颞下入路

parison study on anatomy and surgical exposure of subtemporal keyhole approach and traditional subtemporal approach;颞下锁孔入路与传统颞下入路显露范围的解剖学对比研究

2.Objective Based on the rationale of "keyhole" minimally invasive neurosurgery, the normal subtemporal approach was modified to decrease the surgical trauma.目的以“锁孔”微创的理念,改良常规颞下入路,以减少手术损伤。

3.Objective: To compare the surgical exposure of subtemporal keyhole approach with that of traditional subtemporal approaches with or without zygomatic arch removal, and explore their clinical indications.目的:研究颞下锁孔入路与去颧弓前后的传统颞下入路对鞍区和岩斜区的显露范围差异,并探讨各入路的适用范围,为临床手术入路的选择提供解剖依据。

6)subtemporal-occipital approach颞枕下入路

1.Surgical management of petroclival meningiomas by modifiedsubtemporal-occipital approach;经改良颞枕下入路切除岩斜坡脑膜瘤



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