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钩缓装置 draft gears英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-08 14:46:33


钩缓装置,draft gears

1)draft gears钩缓装置

1.Described are the main technical parameters of 3 types of tight-lockdraft gears for multiple units in Europe and Japan,which are going to be imported by the Railway in our country.介绍了我国铁路引进的欧洲和日本共3种动车组密接式钩缓装置的主要技术参数,并对这3种钩缓装置的总体设计、车钩和缓冲器的技术特点进行了比较分析。


1.Breaking Reason Analysis of Coupler Yoke Bolts on Coupler Draft Gears for Railway Freight Cars铁路货车钩缓装置钩尾扁销螺栓断裂原因分析

2.Development of Tight-lock Coupler and Draft Gear Using on 25 Type Passenger Cars25型客车密接式车钩缓冲装置的研制

3.Assembling specifications of couplers and draftgears for railway carsGB/T12813-1991铁道车辆车钩缓冲装置组装技术条件

4." Rolling stock terms--Coupler,draft gear and vestibule diaphragm"GB/T4549.4-1984铁道车辆名词术语车钩缓冲及风挡装置

5.The Analysis of Model Selection of Coupler Draft Gears for Locomotive & Rolling Stock关于机车车辆车钩缓冲装置的选型分析

6.The North Vehicle in Kunming Segment is New to Set Up the Car Hook Buffer Equips the Check Fixs a Project Design;昆明北车辆段新建车钩缓冲装置检修间方案设计

7.An arrangement of barbless hooks that is dragged through a school of fish to hook them in their bodies.鱼叉,排钩用无倒钩的挂钩拖过鱼群以使鱼钩钩住鱼体的一种装置

8.A tripping or triggering device on a mechanism.倾卸装置、钩杆机械装置上断开或启动的装置

9.Coupler and buffer configuration and energy absorption of mass transit vehicles城轨车辆车钩缓冲器的配置与能量吸收

10.any of various hooked or U-shaped metallic devices used for gripping or holding heavy objects.用以抓起重物的钩状或U型金属装置.

11.lifting piece for clocks or watches钟表的齿条钩的提升装置

12.The 3-point hitch unit is gaining wider acceptance.较广泛使用的是那种三用钩拴装置。

13.Design of hook structure of automatic robot for ABU robocon ABU robocon自动机器人钩子装置的设计与制作

14.Study on the Load-Relieving Device and Analysis Theory of Load Relieving System;荷载缓和体系中缓和装置及其计算理论的研究

15.hydraulic shock absorber液压减震器油压缓冲装置

16.Research on the Moon Landing Buffer Based on Magnetorheological Technique;基于磁流变技术的登月缓冲装置研究

17.Research on the Extendable and Retractable Automobile Crash Energy Absorption Device可伸缩式汽车碰撞缓冲吸能装置研究

18.Inhibitor of Naphthenic Acid Corrosion in Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit常减压装置环烷酸腐蚀的缓蚀剂研究


coupler and draft gear钩缓装置

1.Design of Tight-lock Coupler and Draft Gear of Metro Based on CAD/CAE Integration;基于CAD/CAE集成的地铁密接式钩缓装置设计

3)tightlock coupler draft gears密接式钩缓装置

1.Through the research carried out in such aspects as the design calculation, fatigue test, production technology, dynamics testing on track, the causes to insufficient margin of coupler yoke strength appeared in the initial stage of operation of thetightlock coupler draft gears are found out, and effective measures for solution are put forward.通过从设计计算、疲劳试验、生产工艺、线路动力学测试等各方面开展的研究,找到了密接式钩缓装置投入运用初期曾出现的钩尾销强度裕量不足现象的原因,并提出了有效的解决措施。

4)coupler draft gears车钩缓冲装置

1.In this paper, the structure, function principles and the relevant development process of the national retractable tightlockcoupler draft gears are described.介绍了国产可伸缩密接式车钩缓冲装置的结构、作用原理以及相关的研制过

2.Described are the research and development of the new type ofcoupler draft gears on passen-ger cars of Russtan Railway, as well as the structure features and main parameters of the four types of tight-lock couplers.介绍了俄罗斯铁路新型客车车钩缓冲装置的研究开发情况和4种密接式车钩的结构特点及主要参数。

5)tigh-lock coupler and draft gear密接式车钩缓冲装置

6)uncoupling device解钩装置

1.The essay concludes the causes resulting in separation of freight train,such as separation due to theuncoupling device,rupture of coupler yoke as well as the natural separation of train couplers.对造成货物列车分离的原因进行了归纳:解钩装置造成的分离;钩尾框断裂及车钩自动分离。


缓脉灵双氯乙酯 ,缓律灵药物名称:缓律灵英文名:别名: 缓脉灵双氯乙酯 ,缓律灵适应症: 用于治疗各种心律失常,特别是急性心肌梗塞和阵发性房颤。对心肌梗塞后有良好的预防心律失常作用。 用量用法: 口服:每次50~200mg,每日3次,肌注:每次50~150mg。静注:每次50~100mg,每日1~2次。静滴:每日0.5g。 规格: 片剂:50mg;针剂:50mg。 类别:抗心律失常药

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