肿瘤康复网 > 畸胎样囊肿 Teratoid cyst英语短句 例句大全

畸胎样囊肿 Teratoid cyst英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-04 21:44:10


畸胎样囊肿,Teratoid cyst

1)Teratoid cyst畸胎样囊肿

1.CONCLUSION:Teratoid cysts have great impact on the patients due to its specific location,although it is a cystic disease.目的:探讨口底畸胎样囊肿临床病理及手术治疗的时机选择。


1.Retrospective analysis of 10 congenital teratoid cysts of the mouth floor口底畸胎样囊肿10例临床病理分析

2.Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor in an adult:case report成人不典型畸胎样/横纹肌样肿瘤1例

3.Diagnosis value of ultrasonographic on congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the fetal lung超声对胎儿肺囊性腺瘤样畸形的诊断价值

4.Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of fetal congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung产前超声诊断胎儿先天性肺囊性腺瘤样畸形

5.The diagnostic value of routine tumor markers in mature cystic teratomas of the ovary常规肿瘤标记物在卵巢成熟囊性畸胎瘤中的诊断意义

6.Clinical Aspect of Mature Ovarian Teratoma: Result of 237 Cases卵巢成熟性囊性畸胎瘤237例临床分析

7.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of mature cystic ovarian teratomas卵巢囊性成熟性畸胎瘤的超声诊断分析

8.The Study of Sonography the Ovarian Luteum Hematon and Teratom;卵巢黄体血肿与畸胎瘤超声声像图的对比研究

9.Cysts are the result of faulty embryogenesis.囊肿由胚胎发育不全引起。

10.One case report of fetal death due to the umbilical cord cyst and the literature review胎儿脐带囊肿荟萃分析(附1例报告)

11.Carcinogenesis of ovary mucous cystoadenoma with cystic teratoma:case report卵巢囊性畸胎瘤伴黏液性囊腺瘤并部分癌变1例

12.Kidney and ureter duplication with ureterocele:case report肾及输尿管重复畸形伴输尿管囊肿1例

13.Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors of the central nervous system: report of one case中枢神经系统非典型畸胎瘤样/横纹肌样瘤1例

14.By observing the size, wall structure and inside of the lesion, intestinal duplication could be easily differentiated from intestinal cyst.观察肿块的大小、囊壁结构及囊内分隔 ,有助于鉴别肠重复畸形与肠系膜囊肿。

15.Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation mimicking congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation in a newborn1例酷似先天性肺囊性腺瘤样畸形的新生儿肺动静脉畸形

16.Primary malignant teratoma of liver:a clinicopathologic analysis肝脏原发性囊性成熟性畸胎瘤合并腺癌临床病理分析

17.Two cases report of trabecular carcinoid association with teratoma卵巢囊性成熟型畸胎瘤伴梁索型类癌2例临床报告及文献复习

18.Ultrasound Diagnosis Embryo lymphcyst and Chest Ascites(a case report);超声诊断胎儿颈部淋巴囊肿并胸腹水一例


Oral teratoid cyst口腔畸胎样囊肿



5)Adult atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor成人非典型畸胎样/横纹肌样肿瘤

6)Typical teratoid rhabdoid tumor不典型畸胎样/横纹肌样肿瘤



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