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时间在流逝 每一天 都值得被认真对待

时间:2020-02-04 04:52:11


一、时间在流逝,每一天,都值得被认真对待。Time goes by and every day deserves to be taken seriously.

二、与其羡慕别人,不如做好自己。肤浅的羡慕,无聊的攀比,笨拙的效仿,只会让自己整天活在他人的影子里面;盲目的攀比,只会带来烦恼,不会带来幸福,更会带来痛苦。每个人,都应当认清自己,找到属于自己的位置,走自己的路。人生,越努力越幸运!~亲们,大家早安!Better be yourself than envy others. Shallow envy, boring comparison, clumsy imitation, will only let oneself live in the shadow of others all day; blind comparison, will only bring trouble, will not bring happiness, will bring pain. Everyone should recognize themselves, find their own position and take their own road. Life, the harder you work, the luckier you are! Good morning, dear relatives!

三、等过了这个夏天,我们的教室又坐满了人,只是不再是我们了。After this summer, our classroom is full of people, but its not us anymore.

四、能够说出来的悲伤便不是悲伤,能够哭出来的疼痛便不是疼痛,那是对它们的腐蚀。Sadness that can be said is not sadness, pain that can cry is not pain, it is corrosion to them.

五、路途或许很辛苦,但请再加把劲,一定会走过去的。The journey may be very hard, but please try harder, you will surely go through it.

六、父母与儿女谈什么,别谈钱,谈钱,伤感情,亲情不会因为钱增进或减少一分。What do parents talk about with their children? Don talk about money, talk about money, hurt feelings. Family relationship will not increase or decrease one point because of money.

七、 做一个简单的人,有自己的心,有自己的原则,学会优雅的转身,请管好自己的心,别让它轻易的四处纷飞飘舞;请走好自己的路,别让它扭曲,夭折人生的旅途!Be a simple person, have your own heart, have your own principles, learn to turn gracefully, please take care of your heart, don let it fly around easily; please take your own road, don let it twist, die the journey of life!

八、爱自己就是提升自己最好的方法。当你提升了自己,也就同时改善了你的世界。Love yourself is the best way to improve yourself. When you improve yourself, you also improve your world.

九、你本不富裕 为何不放手一搏,博赢了,好日子,博输了,继续原来的日子。Why don you let go and win when you are not rich? Good days, good days, bad luck, good luck and good luck.

十、如果注定要承受痛苦,那么就把痛苦当作是一种磨练,既然一切不可避免,就让暴风雨来得更猛烈一些吧!If you are destined to suffer, then treat pain as a kind of training. Since everything is inevitable, let the storm come more fiercely.

十一、从今天开始,做个难相处的人,尽情尽兴的给讨厌的人甩脸子,光明正大给喜欢的人说情话,情愿少活几年,只想痛快一点。Beginning today, be a difficult person, shake the face of people who hate you with all your heart, and talk to people who like you openly and honestly. I would rather live a few years less and just want to be happy.

十二、并不是所有的事物被赋予一些东西,就会变得有意义,所以我们的生活,一半是“废”的,一半是“成”的。只有处在这样的状态,我们才能张弛有度,活得没那么累。Not all things are endowed with something that will make sense, so our life is half wasted and half finished. Only in this state can we relax and live less tired.

十三、回忆就是这样,越是试着忘记,越是记忆深刻。Thats what memories are like. The more you try to forget, the deeper you remember.

十四、感情有时候很讽刺,经得起风雨的打击,却经不起生活的平淡无奇。Emotions are sometimes ironic. They can withstand the storm, but they can withstand the blandness of life.

十五、 没有哪一种生活、哪一种年龄不会遭遇辛苦,我们的奋斗和努力,不是为了挣脱,而是为了可以拥有更多选择的资格。努力,赋予了我们改变的可能,又在每一次的选择过后,让我们变得更加优秀。There is no kind of life, which age will not suffer hardship, our struggle and efforts, not to break away, but to have more choices of qualifications. Efforts give us the possibility to change, and after every choice, let us become better.

十六、不想放弃所以一直坚持,不想流泪所以一直装笑,不想被丢下所以宁愿独自一人。I don want to give up, so I always insist, I don want to cry, so I always pretend to laugh, I don want to be left behind, so I prefer to be alone.

十七、一句“有我在”能够秒杀所有情话。给你发这三个字的人一定是从心底喜欢你的,对方惦记着你生活的方方面面,总是愿意包容你,关心你。A "Im here" can kill all love words in seconds. Those who send you these three words must like you from the bottom of their hearts. They are always willing to tolerate and care about you when they think about all aspects of your life.

十八、做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做你所有想做的事。Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

十九、到了现在这个年纪,谁都不想再取悦了,跟谁在一起舒服就和谁在一起,包括朋友也是,累了就躲远一点。取悦别人远不如快乐自己。宁可孤独,也不违心。宁可抱憾,也不将就。At this age, nobody wants to please anymore. When you are comfortable with someone, you can stay away from them, including your friends. Better to please others than to be happy with yourself. I would rather be alone than against my will. I would rather regret than settle down.

二十、 你看多可惜,我们每个人从陌生开始,故事的最后又难免变成熟悉的陌生人。人生所有猝不及防的相遇,都好像是蓄谋已久的离散,运气都用来相遇,陪伴就成了奢侈。What a pity you see, each of us begins with strangers, and the end of the story inevitably turns into familiar strangers. All unexpected encounters in life seem to have been deliberately separated for a long time. Luck is used for encounters and companionship becomes luxury.

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