肿瘤康复网 > 健康产业发展40年巡礼:深圳华大基因科技有限公司


时间:2023-03-23 01:40:27



Start From the Human Genome Project to Receive Many Leading Scientific Achievements

1999年,为承担人类基因组计划“中国部分”(1%计划),华大注册成立。中国成为唯一加入该计划的发展中国家。截至6月,华大累计发表论文超2500+篇,国际顶级学术期刊收录300+篇。华大在知识产权方面已申请国内外专利2683件,已获得授权发明专利 841件。

In 1999, BGI was established for taking part in Human Genome Project (HGP). At that time China was the only developing country which participated in the HGP. Since then, BGI has accumulatively published over 2500 academic articles, including more than 300 articles published on top international journals. Till June , BGI has 2683 intellectual properties applied for patents, and 678 have been granted.


Actively take responsibilities for the people and the country’s benefit


BGI has made great contributions to deal with some emergent crucial public health crises. During the African Ebola Crisis, BGI sent a vanguard to Sierra Leone; In Escherichia coli outbreak in Germany, BGI firstly deciphered the whole genome of Escherichia coli, invented the diagnostic kit and published the open-access research results. In China, BGI was the first one completing the genome sequencing of SARS, invented SARS virus diagnostic kits and donated 300,000 to the country without any charges.


China National Genebank: The first national gene bank in China


In , the National Development and Reforming Committee authorized the establishment of the China National Genebank based on BGI Research.


,华大全资收购美国上市公司Complete Genomics(CG),并迅速实现技术的转化与再创新。目前全球只有中美两国、三家公司可以量产临床级别测序仪,华大是其中之一。


In , BGI acquired the American publicly traded company-Complete Genomics (CG) followed by accelerating the transfer and creation of technologies. Up to now there are only three companies in two countries which can mass produce clinical sequencers. BGI is one of them.

On July 14, , BGI’s subsidiary – BGI Genomics was listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.


Starting from self-practice among the employees, BGI has developed a digitalized trans-omics closed loop plan from health indexes establishment, precision intervention and health improvement. BGI is walking on the way to benefit and bring wonderful life to all human beings starting from self-practice!

