肿瘤康复网 > 母亲节:境外旅游酒店推荐


时间:2023-12-30 19:14:15




为了生活,为了梦想,为了某些期许披星戴月,不负昭华的游子们 。人前人后辛勤劳作,有没有一刻疲惫不已。有没有会软弱得想要投入某个名叫家避风塘。我作为成年人生活了多年,越发觉得有她的地方就是家。在那里我可以不必那么优秀,不必那么从容,甚至可以不用那么懂事,可以听着她的唠叨,喝着她煲好的汤。然后沉沉地睡一觉。吃饱了,心暖了。明天继续加油。


第一站 希腊圣托里尼/Santorini

阿斯塔特酒店/Astarte Suites


Located on the volcanic rock of Santorini, the Astarte Hotel is surrounded by smooth white rock where customers can fully enjoy a relaxed atmosphere. The favorite is the beautiful pool, where you can enjoy the Aegean Sea, the blue ocean and the steep cliffs not far away


Provide a suite with a private Jacuzzi bath and enjoy the spectacular views of the Caldera and Aegean Sea. The hotel offers an endless pool of Mediterranean cuisine.

Astarte Suites酒店的套房以自然色调浪漫地装饰,设有内置床铺。每间套房均设有卫星电视、CD播放机和迷你吧,朝向俯瞰着火山的私人露台,还提供浴袍、拖鞋和化妆品,使客人倍感舒适。

The Suites at the Astarte Suites is romantically decorated in natural tones, with a built-in bed. Each suite has a satellite TV, CD player and minibar, which faces a private patio overlooking the volcano, as well as bathrobes, slippers and cosmetics to make the guests feel more comfortable.

客人可以在露台的私密环境内享用早餐。Astarte酒店的厨师提供由新鲜食材烹饪而成的当地和国际美食。Morning Star池畔酒吧供应清凉鸡尾酒、小吃和简餐。

Guests can enjoy breakfast in the private environment of the terrace. The chef of the Astarte Hotel offers local and international cuisine cooked from fresh ingredients. The Morning Star Pool Bar serves cool cocktails, snacks and snacks.

Astarte Suites酒店距离圣托里尼机场(Santorini Airport)和Ormos Athinios Port港口有不到20分钟车程,距离Akrotiri考古遗址有1.5公里,距离壮观的红色海滩(Red Beach)仅有很短的车程,提供免费WiFi和免费内部停车场。

The Astarte Suites Hotel is less than 20 minutesdrive from Santorini Airport and Ormos Athinios Port, 1.5 kilometers from the Akrotiri archaeological site and only a short drive from the spectacular Red Beach, providing free WiFi and free internal parking.


The architectural style and style of the Kilakdi, volcanic lava relief surrounds the boutique hotel.


The interior is inspired by the ancient Mediterranean culture, and no two suites are the same. All rooms are equipped with a jacuzzi, a king-size bed and a flat-screen TV. The details are remarkable: the Jacuzzi lanterns and fat candles, the domed ceiling set with Swarovski stones, twinkling like stars. Blowing the sea breeze to swim, very comfortable to spend this summer.

第二站 Villa Kalisat(卡里萨别墅酒店)

精品Villa Kalisat假日公园位于巴厘岛(Balinese)传统村庄的后面,坐落在佩塔努河峡谷(Petanu River Gorge)的山坡上方80米处,距离传统的家庭村庄和寺庙50米,提供覆盖各处的免费WiFi、2个室外游泳池、私人spa以及通往佩塔努河(Petanu River)的私人小径,距离乌布(Ubud)中心仅有12分钟车程。

The boutique Villa Kalisat Holiday Park is located behind the traditional Villa of Balinese, 80 meters above the hillside of the Petanu River Gorge, 50 meters from traditional family villages and temples, offering free WiFi, 2 outdoor swimming pools, private spa and a private path to the Petanu River, all over the country, The Ubud center is only 12 minutes away.

Villa Kalisat假日公园的7间套房均经过设计,最大限度的呈现假日公园风景如画的热带雨林、河谷和泳池美景。客房拥有典雅的陈设布置以及传统的现代巴厘岛风格设计,均配有四柱床、蚊帐、迷你吧、电热水壶以及带花洒淋浴的独立浴室。

The seven suites in Villa Kalisat Holiday Park are designed to maximize the views of the Holiday Park with its picturesque tropical rainforests, river valleys and swimming pools. The guestroom has elegant furnishings and the traditional modern Bali style design, all equipped with four-poster bed, mosquito net, mini bar, electric kettle and showered individual bathroom.

VillaKalisat假日公园周围围绕着热带雨林和野生动物,距离乌布皇宫(Ubud Palace)和乌布猴林(Ubud Monkey Forest)有12分钟车程,距离登巴萨机场(Denpasar Airport)有90分钟车程。

The Villa Kalisat Holiday Park is surrounded by tropical rainforests and wildlife and is 12 minutes away from the Ubud Palace and the Ubud Monkey Forest, Itsa 90-minute drive from Denpasar Airport.

Kalisat Spa提供各种spa护理服务,辛勤的母亲可以尽情享受轻松的按摩服务。客人亦可在假日公园内或周边地区进行骑自行车、徒步旅行和稻田散步等各种活动。假日公园提供免费停车场。

Kalisat Spa offers a variety of Spa care services, and guests can enjoy a relaxing massage service. Visitors can also take part in activities such as cycling, hiking and walking in rice fields in or around the Holiday Park. Holiday Park offers free parking.



Guests can order lunch or dinner at a restaurant in Holiday Park or by room service. The restaurant serves Western, raw and local cuisines until 22:00.Good location! All the guests who stayed said that the location of the house was great compared with the rest of the Ubud accommodation.

第三站 智利魔术山旅馆/magic mountain lodge

智利魔术山旅馆(Magic Mountain Lodge)在一处私人拥有的自然保护区内,是智利最好的酒店,依山而建的酒店外型与火山非常相似,山顶喷涌而出清凉的瀑布,表面布满了青苔和蔓藤,和周围的森林融为一体。

The Magic Mountain Lodge in Chile is in a privately owned nature reserve, The best hotel in Chile, the shape of the mountain-based hotel is very similar to the volcano. The mountain peaks gush out cool waterfalls covered with moss and vines, and mingle with the surrounding forest.


The Magic Hill Hotel was built entirely of wood and stone, and its surface was covered with moss and vines, And the surrounding forest into one, as if the Hobbits cabin, in which to meet everyones fairy tale and fantasy travel dreams.


In addition to the summer heat, due to its location in the Andes, As well as relaxing in this unique hotel, visitors can also explore the rainforests and see rare animals such as the worlds smallest deer, the Purdue deer.


Cabin: The interior of the room is made of wood, but you don have to worry about the ruggedness, the softness of the bed and the rich local flavor of the furnishings can make you feel different.


Bar: This is the bar in the hotel, all woodwork. The candlelight on the table is a perfect place for you to open your heart to your mother and spend a perfect holiday with wine and beautiful scenery.


Dining room: Looking out the window at the magnificent rainforest, you will unconsciously want to stay here, Let down your grown ,relax your body and mind .


Hope that every lovely mother can be happy, easy to organize, please pay more attention, like, forward, comment. Thanks for reading.


