肿瘤康复网 > Mallorca - DROPS 169-25 白色无袖连衣裙

Mallorca - DROPS 169-25 白色无袖连衣裙

时间:2020-01-25 08:57:13


Mallorca by DROPS Design

Knitted DROPS dress with lace pattern worked top down in ”Muskat”. Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 169-25

DROPS design: Pattern no r-686

Yarn group B


Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL


DROPS MUSKAT from Garnstudio

650-700-800-850-950-1050 g colour no 18, white

DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 and 80 cm) SIZE 3.5 mm - or size needed to get 21 sts x 28 rows in lace pattern = 10 x 10 cm.

DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 3 mm – or size needed to get 22 sts x 45 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.

All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at

Share your project with us on Facebook or Instagram using #dropsdesign :)

Yarn costs for this pattern:

from 18.85 £ in yarn

DROPS Max Prices (per 11.03.)



1.45 GBP

DROPS Needles & Hooks

from 1.00 GBP

To get the measurement tape to be 100 % accurate, you have to print out the pattern in full scale (and not use the print option "fit to page").

Instructions to DROPS 169-25 Need help? Read more at the end of the pattern

GARTER ST (back and forth):

K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

GARTER ST (worked in the round):

1 ridge = 2 rounds. * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.


Inc by making 1 YO on each side of st with marker in (= 2 sts inc). On next round K the YOs to make holes.

DECREASE/INCREASE TIP (applies to distribution of dec/inc):

To calculate how often dec/inc should be done, use the total no of sts on row (e.g. 154 sts) and divide by no of dec/inc to be done (e.g. 10) = 15.4. I.e. in this example K alternately approx. every 14th and 15th st and 15th and 16th st tog (when dec) or inc after alternately approx. every 15th and 16th st.

NOTE: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next round P YO twisted to avoid holes.


See diagrams A.1 to A.6. Choose diagram for correct size.



The piece is worked top down. First work yoke at the front and back, back and forth in 2 parts, then slip sts tog and work piece in the round until finished measurements.


Worked back and forth on circular needle.

Cast on 71-71-77-81-85-91 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Muskat. Switch to circular needle size 3 mm and insert 1 marker in the 18th-18th-20th-22nd-22nd-24th st in from each side (= 35-35-37-37-41-43 sts between markers).

K 1 row from WS. Then work in GARTER ST - see explanation above, AT THE SAME TIME on first row from RS inc on each side of the 2 sts with markers - READ INCREASE TIP-1 (= 4 sts inc). Repeat inc every other row (i.e. every row from RS) 18-20-20-22-25-25 times in total = 143-151-157-169-185-191 sts on needle. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION

K 1 row from WS after last inc. Piece measures approx. 8-9-9-10-11-11 cm. Work next row as follows from RS: Cast off the first 35-37-39-43-46-48 sts (= strap), K the next 73-77-79-83-93-95 sts (the first of these sts is already on right needle), then cast off the last 35-37-39-43-46-48 sts (= strap), cut the yarn. Work next row as follows from WS: Cast on 3-5-9-12-14-20 new sts at beg of row, work the 73-77-79-83-93-95 sts from needle and cast on 3-5-9-12-14-20 new sts at the end of row = 79-87-97-107-121-135 sts. Work in garter st back and forth for 4-4-4-5-5-5 cm – AT THE SAME TIME after 3-3-3-4-4-4 cm, dec 1 st in each side by K tog the 2 second outermost sts in each side from RS = 77-85-95-105-119-133 sts. When ridges are done, adjust so that last row is a row with K from WS, put piece aside.


Cast on and work as yoke at the back.


Slip sts from yoke front and back on to same circular needle size 3.5 mm = 154-170-190-210-238-266 sts. Work pattern in the round according to diagram A.1 and dec AT THE SAME TIME 10-14-10-6-10-14 sts evenly on 1st round – READ DECREASE/INCREASE TIP = 144-156-180-204-228-252 sts and 12-13-15-17-19-21 repetitions of 12 sts. When A.1 has been worked, work pattern in the round according to diagram A.2 while AT THE SAME TIME dec 0-4-4-4-4-4 sts evenly on 1st round = 144-152-176-200-224-248 sts. After A.2 work pattern in the round according to diagram A.3 (NOTE: Choose diagram for correct size = 18-19-22-25-28-31 repetitions of 8 sts). When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 180-190-220-225-252-279 sts on needle. Switch to circular needle size 3 mm and work 2 ridges while inc 12-14-8-15-12-9 sts evenly on 1st round = 192-204-228-240-264-288 sts.

Switch back to circular needle size 3.5 mm. Then work pattern in the round according to diagram A.4A (= 16-17-19-20-22-24 repetitions of 12 sts). When A.4A has been worked 2 times vertically, work A.4B. After A.4B there are 224-238-266-280-308-336 sts on needle. Now work pattern in the round according to diagram A.4C 2-3-3-3-4-4 times in total vertically, then work A.4D 1 time vertically = 256-272-304-320-352-384 sts on needle.

Switch to circular needle size 3 mm and work 2 ridges while inc 3-5-3-5-3-1 sts evenly on 1st round = 259-277-307-325-355-385 sts. Switch back to circular needle size 3.5 mm and work 2 rounds in stocking st. Work next round as follows: Work A.5A (= 7 sts), repeat A.5B until 6 sts remain on round (= 41-44-49-52-57-62 repetitions of 6 sts) and finish with A.5C (= 6 sts). When A.5 has been worked 2 times vertically, switch to circular needle size 3 mm again. Work 2 ridges while AT THE SAME TIME inc 5-11-5-11-5-11 sts evenly on 1st round = 264-288-312-336-360-396 sts. After ridges change to circular needle size 3,5 and work pattern in the round according to diagram A.6 (= 22-24-26-28-30-33 repetitions of 12 sts). When A.6 has been worked one time vertically, there are 286-312-338-364-390-429 sts on needle. Then repeat A.X over A.6 until piece measures approx. 86-89-92-95-98-101 cm (or desired length, approx. 4 cm remain until finished measurements). Work 2 rounds in stocking st and finish with pattern according to diagram A.2 before LOOSELY casting off all sts. Dress measures approx. 90-93-96-99-102-105 cm from shoulder and down (measured flat).


Sew the shoulder seams. Sew side seams on yoke edge to edge in outer loops of edge sts so that the seam is flat.

Diagram explanations






1 YO between 2 sts, K YO on next round (= hole)


1 YO between 2 sts, K YO twisted on next round (= not hole)


K 2 tog


slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso


slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso

Diagram for

Diagram for

Diagram for

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