肿瘤康复网 > 言传身教:让孩子会说道歉


时间:2022-06-12 00:00:23






1Louis CK:父亲

Louis Székely,在演艺界名称为Louis CK,是一位美国喜剧演员、作家、导演和编辑,饰演那位严肃、耐心而又有原则的父亲。此视频小故事是否Louis CK的编辑和导演大作呢?不得而知。

不肯道歉的女士,由Hannelore williams扮演。故事中的角色极不可爱,但是Hannelore williams表演却十分到位。下面是她的艺术照,身上没有丝毫那位不肯道歉的女士痕迹。

商店经理,由Mando Alvarado饰演。“经理”虽然出镜不多,但是他为消费者、为孩子主持正义,值得点赞。

保安,由Mark Gabriel Phillips扮演。保安只在故事的最后阶段出现,但是出手将侵扰孩子的女士,虽然她并非有意而为,绳之于法,也获得了不少观众的称赞,是位好警察。









国内可以看到的视频版概有2-3个版本。第一、二个版本除了加上中文字幕和结尾的字幕翻译署名外,内容和英文版本一样,不肯道歉的女士被警察带走。这两个版本的区别在于片尾的广告不同。第三个版本主要内容一样,但故事结尾于孩子安慰那位不肯道歉的女士, 而该女士被警察带走镜头被删除了。




Louie, as afather in the film, and his two daughters, both under the age of 10, shopping in a super market.

A woman loudly talking on her cell phone shoves herself in front of Louie and knocks some stuff off the shelf and swears loudly and then is gone. Louie does nothing but catch the boxed goods she knocked off the shelf. Seemingly influenced by this encounter, the younger sister, Lilly intentionally hits her older sister, Jane. Immediately, Lilly insists it was an accident and then protests her father’s insistence of an apology by lying on the floor and yelling that it was an accident and that she will not say that she is sorry.

Louie insists, “Say you’re sorry – tell her you’re sorry.”

I’m not sorry, says Lilly.

Yes you are, says Louie

Jane pipes in, “she doesn’t have to.”

“Yes she does,” says dad.

Then he launches into this beautiful and utilitarian description of how to say you’re sorry. He says, “It’s not easy to say sorry, but you have to do it. All you gotta do is make the sound – it’s just a sound, push the air out of your body through your face and say it – sorry, sorry, sorry.”

Lilly starts to push air through her body and our her face and she manages to say, “I’m sorry” and actually sound like she means it.

Her sister says thank you.

Now, it should end here. Because that’s a nice ending, isn’t it? But it’s not. The loud lady on the cell phone returns and this time bumps pretty hard into his youngest daughter, Lilly without a backward glance, without saying sorry.

Lilly, just having learned a valuable lesson right there in the grocery store isle can’t believe the woman didn’t stop to say that she was sorry.

Then Louie, in typical hyperbolic story telling fashion, chases down the rude woman and insists that she apologize for running into his daughter, even explaining he’s trying to teach them how to navigate this kind of stuff.

As he interrupts her never-ending cell phone conversation, she says, “Who do you think you are? Please don’t hit on me right now, I’m trying to live my life.”

He explains about the apologizing and she responds “What is your problem? Are you trying to tell me what to do right now?”

Louie persists, “Can you just say you’re sorry? Not to me – to her.”

Then Louie goes to the store manager, explains he’s trying to teach his girls.

The manager apologizes and then confronts the lady and insists that she tell the little girl she’s sorry. “Who are you, talking to me like that? I didn’t mean it. I won’t apologize.” says the unrepentant lady.

The next scene is of the woman being arrested for assaulting a minor, with mild mannered Louis still simply saying, “I just need her to say sorry.” To which the cop says, “You wouldn’t say sorry- what’s wrong with you?”

She yells at Louie, “This is your fault.”

It’s then that Lilly steps forward and from her cute Cindy-Lou-Who voice she teaches the woman how to say sorry, just as she’s been taught. “I know it’s hard to say sorry. I didn’t like it either. You just make a word. Push the air out of your face. Just say sorry. Please try.”

The woman says that she’s sorry and Lilly says, “It’s ok. I know it was an accident.”

The woman breaks down, sobbing and his hauled out the door to jail.






致谢 Acknowledgement


