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Cell Host & Microbe:宏基组技术发现全新病毒Redondoviridae

时间:2022-07-29 18:39:58




近日,宾夕法尼亚大学Perelman医学院的研究人员在Cell Host & Microbe杂志发表了题为Redondoviridae, a Family of Small, Circular DNA Viruses of the Human Oro-Respiratory Tract Associated with Periodontitis and Critical Illness的论文。研究使用宏基因组学,鉴定了一个被称为Redondoviridae的小型环状DNA病毒家族,该病毒与多种人类疾该有关。




The global virome is largely uncharacterized but is now being unveiled by metagenomic DNA sequencing. Exploring the human respiratory virome, in particular, can provide insights into oro-respiratory diseases. Here, we use metagenomics to identify afamily of small circular DNA viruses—named Redondoviridae—associated with human diseases. We first identified two redondovirus genomes from bronchoal veolar lavage samples from human lung donors. We then queried thousands of metagenomic samples and recovered 17 additional complete redondovirus genomes. Detections were exclusively in human samples and mostly from respiratory tract andoro-pharyngeal sites, where Redondoviridae was the second most prevalent eukaryotic DNA virus family. Redondovirus sequences were associated with periodontal disease, and abundances decreased with treatment. Some critically ill patients in a medical intensive care unit were found to harbor high levels of redondoviruses in respiratory samples. These results suggest that redondoviruses colonize human oro-respiratory sites and can bloom in several human disorders.


1. Arwa A. Abbas,Louis J. Taylor, Marisol I. Dothard, Jacob S. Leiby, Ayannah S. Fitzgerald,Layla A. Khatib, Ronald G. Collman, Frederic D. Bushman.Redondoviridae, a Family of Small, Circular DNA Viruses of the Human Oro-Respiratory Tract Associated with Periodontitis and Critical Illness.Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 26, Issue 2, 14 August , Pages 297./10.1016/j.chom..04.001


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