肿瘤康复网 > 女人没有性伴的时候就来硬的


时间:2018-09-30 07:54:41



Women rape men when they have no one to have sex with



There are hundreds of lonely women in the prime of life seeking to apply their libido

Mary Kay Leturno, 34, a secondary school teacher from Washington, the daughter of a family relations advocate and an ultra-conservative deputy representing California, the divorcedwoman having two children was sentenced to seven years in prison. Why? The prosecution states that the woman seduced a male student from Samoa who was 21 years younger than she. But the woman insists that she fell in love with the young man and he returned her feelings. Luckily, the story ended quite happily, and the woman was pardoned. The couple got two children. The second baby was conceived after Mary had been sentenced to three-month imprisonment and six months of rehabilitation at a Treatment Center for Pedophiles. The story is quite simple. If the boy looked older Mary would have never guessed she became apedophile. Today, there are hundreds of lonely women in the prime of life seeking to apply their libido.

In Georgia, the affair of Lisa Linnet Clark, 37, has been the talk of the day for several months already. At first, the woman became amistress and then a fiance of a 15-year-old relative of a friend of hers. The boy was friends with Lisa"s teen-age son and visited her home. It happened so that the woman and the boy began to have secret dates that supposedly lasted for two years.

When the woman got pregnant the young man was perfectly honest and wanted to keep the baby and marry the woman. According to the laws of the state, there will be no age restrictions if one of a couple is underage and the couple will soon have a baby. But the boy"s grandmother was incredibly indignant at the affair and became deeply disappointed with Lisa. Indeed, the grandmother had found Lisa so nice before when the woman offered to take her grandson to the skating rink, to the cinema or just for a walk. The furious granny accused the young woman ofpedophilia, and Lisa was sent to prison.

In most stories of the sort it is not the pedophilia issue that actually matters. They are all about women"s unmet needs. Women may easily cast prudence to the winds when receiving not enough care from husbands or after they break up with partners. Feeling absolutely abandoned these women either drop in sex shops or seek Internet acquaintances with students or teenagers.

Some people, especially women may actually go off the rails because of sex problems.

Sylvia Johnson, 40, from Colorado was sentenced to 30 years in jail for organizing orgies for her son"s friends involvingsex, drugs and alcohol. The woman highly likely also took part in those orgies.

At a private party in Norway, a 31-year-old tipsy man fell asleep on a sofa. When standing at court later, the man said he had awakened because he felt some girl was performingoral sex on him. The court sentenced the girl to nine months in jail. The woman was also ordered to pay a compensation at the rate of 4.920 euros for assaulting the man. Poor girl, she probably had to resort to the shameful doing having absolutely nobody to have sex with. And it is not ruled out that the man enjoyed the “assault.”

Men are more inclined to employ women"s weak points for their selfish ends. British David Ashbrook, 59, holding a top position in thepetroleum industry alleges he has fallen victim to sexual harassment from his female boss, Elizabeth Lestan, a US citizen. The man insists the harassment continued for several months and reached the peak when after a dinner in a club the woman openly offered the man to proceed to more intimate contacts in a hotel. But the British definitely declined the proposal when they reached the hotel in a taxi. David Ashbrook says that starting with that very day the woman began finding faults with him in the office. Now, the man demands 400 thousand pounds of compensation for the sexual discrimination, persecution in the office and coercion to leave the office.

Many of us will find it strange why the healthy single man at all rejected the offer of the resolute woman and instead initiated court proceedings against her.

In Australia"s Queensland, a male teacher came to a legal brothel to enjoy his spare time. At that, nobody is embarrassed with the fact that the teacher decided to drop in a brothel while many people believe teachers must serve the example for students. The man was shocked to see that one of theprostitutes was his school colleague. When he confessed the truth to other colleagues the woman was dismissed from school. However, some sources inform that the school administration knew about the additional employment of the woman but shut the eyes to it because she was a talented teacher.

In Queensland, Nicole Meyer from the health care department had to defend herself as it turned out that she had additional employment as a brothel manager. That was a licensed parlor house at the place. The divorced mother of two children worked three days of the week at a hospital and three days as a brothel manager. Besides, she also delivered lectures on health care at the Technology University of Queensland.

The delicate problem even reached the United Nations! UN official Karina Perelli known for her key role in organizing elections in Iraq was accused of putting up with the indecent conduct of employees in her office. An inspection in the office revealed that jokes on sex issues, sexual insinuations and frivolous behavior were rather popular there.

What is the way to solve the problem and save the situation? Not long ago, former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss said she would open a ranch in Nevada, a brothel to offer services to women for $250 an hour. She will call it "Heidi"s Stud Farm."

“Women are more independent these days; they make more money and it"s hard to meet people," Fleiss said. “You wouldn"t believe the number of women who"ve told me, "Heidi, if you do this, I"ll be the first one in line!" I mean, relationships are harder than dieting, you know what I mean?”

She made a deal with Joe Richards, who owns three Nevada brothels, in part to prove she would run a cleanbusiness. Her partner, a 30-year brothel operator, has said Fleiss" name would not be on the license. Her role would be more promotional, and her job title would be “hostess/madam.” Joe Richards and Fleiss would remodel and change the name of one of his existing bordellos, which is now a bar and a collection of trailers called the Cherry Patch about 20 miles north of Pahrump.

Heidi says: “I"m going to put out a casting call for about 20 guys - I bet I get thousands of applicants.”

Richards said in the letter that a male brothel would “address an ever-increasing fact of life,” because “society is witnessing a unique evolution of the female gender reaching out for the same service we now offer male clients.” In an interview, he elaborated: “Say a guy gets into an argument with his wife. What does he do? Lot of times, he goes out, gets a drink, goes to a place to be serviced. Now women can say, "Hey, if you can do it, I can too."

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