肿瘤康复网 > BEC初级阅读:经济增长放缓中国大学生就业难


时间:2021-07-22 18:14:40




China's labor market has so far proved resilient despite a slowing economy, but that means little to recent college graduate Wu Xiuyan.


"My classmates and I want to find jobs in banks or foreign-trade companies, but the reality is that we can't find positions that match our education," said Ms. Wu, 24 years old, who graduated in June from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. She has spent the time since then living at home and trawling recruitment websites.


"I just want a stable, maybe administrative, job," she said, "but why is it so hard?"


China has shown little evidence of rising unemployment despite the slowest growth rate since the global financial crisis - and is nowhere near the jobless rates seen in some of the countries hardest hit by the euro-zone debt crisis. But slowing growth underscores a fundamental challenge to China's economic development: the underemployment of huge numbers of graduates that Chinese colleges are churning out.


Experts say that many of the graduates lack skills such as critical thinking, foreign languages and basic office communications that businesses are looking for. Even small private enterprises that offer humble salaries find many graduates unsatisfactory. "Those small sales companies that desperately need people also reject us graduates," said Ms. Wu. "They say we don't have social resources or work experience that they need."


At the same time, China has made only limited gains in remaking its economy so it relies more on services and innovation and less on construction and assembly-line manufacturing. That limits the markets for the lawyers, engineers and accountants that Chinese universities are producing.


As a result, many graduates find they can get only low-skill jobs that pay far less than they imagined they would make and see a future of limited prospects. A survey of more than 6,000 new graduates conducted last year by Tsinghua University in Beijing said that entry-level salaries of 69% of college graduates are lower than those of migrant workers who come from the countryside to man Chinese factories, a figure government statistics currently put at about 2,200 yuan ($345) a month. Graduates from lower-level universities make an average of only 1,903 yuan a month, it said.


Li Junjie graduated in June from Communication University of China, majoring in broadcast journalism. "It is getting even harder for us to get a job than the previous graduates of my major because fewer positions are left for me and my classmates," said the 23-year-old native of Guangdong province, who is staying with friends in Beijing as he looks for work.


"Media outlets here look for professionals or native English speakers, not fresh Chinese graduates with only a diploma."


While worker dissatisfaction hasn't manifested itself in public protests, it is bound to be a worry for China's top leaders who regularly stress the need to avoid social instability. China's productivity gains could slow if it can't better match the demand of its current job market and the skills of its graduates.


China's universities have churned out more than 39 million graduates with undergraduate or specialized degrees over the past decade, according to the Ministry of Education. People with some college education now account for about 8.9% of China's population, according to government data. While that's a much smaller proportion than the 37% of the adult population in the U.S, it's a sharp rise from China's 3.6% in 2000.


The employment rate of college graduates last year was 90%, according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and MyCOS Research Institute, a Beijing-based education consulting firm. But only 47% of the 256,000 graduates surveyed said they feel satisfied in their current job.

根据中国社会科学院和北京教育咨询公司麦可思研究院(MyCOS Research Institute)的调查,去年中国高校毕业生就业率为90%。但受访的25.6万名学生当中,只有47%的人表示对目前的工作满意。

"To solve the underemployment problem, you need to adjust the economy for the workforce that China has now," said Chetan Ahya, an economist at Morgan Stanley.

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)经济学家阿赫亚(Chetan Ahya)说,要解决就业难问题,就得为中国现有的劳动力调整经济结构。

"High-end jobs that should have been produced by industrialization, including research, marketing and accounting etc., have been left in the West," said Chen Yuyu, professor at Peking University's Guanghua School of Management. Referencing the trade name of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., the Taiwan company that makes gadgets for Apple Inc. and others in Chinese factories, he said, "We only have assembly lines in Foxconns."

北京大学光华管理学院副教授陈玉宇说,研发、营销和会计等本应在工业化过程中产生的高端岗位留在了西方,而我们只有富士康的流水线。富士康(Foxconn)是台湾企业鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.)的商标名称,该公司在中国大陆的工厂为苹果(Apple Inc.)等公司代工生产电子产品。

A large population of college-educated workers with ambitions for better jobs could have long-term advantages, economists say. Educated labor could make China more appealing to both foreign and domestic companies hoping to add service-oriented jobs in China. The group so far also seems less likely to stir unrest than migrant workers, who in recent years have staged protests in some areas over low pay and other issues.


"The underemployment is more a short-term problem," says Albert Park, professor of Economics at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. "The demand will be there for China's graduates."

香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)经济学教授朴之水(Albert Park)说,就业难更多的是一个短期问题,对于中国大学毕业生来说,需求是会有的。

