肿瘤康复网 > 免疫学模型的小鼠太干净要小心!


时间:2022-05-05 11:52:01


关于这个问题最先是在一个群中听到一个教授说他的小鼠搬了一个新的动物房,然后急性肠炎模型怎么也做不出来,开始我还半信半疑,今天看了这篇Nature Communication的文章(5月三日发表PMID,28466840),感觉免疫学的不容易。作者捕获了12个地点的460只野生鼠和SPF小鼠进行比较,发现其在免疫功能上有很大差异,

The study found that these two groups of mice have major differences in their immune make-up. The wild mice had highly-activated immune systems, most likely because they are more exposed to infections. The wild mice also tightly control their responses to new infections, probably to prevent immune-mediated disease.

In 62 immunological measures, 57 differed between wild and laboratory mice. Importantly, the researchers showed that wild mice have more highly-activated myeloid cells -- bone marrow cells that initiate immune responses.

Professor Viney from Bristol"s School of Biological Sciences said: "It"s remarkable that despite the enormous number of studies of laboratory mice, ours is the first in-depth study of wild mice immune systems. "What this shows is that wild mouse immune systems are working at "warp-speed", compared with their lab cousins.

"These results point to us having to be much more cautious in extrapolating from the lab to the wild, but laboratory mouse models will continue to be hugely important in biological and biomedical research."

上面英文来源于:Lab mice may not be effective models for immunology research



gating myeloid cells on F4/80 and Ly6G expression to define M1 (tissue resident

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