肿瘤康复网 > 医学补充阅读:糖尿病人营养指南


时间:2019-05-27 05:53:50


nutrition guidelines for diabetes type 2 patients, joslin diabetes center

as americans" waistlines continue to expand, contributing to a burgeoning epidemic of type 2 diabetes, the scientific jury is in and the verdict is clear: weight loss and increased physical activity is directly related to improved diabetes control. to help americans fight the dramatic increase in type 2 diabetes, joslin diabetes center has crafted new nutrition and physical activity guidelines for overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes and those at risk for developing diabetes (pre-diabetes).

"since obesity doesn"t seem to be slowing down and the complications of diabetes are so serious, we were especially alarmed about the health of the american public. we felt the best way to impact the largest number of people was to strengthen our nutrition guidelines," said james l. rosenzweig, m.d, head of joslin"s clinical guidelines committee. the team of physicians, dietitians, exercise physiologists and educators spent months reviewing the scientific literature to draw up new guidelines. "the search was on for guidelines that would improve insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular health and reduce body fat. and most importantly, we wanted to deliver a plan that makes clear what people need to do to achieve their goals," said dr. rosenzweig, who also is director of joslin"s disease management program and assistant professor of medicine at harvard medical school.

