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舌上皮细胞 tongue epithelial cells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-07 06:01:04


舌上皮细胞,tongue epithelial cells

1)tongue epithelial cells舌上皮细胞

1.Objective: To investigate the theory of governance from the stagnation of liver perimenopausal syndrome in patients with changes intongue epithelial cells mechanisms.目的:探讨从肝郁论治围绝经期综合征患者舌上皮细胞变化的机制。


1.Study on Relationship Among TCM Syndrome, Tongue Picture & Apoptosis of Exfoliated Cells in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病中医、证舌与舌上皮细胞凋亡的相关性研究

2.Study of TCM Activating Spleen Treatment Effect and Relationship between Cell Apoptosis and Changes of Tongue Cells of Children with Anorexia舌苔上皮细胞凋亡与厌食症患儿舌苔变化的研究及药物干预作用

3.Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Changes of the Epithelia from Dorsal Lingual Mucosa舌背黏膜上皮细胞的凋亡和周期变化探索研究

4.superficial basal cell epithelioma表浅性基底细胞上皮瘤

5.hyperplasia of chorionic epithelium绒毛膜上皮细胞增生

6.follicular epithelial cell滤泡上皮细胞 -甲状腺

7.squamous cell carcinoma of cornea角膜鳞状上皮细胞癌

8.squamous cell carcinoma of penis阴茎鳞状上皮细胞癌

9.squamous cell carcinoma of vagina阴道鳞状上皮细胞癌

10.squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva结膜鳞状上皮细胞癌

11.adenoid basal cell epithelioma腺样基底细胞上皮瘤

12.exfoliative cytoscopy of vagina阴道脱落上皮细胞检查

13.squamous cell carcinoma of vulva外阴鳞状上皮细胞癌

14.keratinizing basal cell epithelioma角化型基底细胞上皮瘤

15.An Experimeal Study on the Transdifferentiation from Epidermal Stem Cells to Corneal Epithelial Cells;表皮干细胞向角膜上皮细胞转分化的实验研究

16.Experimental Study on Differentiating into Sweat Gland Epithelial Cells from Epidermal Stem Cells诱导表皮干细胞向汗腺上皮细胞分化的研究

17.Angiostatin Down-Regulates Vascular Endotheial Growth Factor Expression in Human Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells;血管抑素下调人舌鳞癌细胞血管内皮生长因子的表达

18.The Correlation between the Severity of Radiotherapy-induced Glossitis and the Injury of Endothelial Cells in the Local Tissues in A Rat Model放疗性舌炎与其病损组织血管内皮细胞损伤的相关性研究


epithelial cell上皮细胞

1.Effects of candida albicans on the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 mRNA in cultured human vaginalepithelial cells;白假丝酵母菌对人阴道上皮细胞TLR4 mRNA表达的影响

2.Effects of propofol on intestinalepithelial cells with oxidative stress injury;异丙酚对肠上皮细胞氧化应激损伤的影响

3.Culture of rabbit primary cornealepithelial cells;兔角膜上皮细胞体外原代培养方法的研究

3)epithelial cells上皮细胞

1.Inhibition effects of compound leech eye drops on apoptosis of lensepithelial cells and expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax genes in rats;复方水蛭滴眼液抑制大鼠晶状体上皮细胞凋亡及其对Bcl-2和Bax基因的调控

2.Effect of bifidobacteria on IL-8 and TNF-α secretion in rotavirus infected intestinalepithelial cells;双歧杆菌对轮状病毒感染肠上皮细胞IL-8和TNF-α分泌的影响

3.Study on antiproliferation effect and cell cycle arrest effect of genistein on cultured immortalized human lensepithelial cells;金雀异黄素对永生化人晶状体上皮细胞系HLEC-B3细胞增殖和周期的影响


1.The study on oralepithelium primary culture with modified tissue culture in vitro;改良组织块法体外原代培养口腔黏膜上皮细胞

2.Human urethralepithelium culture and identify in vitro体外分离培养的人尿道黏膜上皮细胞的生物学特性

3.Objective To study the mRNA expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and 4 in human urinary tractepithelium.目的探讨Toll样受体(Toll-like receptor,TLR)2和4在人尿路上皮细胞中的表达情况。


1.Proteomics study of the small intestinal epithelia of splenic asthenia syndrome mice and the adjustive action of dry radix ginseng;脾虚小鼠小肠上皮细胞蛋白质组特征及白参的干预作用研究

2.Objective:The purpose of the experiment was to dynamically observe and identify the rat epididymal epithelial cells cultured in vitro and the change in motile ability of the sperm after co-cultured with the epididymal epithelial cells.目的:对体外培养的大鼠附睾上皮细胞进行动态观察与鉴定,了解体外条件下精子与附睾上皮细胞共同培养后精子活动力的变化。

3.This review investigates the research progress of NNAs and describes the structure and function of NNAs in different cells,such as glial cell,endothelium,epithelia and lymphocyte.非神经性乙酰胆碱系统包括乙酰胆碱、胆碱乙酰转移酶、胆碱酯酶、毒蕈碱乙酰胆碱能受体和烟碱胆碱能受体,广泛地存在于角质化细胞、肿瘤细胞、内皮细胞、胶质细胞、上皮细胞、淋巴细胞、生殖器官等非神经性细胞和组织,参与这些细胞和组织的功能调节,并与一些疾病的病理生理变化相关。

6)Epithelium cells上皮细胞

1.TiO_2 nanometer thin film influence the growth of lens epithelium cells and macrophages in vitro;TiO_2纳米薄膜影响晶状体上皮细胞和巨噬细胞生长的体外研究

2.Objective to observe the depressive effect of TiO_2 nanometer thin film on lens epithelium cells (LEC) and macrophages(MΦ) in vitro when it is activated during UVA illumination or after UVA pre-irradiation, and investigate its influence on surface cellular proliferation and adherence.目的:通过观察经长波紫外线UVA(365nm)直接照射或预照射两种激发处理后,TiO_2纳米薄膜对体外培养的牛晶体上皮细胞和小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的抑制效应;研究该薄膜影响表面细胞黏附生长的特性。

3.Objective To investigate the killing effect of photoexcited TiO_2 nanometer thin film on lens epithelium cells(LEC), and observe the adhesiveness and migration of LEC on the film.目的:研究近紫外光(UVA)激发下TiO_2纳米光催化剂薄膜对体外培养的牛晶状体上皮细胞(LEC)的杀伤效应,并观察其对晶状体上皮细胞黏附及移行的影响。


上皮细胞分子式:CAS号:性质:原来是指来自上皮组织的细胞,但常指形态上在细胞间有清楚的边界的不规则多角形细胞。因此,近年来常称之为上皮样细胞(epitheloid; epitheliallike)。起源于外胚层和内胚层组织的细胞,如皮肤细胞及其衍生物,肠管上皮、肝、胰、和肺上皮细胞培养时皆呈上皮型。

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