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波立维 Plavix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-26 18:09:32




parison of antiplatelet therapy with PLAVIX or domestic Clopidogrel Bisulfate for patients undergoing coronary stenting:a randomized controlled trial冠状动脉支架术后进口氯吡格雷(波立维)与国产氯吡格雷(泰嘉)抗血小板治疗的对照研究

2.To investigate the effects of Aralosides andPlavix on expression of inflammatory molecule sVCAM-1 and the activity of Malcic Dialdchyde (MDA) & superoxide dismutase(SOD) in rats after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion(MI/R) injury.本研究观察MI/R时血清sVCAM-1和MDA、SOD表达的变化,并给予龙牙楤木总皂甙及波立维进行干预以探讨其对大鼠MI/R的保护作用,在以往研究的基础上进一步阐明其保护机制,从而为中药龙牙楤木总皂甙用于防治心血管疾病提供理论依据。


1.Experimental Study of Endovascular Irradiation Associated with Simvastatin and Clopidogrel on Restenosis after Interveneional Therapy;~(32)P舒降之波立维联用预防血管成形术后再狭窄的实验研究

2.Formation of 3D Contour Map of Stress Wave Propagation in American Red Pine Trees应力波在美国红松立木中三维传播波形的构建

3.Solitary Wave Solutions for n-Dimension Nonlinear Chaffe-Infante Equation;n维非线性Chaffe-Infante方程的孤立波解

4.Study of three-dimensional morphological filtration algorithm on dstructuring element基于立体结构元素的三维形态滤波算法的研究

5.Focusing model for generating 3-D freak waves based on HOS method高阶谱方法建立三维畸形波聚焦模拟模型

6.The present mathematical model is based on the potential wave theory and the mixed Euler-Lagrangian method (MEL) is employed for discretization.本文在势波理论的基础上,建立了一个能够精确计算立面二维非线性水波的数值模型。

7.Party of Serbs: Zagreb; f.1993; Leader Milorad Pupovac.塞尔维亚人党:札格拉布;1993年成立;领导人-米洛拉德·普波瓦茨。

8.The Development and Applications of a 2-D Numerical Wave Tank and the Study of Wave-Current Interaction;二维数值波浪水槽模式的建立和应用及浪流相互作用研究

9.Analysis of Nearfield for Photomask Based on Extended Fourier Diffraction Theory and Rigorous Coupled-Wave Method;光刻仿真中二维掩模近场的扩展傅立叶分析和严格耦合波分析

10.Two Dimensional Cubic Nonlinear Coupling Estimation in Zero Mean Independent Multiplicative Noises零均值独立复杂噪声背景下二维谐波估计的时间平均矩方法

11.Lenticular-based 2D anti-aliasing digital filtering method for stereo image一种基于棱柱镜的立体图像二维抗混叠数字滤波方法

12.2-D DFT-DWT Hybrid Transform and Its Application in Removing Speckle Noise for Medical Ultrasound Images二维离散傅立叶-离散小波混合变换及其在超声波医学图像去噪中的应用

13.of three dimensions三维[度]的, 立体的

14.Solitary Wave Solutions and Periodic Wave Solutions to Equal Width Wave Equation;Equal Width波方程的孤立波解雨周期波解

15.Then, the paper essentializes the two key problems in the course of building a three-dimensional monitor network: the optimum geometrical graph and the precision distance surveying.同时,简要分析了建立高精度的测边三维监测网的两个关键问题,即最优构形和精密光波测距。

16.Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian.波罗的语的包括拉脱维亚、立陶宛和古普鲁士语在内的印欧语系的一个分支的或与之相关的

17.the Slavic language of Poland.波兰人说的塞而维克语。

18.the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber.通过神经纤维的放电波。


standing wave立波

1.Effective stress and liquefaction of seabed under the action ofstanding waves;立波作用下海床的有效应力与液化分析

2.Applying numerical solution method of Fourier approximation ofstanding waves,waveforces on vertical walls are computed.采用Fourier近似立波数值解计算直墙式建筑物上的立波作用力,以典型波浪条件的计算结果为例,比较了数值解和我国以及日本现行规范计算方法的差异,指出了两种规范中有待进一步改进之处。

3)standing waves立波

1.The scours of a sand bed in front of a vertical breakwater acting bystanding waves, broken waves or breaking waves are systematically investigated.本文对立波、远破波、近破波作用下直立堤前海床的冲刷进行了系统的研究。

4)Wavelet-transform and Two-dimensional Independent Component Analysis(WT-2DICA)小波变换与二维独立元分析

5)solitary wave/wave group孤立波/波群

6)3D stand vortex三维立涡

1.The results show that the velocity of ocean current is enhanced both sides of riser and alternately shed vortex are formed after riser;3D stand vortex behind riser likes headstand cone;the topside vortex shed earlier than underside from the riser.以胜利油田CB306井组平台为例,运用大涡模拟(LES)方法对海底管道立管系统弯管段周围流场进行了模拟分析,结果表明:海流流速在立管两侧增大,在立管后方形成交替脱落的漩涡;立管后方形成的三维立涡成倒锥形,上部漩涡比下部漩涡先脱离立管;三维立涡底部海水对海底的剪切作用及对海底沉积物的提升作用最强,这也是海底冲淘作用不断加剧的根本原因。



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