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促血管生成 angiogenesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-20 17:39:15




1.Objective:The experiment investigates the mechanism of Astragalus Shixiao decoction for promotingangiogenesis on chrioallantoic membrane(CAM),and provides an experimental basis for further developing and using it in clinic.目的:通过鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜(chrioallantoic membrane,CAM)模型以探讨黄芪失笑散的促血管生成的作用及机理,为进一步开发及临床应用提供实验依据。


1.The Correlation of Angiopoietin and Angiogenesis of Breast Cancer;促血管生成素与乳腺癌血管生成的相关性

2.The Expression of Angiopoietin2 Gene in Glioma and Its Relationship with Angiogenesis;胶质瘤促血管生成素2基因表达的意义及与血管生成的关系

3.Expression of Survivin and its correlation with tumor angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma口腔鳞癌发生过程中Survivin促血管生成作用的研究

4.Application of angiopoietin-2 in detection of gynecological tumors促血管生成素-2在妇科肿瘤检测中的应用

5.Kakkonein Depress the Angiogenesis Caused by Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2(ACE2);葛根素抑制血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)的促血管生成作用

6.The Expression of Ang-2 and It s Relationship with Microvessel Density in Epithelia Ovarian Carcinoma;上皮性卵巢癌中促血管生成素-2的表达及与微血管密度的关系

7.Synthesis and Evaluation of Promoting Angiogenesis of O~7-(Nitro-oxyalkyl)chrysinsO~7-位硝酸酯类白杨素衍生物的合成及其促血管生成作用

8.The Significance of Angiopointin-1,-2 Expressions in the Endometrium of Women with Abnormal Bleeding Induced by Intrauterine Device;促血管生成素-1,-2在宫内节育器引起子宫异常出血中的作用

9.Mechanism of Hypoxic Training Promoting Angiogenesis on Muscular Tissue;低氧运动促进肌组织血管生成的机制

10.Progress of Research on Electrical Stimulation Promoting Neovascularization电刺激促进新生血管形成的研究进展

11.Experimental Study on Bone Marrow Endothelial Progenitor Cells Improving Vasculogenesis of Acute Ischemic Hindlimbs of RabbitsBM-EPCs促进兔急性缺血后肢血管生成的实验研究

12.Adenovirus-mediated Gene Transfer of Angiopoietin-related Protein 2 Induces Angiogenesis in Ischemic Myocardium;血管生成素相关蛋白2基因促进缺血心肌血管新生的研究

13.Study the Effects of Nerve Growth Factor on Angiogenesis of Regenerative Peripheral Nerve and Its Mechanisms;NGF促进再生周围神经血管生成及机制研究

14.The Experimental Research of the Stimulating Angiogenesis Effect of Morinda Officinalis How Oligosaccharides;巴戟天寡糖促治疗性血管生成作用的实验研究

15.Study on Enhanced Angiogensis of Artificial Dermal Scaffold Combined with Angiogenin;血管生成素促进组织工程真皮支架血管化的研究

16.Vascular endothelial growth factor C,D promote formation of lymphatic vessel in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma血管内皮生长因子C和D可能促进食管鳞癌组织中淋巴管的生成

17.Clinical Study and Experiment for the Mechanism of Promoting Angiogenesis of Shengmai Chenggu Capsule;生脉成骨胶囊促进血管生成的机理研究与临床观察

18.The Effect of EPO Blockade on Retinal Neovascularization;阻断促红细胞生成素对视网膜新生血管形成的影响



1.Angiopoietin-1 promotes adhesion and metastasis of human gastric cancer cell line促血管生成素-1对人胃癌细胞黏附和转移作用的研究

2.ObjectiveTo investigate the mechanisms of Buyang Huanwu Decoction (BYHWD) by observing its effects on expressions ofangiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) and the endothelial-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (Tie-2) mRNA in damaged region of rats" brain after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).目的通过观察补阳还五汤对脑出血大鼠脑内损伤区促血管生成素-1(angiopoietin-1,Ang-1)及其内皮特异性受体(endothelial-specific receptor tyrosine kinase,Tie-2)mRNA表达的影响,探讨补阳还五汤的作用机制。

3.The Expression and Significance of the Angiopoietin-1 in the Kidney of Diabetic Rats;目的探讨促血管生成素-1(ang iopo ietin-1,A ng-1)在糖尿病鼠肾脏中的表达变化及其意义。


1.Objective To investigate the pathological mechanism of hemangioma and vascular malformation,the expression ofAng-1、Ang-2 and Tie2 in hemangioma and vascular malformation was evaluated and its significance was analyzed.目的探讨促血管生成素-1(Ang-1)、促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)及其受体Tie2在血管瘤和血管畸形组织中的表达及意义。

2.Objective To examine the expression level of Fas,Ang-1, Ang-2, E-cad in human ovarian epithelial tumors and explore their relationship with tumorigenesis and prognosis.目的检测Fas、促血管生成素-1(Ang-1)、促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)、E-钙粘蛋白(E-cad)在卵巢上皮肿瘤组织中的表达水平,藉此评价其与肿瘤发生发展及预后的关系。


1.Objective To investigate the pathological mechanism of hemangioma and vascular malformation,the expression of Ang-1、Ang-2 and Tie2 in hemangioma and vascular malformation was evaluated and its significance was analyzed.目的探讨促血管生成素-1(Ang-1)、促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)及其受体Tie2在血管瘤和血管畸形组织中的表达及意义。

2.Objective To examine the expression level of Fas, Ang-1,Ang-2, E-cad in human ovarian epithelial tumors and explore their relationship with tumorigenesis and prognosis.目的检测Fas、促血管生成素-1(Ang-1)、促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)、E-钙粘蛋白(E-cad)在卵巢上皮肿瘤组织中的表达水平,藉此评价其与肿瘤发生发展及预后的关系。

3.The lentiviral vector-mediated RNA interference(RNAi) ofAng-2 gene has been constructed and expressed successfully in the transfected U251 cell line.第一部分人促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)基因RNA干扰(RNAi)慢病毒载体的构建和鉴定目的构建Ang-2基因RNAi慢病毒载体,为其体内外实验研究提供依据。


1.Effects ofangiopoietin-2 on implant carcinoma angiogenesis of cervical cancer;促血管生成素-2对宫颈癌种植瘤血管形成的影响

2.The application value of Angiopoietin-2 for early screening carcinoma;促血管生成素-2在肿瘤早期筛查中的应用初探

3.Inhibitory effect ofangiopoietin-2 on implant carcinoma in nude mice;促血管生成素-2抑制裸鼠种植瘤生长的研究


bination ofAngiopoietin-1 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor at Proper Ratio Promoted Functional Neovascularization in Rats with Experimental Limb Ischemia;促血管生成素1和血管内皮生长因子基因合适剂量配比有效促进血管生成

2.Dynamic changes of angiopoietin-1 and the receptor Tie-2 expression in rat brains following intracerebral hemorrhage;目的:观察与微血管系统重建过程密切相关的促血管生成素(Angiopoietin-1,Ang-1)及其受体含免疫球蛋白样环和上皮生长因子样域酪氨酸激酶-2(tyrosine kinase that contains immunoglobulin-like loops and epidermal growth factor-similar domains-2,Tie-2)在大鼠基底核脑出血后表达的动态变化。



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