肿瘤康复网 > 十味温胆汤 Shiwei Wendan Decoction英语短句 例句大全

十味温胆汤 Shiwei Wendan Decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 13:41:09


十味温胆汤,Shiwei Wendan Decoction

1)Shiwei Wendan Decoction十味温胆汤

1.Clinical Study ofShiwei Wendan Decoction in Treating Coronary Heart Disease Stable Angina Pectoris of Qi Deficiency and Stasis-phlegm Type十味温胆汤加味治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛气虚痰瘀证临床研究


1.Clinical Study of Shiwei Wendan Decoction in Treating Coronary Heart Disease Stable Angina Pectoris of Qi Deficiency and Stasis-phlegm Type十味温胆汤加味治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛气虚痰瘀证临床研究

2.Obsenve the Effect of Modified Wendant Tang on Paitients with Diabetes Combination with Cerebral Infarction温胆汤加味治疗糖尿病性脑梗死临床观察

3.The Experimental Study on Treating Dyssomnia Related Peptic Ulcer with Jiaweiwendan Tang;加味温胆汤治疗消化性溃疡相关性睡眠障碍的实验研究

4.The Experimental Study on the Jiawei Wendan Tang to Dyssomnia Related to Stress Peptic Ulcer(Pu);加味温胆汤治疗应激性消化性溃疡相关性睡眠障碍的实验研究

5.Clinical Observation on Treating Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Disease of the Phlegm-blood-stagnancy-type by Decoction of Jia Wei Wen Dan Tang加味温胆汤治疗痰瘀交阻型冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床疗效观察

6.The Study on Intervene Effects of Vascular Endothelial Function in Hypertension TanYuZheng by Jiaweiwendantang加味温胆汤对高血压病痰瘀证内皮功能干预研究

7.A changed decoction of Wen Dan Tang in treating the microangiopathy complications of diabetes温胆汤化裁治疗糖尿病微血管并发症

8.Clinical Study of the Treatment of PVC with Modified Wendan Decoction加减温胆汤治疗室性早搏的临床研究

9.Empirical Study of the Variant Herbae Artemisiae Capillariae Decoction Therapia Bile Pigment Calculus;加味茵陈蒿汤治疗胆色素结石的实验研究

10.Clinical Obsezvation on 32 Insomnia Cases Treated by “Wen Dan Tang” Mainly温胆汤加减治疗痰浊型失眠症32例疗效观察

11.Experimental Study of Wendan Decoction on Pharmacodynamics in Blood-Lipid of Experimental Hyperlipidemia Rats;温胆汤对实验性高脂血症大鼠的药效学研究

12.Experimental Study on the Affecting of Decoction for Clearing Gallbladder Heat of Prescriptions Assigned to the Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors of Diseases on Slumber;《三因极一病证方论》温胆汤改善睡眠的实验研究

13.Clinical Observation on Treating Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Disease by Decoction of Seasonal Wen Dan Tang;四时温胆汤治疗冠心病心绞痛的疗效观察

14.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Wendan Decoction in Treating Intracranial Metastatic Tumours;温胆汤加减治疗颅内转移瘤的临床与实验研究

15.Experimental Study on the Compatible Effect of Wendan Decoction s Chemical Constiuent and their Fixed Quality and Fixed Quantity Analysis;温胆汤化学组分的定性分析及配伍作用的研究

16.Wendan Decoction on the Treatment of Unstable Angina Role温胆汤加减对不稳定性心绞痛的治疗作用

17.The Clinical Research of Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder Heat Combined Chlorderazin to Treat Schizophrenia温胆汤联合氯丙嗪治疗精神分裂症临床研究

18.The Clinical Observations of Compound Sini-wendang Tang to Treat the Neurasthenia of Hepatobiliary Depression-Tanreqing;复方四逆温胆汤在肝胆郁结痰热型神经衰弱临床疗效观察


Modified Wendan Decoction加味温胆汤

1.Cerebrospinal Fluid ContainingModified Wendan Decoction for Protection Against β-amyloid_(25~35)-induced Injury in NG108-15 Cells;加味温胆汤含药脑脊液抗Aβ细胞毒性作用及其机制的实验研究

3)Jiawei Wendan decoction加味温胆汤

1.Effects ofJiawei Wendan decoction on learning and memory and cAMP-PKA pathway of hippocampal signal transduction in rats model of depression;加味温胆汤对抑郁模型大鼠学习记忆能力及海马cAMP-PKA途径的影响

2.Objective:To validate clinicalcurative effect that Jiawei Wendan Decoction improve clinical symptom and prognosis in patients of hypertension through testing the level of ET-1,NO,vWF in serum and FMD.目的:本课题通过采用对高血压内皮功能疗效评价的指标进行严格的临床设计,通过测定具有祛痰化淤的加味温胆汤治疗高血压治疗前后ET-1,NO,vWF,FMD的变化,来论证加味温胆汤对改善高血压病患者临床症状,改善预后的意义,进而更加科学的评价其对高血压病的治疗效果,同时对于高血压的中药治疗客观评价有重要意义。

4)wendan decoction modified温胆汤加味

1.Methods: 36 patients were treated bywendan decoction modified in treatment group,and anther 36 patients in control group by western medicine.方法:治疗组36例,采用温胆汤加味治疗,设对照组36例,单用西药治疗。

5)modified Huanglian Wendan Decoction加味黄连温胆汤

1.Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy ofmodified Huanglian Wendan Decoction (MHWD) on diabetic asymptomatic myocardial ischemia.目的观察加味黄连温胆汤治疗糖尿病无症状心肌缺血的临床疗效。

6)Coptis Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder-heat黄连温胆汤加味

1.ObjectiveTo observe the clinical efficacy ofCoptis Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder-heat on thetreatment in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).一、黄连温胆汤加味治疗老年轻度认知障碍痰浊阻窍证的临床研究对老年轻度认知障碍积极进行干预是延缓老年认知功能进一步衰退的有效措施,为老年期痴呆寻找最佳干预时间,减轻家庭负担和社会负担有重大的理论和现实意义。





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