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透明质酸凝胶 HA gels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-12 15:19:51


透明质酸凝胶,HA gels

1)HA gels透明质酸凝胶

1.GM grafting method was adopted to prepare HA derivatives(GMHA) and getHA gels after exposing it under γ-ray.用甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯(GM)对透明质酸(HA)进行接枝改性,制备交联透明质酸衍生物(GMHA),通过辐照获得透明质酸凝胶。


1.Preparation and Biocompatibility Investigation of the Cross-linked Hyaluronic Gel Film交联透明质酸凝胶膜的制备及其生物相容性的研究

2.Curative Effect of Tetracyclines Hyaluronic Acid in Adjunctive Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis四环素透明质酸凝胶治疗慢性牙周炎的疗效评价

3.Detection of unknown residual solvents of sodium hyaluronate product医用透明质酸钠凝胶未知残留物的检测

4.Effects and Pathways of Effects of Hyaluronan on Collagen Gel from Human Fetal Lung Fibroblasts透明质酸对人胚胎肺成纤维细胞胶原凝胶的作用及其途径

5.Repair of Articular Cartilage Defect with Homogeneous Chondrocytes Combined with Hyaluronic Acid Benzylester Gel;异体软骨细胞复合透明质酸苄基酯凝胶修复关节软骨缺损

6.The Application of Gel Chromatography in the Separation and Purification of Hyaluronic acid from Broth凝胶层析在发酵液中分离提纯透明质酸中的应用

7.Clinical Analysis on Intra-articular Injection of Medical Sodium Hyaluronate Gelatin for Knee Osteoarthritis膝骨关节炎医用透明质酸钠凝胶关节腔注射临床分析

8.Effects of sodium hyaluronate on the physicochemical properties of ophthalmic thermosensitive in situ ge1s of diclofenac sodium透明质酸钠对眼用温度敏感原位凝胶体外释放和粘附力的影响

9.Application of injectable hyaluric acid phenmethyl ester gelatin in cartilage tissue engineering可注射性透明质酸苄基酯凝胶在软骨组织工程中的应用

10.The Optical and Electrical Properties of the Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Transparent and Conducting Thin Film Derived by Sol-gel Technique;溶胶—凝胶法制备ATO透明导电薄膜的光电性质

11.A Study of Reducing Scar Formation about Sodium Hyaluronate and Autogenous Vein for Nerve Regeneration in Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injury;透明质酸钠凝胶和自体静脉减少瘢痕形成促进周围神经再生的实验研究

12.Ingredient: Verbena and Aloevera Gel etc.主要成份:马鞭草、芦荟胶、金缕梅、透明质酸。

13.Investigation of PVA-HA-collagen as scaffolds for tissue engineering聚乙烯醇-透明质酸-胶原组织工程支架研究

14.Study on Transparent and Conductive ZAO Thin Films by Sol-Gel Technique;溶胶—凝胶法研制ZAO透明导电薄膜

15.Fabrication and Study of Collagen-Chondroitin Sulfate-Hyaluronic Acid Scaffold Imitating ECM for Dermal Tissue Engineering胶原—硫酸软骨素—透明质酸复合真皮支架的构建及性能研究

16.Study on Covalently Cross-Linked Alginate-Gelatin Hydrogels;化学交联海藻酸盐—明胶水凝胶的研究

17.Characterization and biocompatibility of human-like collagen-hyaluronic acid scaffold for blood vessel类人胶原蛋白-透明质酸血管支架的性能及生物相容性

18.Adhesion and growth of human periodontal ligament cells on hyaluronic acid/collagen scaffold人牙周膜细胞在透明质酸/胶原支架上的黏附与生长


sodium hyaluronate gel透明质酸钠凝胶

1.Determination of the osmolality ofsodium hyaluronate gels by vapor pressure osmometry;露点法测定透明质酸钠凝胶渗透压

2.Application value ofsodium hyaluronate gel in nonpenetrating trabecular surgery;透明质酸钠凝胶在非穿透小梁手术中的应用价值

3.Six cases were treated by electric suction cutting under nasal endoscopy,20 cases were treated by electric suction cutting under nasal endoscopy and synergying laser,and postoperative wound withsodium hyaluronate gel treatment.方法:回顾性分析26例复发性喉乳头状瘤患儿的临床资料,采用鼻内镜下显微电动吸切术6例,鼻内镜下显微电动吸切术协同激光治疗,并对术腔创面涂透明质酸钠凝胶20例,对2种手术方式的疗效进行分析评价。

3)SK GEL交键透明质酸凝胶

4)tetracycline hyaluronic acid四环素透明质酸凝胶

1.Curative effect oftetracycline hyaluronic acid as adjunctive treatment on chronic periodontitis;四环素透明质酸凝胶辅助治疗慢性牙周炎的疗效观察

5)hyaluronate implant透明质酸钠凝胶植入物

6)Medical sodium hyaluronate gelatin医用透明质酸钠凝胶

1.Medical sodium hyaluronate gelatin can protect articular cartilage and relieve pain,and no adverse reaction was observed.目的观察医用透明质酸钠凝胶关节腔注射治疗膝骨关节炎的疗效。


透明1.晓悟领会。 2.彻底。 3.能透过光线的。 4.常形容透亮;明白。

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