肿瘤康复网 > 门静脉主干 Portal stem vein英语短句 例句大全

门静脉主干 Portal stem vein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-27 10:42:47


门静脉主干,Portal stem vein

1)Portal stem vein门静脉主干


1.Results The main portal vein appearance was accordant with 3D CE MRP and direct x-ray portography in all cases.结果3D CE MRP和直接门静脉造影显示门静脉主干的结果完全一致。

2.Implantation of the linear ~(125)I seed strand into portal venous trunk:an experimental study in rabbits兔门静脉主干内植入连续排列~(125)I粒子条的实验研究

3.Application of Wallstents in Treatment of Portal Vein Hypertention by the Tumor ThrombusWallstents在门脉主干癌栓所致门脉高压中的应用

4.Of or relating to the portal vein or the portal system.门静脉门静脉的,门静脉系统的,与门静脉系统有关的

5.Meanwhile, the time reaching to peak enhancement of aorta and portal vein were also investigated.对主动脉和门静脉到达强化峰值的时间也进行了观察和统计。

6.Observation and Intervention of Liver Injury Induced by Portal Hypertension Following Extensive Hepatectomy in Rats;广泛肝切除术后门静脉高压所致肝损伤及其干预的实验研究

7.Nursing Care for Patients with Advanced Hepatocirrhosis Undergoing Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation and Esophagogastric Devascularization骨髓干细胞移植联合门奇静脉断流术治疗晚期肝硬化的护理

8.Research on the therapeutical effect of transplanting hepatocyte-like cells to hepatic fibrosis骨髓来源干细胞门静脉移植治疗肝纤维化的实验研究

9.Value of 64-slice multi-detector computed tomography in the diagnosis of cavernous transformation of portal vein64层螺旋CT门静脉成像诊断门静脉海绵样变性

10.The variations of the portal vein were observed after reconstructing3- dimentional portal vein and hepatic veins.三维重建门静脉及肝静脉,分析门静脉的解剖与变异。

11.Pathological Study of Portal Vein、Hepatic Artery and Hepatic Vein in the Patient with Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension;肝硬化门脉高压患者肝动脉、门静脉和肝静脉病理变化分析

12.Idiopathic hepatic arterio-portal-venous malformation in liver肝脏特发性肝动脉-门静脉畸形1例

13.Patent venous catheter and portal vein branch hypoplasia:one case永存静脉导管并门静脉分支发育不良1例

14.MRI Dagnosis of Acute Portal VEIN and Superior Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis急性门静脉和肠系膜上静脉血栓形成的MRI诊断

15.Evaluation of Spiral CT in the Diagnosis of Portal Vein Involvement螺旋ct门静脉成像诊断门脉受侵的价值

16.Ultrastructural pathology observation of pulmonary artery and lung in a portal hypertension canine model after portal and inferior vena cave clamped and opened门静脉和下腔静脉阻断与开放后门静脉高压犬肺动脉和肺组织超微结构改变

17.7 cases of hepatic cancer companied with portal vein tumor thrombus were given injection of absolute alcohol for tumor thrombus in portal vein.7例合并门静脉癌栓者 ,加做门静脉癌栓内无水酒精注射治疗。

18.A Study in Application of 64-detector Row Helical Computer Tomography Portography on Portal Hypertension;64层螺旋CT门静脉造影在门静脉高压症中的应用价值研究


Major portal vein cancer metastasis门静脉主干癌栓

3)Portal vein门静脉

1.Double chemoembolization of hepatic carcinoma by TACE and portal vein PCS:evaluation of MSCT volumetric measurement;26例原发性肝癌经肝动脉和门静脉双重介入治疗的多层螺旋CT体积测量评价

2.Effect of percutaneous chemotherapy pump placement for portal vein chemotherapy on hepatic metastasis of colorectal cancer;经皮化疗泵植入门静脉化疗治疗结直肠癌肝转移的临床观察

3.Evaluation of MSCT volumetric measurement of double chemoembolization of hepatic carcinoma by TACE and portal vein port catheter system;原发性肝癌经TACE联合门静脉PCS双重治疗的MSCT评价


1.Oral Contraceptive-inducedPortal Vein Cavernous Transformation with Multiple Thrombosis:A Case Report;口服避孕药致门静脉海绵样变性伴多发性血栓1例

2.Effects of low dose of losartan on rats with portal hypertension;小剂量氯沙坦治疗大鼠肝硬化门静脉高压症的实验研究

3.Role of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor mRNA in portal hypertensive gastropathy;VEGF及其受体在门静脉高压性胃病中的作用

5)hepatic portal vein肝门静脉

1.Three dimensional reconstruction and real time display ofhepatic portal vein of first Chinese digitized visible human;首例中国数字化可视人体肝门静脉系的三维重建与实时显示

2.The morphological observation of embranchment of thehepatic portal vein within liver;肝门静脉肝内分支的形态观测及临床意义

parison of microstructural component between human and pighepatic portal vein;人与猪肝门静脉显微结构成分的比较

6)portal vein blood门静脉血

1.Clinical significance of the expression of CK20 mRNA inportal vein blood of patients with colorectal cancer during operation;大肠癌术中门静脉血CK20 mRNA检测临床意义的探讨

2.Methods:CK20 mRNA was detected in Portal vein blood samples of patients with rectal cancer before and after operation from 50 patients by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).目的 :研究直肠癌门静脉血 CK2 0 m RNA表达及临床意义。



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